*Seeing people happy...seeing people get & have happiness.*We have one life, we have plans in place for us to have bursting joy and resounding fervour in our spirit. *I like to see people obtain what is theirs...happiness has their name on it. I know it's a dark world for so many yet we can all shine a light and brighten the corner where we are.*People being healed ... made whole in every way, restored to love for one another that knows only kindness and care.*Healed of disease & sickness, loneliness, emptiness, dis-satisfaction, hatred, anger and pain. *Healed of rejection, addiction, despair and all feeling of hopelessness, guilt and shame. *Healed of the emotional scars of abuse and suffering.*People blossoming...becoming fully alive.*Butterflies because they remind me that though we seem as grubs, we are really beautiful creatures, not bound to a life of wriggling and squirming, burrowing and apparent ugliness, but rather, bound to be free.*Music with passion and a story to tell.*Bears.*******************Seeing people set free!**
Anyone from anywhere...it's always good to make new FRIENDS!
Short history of Justice for Children ...JFCI please watch it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkZj9FNGEN4
Deep Purple Hallelujah [I Am The Preacher]
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