About Me
Jesus, is first in my life. It is my hope that these songs bless you. Sometimes we have to stub our toes to learn a lesson, hopefully you are not like me and are a repeat offender.. it took me 38 plus years to get this far. I received my first guitar when I was 13. For 33 years I kept my music hidden except for when I'd play for friends and small gatherings and family. Until one day, a small still voice told me to follow my dream. It landed me flat on my rump, with no where to go, no place to live. I became homeless August 2002. I knew this would happen to me, it was designed that way. Why? Heaven only knows. Actually I do know but I didnt know it then. I was flat out busted, bankrupt and emotionally wrecked, I considered committing suicide via Jack Daniels Black Label whiskey and some high powered sleeping pills I convinced my doctor I needed, as I reached for my sleeping pills that small still voice said " This is not what I had in mind for you" I yelled out literally " look where I am at! what do you want from me?" all I heard then was one word, "Leave"...I decided it was time to hit the streets. I was on my way to Branson, Mo as suggested by my Dad because after 45 years he said to me " Son dont go to Nashville, they don't play old country anymore, go to Branson, you are old country, and you are very good at it" it was the first time my Dad ever said I was good at anything. I set out hitchhiking from Texas to Branson, but the state of Oklahoma had other plans and I had to buy a bus ticket leaving me 36 miles short of my destination and arriving there with maybe $20.00. Harrison, Arkansas of all places. When I finally arrived there, I went into that bus station to wash up as best I could before heading on. Little did I know that the name of the building " The PowerHouse" had anything to do with it not only being a bus station but also a Church. I remained and lived in the back of that Church helping the Bus Agent for over a year just for the food and a roof over my head. That was our agreement up front and flat out, I said "Mister you got a deal because you just gave me more than I expected" All I had when I arrived was a duffle bag full of clothes and my old guitar. I knew absolutely no one, didnt know where I was going to live, eat, or even sleep. I then began my walk with God. I should add here that the Bus Agent was not the Pastor of the Church, When I met the Pastor on the very next following Sunday, we sat and talked, I told him what I had come to believe that God delivered me to this place, that I was on my way to Branson to follow that dream the small still voice I had heard told me to do. The Pastor wanted to hear my music, I said to him " Sir this is a Church and I do not know any Gospel songs other than Amazing Grace and a medley that I had put together starting with " Do Lord" he said "I want to hear your country songs" so I played a rendition of Johhny Cash's Folsom Prison Blues which was and is a heavy favorite of mine and one of the most requested of folks that I have played for. Then I sang one of my own songs that I had written years and years ago. That Pastor said " Yes you are good, but do you mind if I pray with you and ask God to give you His songs?", well who was I to argue with that, I ended up there. "Jesus Sweet Love" was the first of well over 50 songs and or poems I wrote that year, and it came to me just two days after that Pastor prayed with me. I knew then who was behind that small still voice, and I still know who is guiding my every step. Today, less than 5 years later I am having a blast with my music, still walking daily towards my dream of becomming a successful song writer. I love to sing, country, country rock and now Monte's style of Southern Gospel, I urge you to pray, and to re-pray if you have too, and make sure your hearts are right with God. Even those who think they already are. I started out with the understanding or belief that God wanted me to follow my dream. That being to the best of my reasoning, wanting to become an established song writer / performer. Writer first Performer second. I just want to please My Lord the best way possible for what He has done for me. It is still hard for me to comprehend, that Salvation is a gift..as I said earlier I am a repeat offender, I praise God and his Son Jesus Christ for the best gift anyone could ever receive. God Bless you all my Brothers and Sisters...In Jesus' Sweet Love....From This Old Guitar and Me.......it is a No Matter the Cost thing... Shine Your Light Jesus.... Monte