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body{ background-color:rgb(203,221,249); background-image:url( ead.jpg); We just returned from the First Annual East Coast Christian Motorcycle Rally in Charleston, South Carolina. I went with great expectancy of having a large turnout of both Christian Motorcyclists and Hardcore 1%er Bikers in attendance, but we were deluged with rain from the onset. It seemed like it rained and thundered all day on Friday and continued on Saturday. Nevertheless, God brought His Chosen ones, or should I say the ones who were hand picked by God to be there. They estimated approximately seven to eight hundred people attended the event on Saturday. Moreover there were three other large Christian Motorcycle Events taking place this same weekend including “Colors for the Cross” in Dothan, Alabama, hosted by Heavens Saints M/M and His Laboring Few M/M National rally in Denton, North Carolina and finally, Jerry Seville’s “Thunder over Texas” in Granbury, TX. God is causing a great stir in the Biker community, raising up an army of valiant warriors for the Cause of Christ. Friday night there was a time of sharing and fellowship with a number of leaders who arrived early. Joseph Munroe, from J.O.Y. Ministries, shared many powerful revelations which the Lord had given him. He had driven in from Arizona. Chaplain Gene Honrath and Sean Super rode their bikes down from New Jersey. Michael Harrell, (Pistolsutr), had driven up from Tampa Bay, Florida. There was a great deal of sharing, fellowship and camaraderie, Brotherhood, taking place before the event ever began. Brent Turnipseed from His Laboring Few M/M came down from North Carolina with Will Irwin, Paul, and a few other servants. Michael came with a Vision of gathering an Army of 20,000 Christian Bikers to go into one thousand Prisons in America on a single day to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is working with Bill Glass Prison Ministries to make this a reality! There first leadership meeting will take place this week in Macon, Georgia. God is on the Move! Saturday morning the festivities began with a number of leaders praying before the crowds. The Theme of this Rally was Unity. It seems as if the Christian Biker Community is just as divided as all the Christian Churches are. None of the groups seem to work together for the cause of Christ, even though we serve the same Lord Jesus. There were eighteen different Christian Motorcycle and Biker Ministries in attendance from fifteen different states including New Jersey, Massachusetts, Ohio, Illinois, New York, Arkansas, Arizona, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, and all the Southern States, including Florida. There were several Bike Builders in attendance including Spastic from 3D Ministries, who was raffling off a radical custom built chopper. The drawing will be held at the Myrtle Beach Fall Rally in October. Chaplain Gene, a.k.a. Free Rider, gave an incredibly powerful and stirring testimony about dying. He had a whole in his heart about the size of a silver dollar and when it was detected he was rushed to the Hospital for Emergency surgery. At the Hospital during the surgery he had a Stroke which caused many complications including a Brain Aneurism, and the doctors said the only way to save his life was to try some cutting edge experimental procedures which had never been performed in that Hospital before. At the end of the procedure the doctors told his wife that they would have to freeze him to prevent the brain from swelling and killing him. The Hospital literally froze him, whereby he died! He had NO Heartbeat or Brain Waves for 48 hours! He was literally stone cold dead! Frozen Solid, like a dead fish in the deep freeze. He talked about dying as a Carnal Christian, in his sins, and then being sent to Hell! It was an extremely powerful Testimony which EVERY Christian in America needs to hear! Personally I hope that he will write a book, it was just so profound and eye opening. God in his grace restored this man, as a testimony of the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Intercessory Prayers of the Saints. Michael writes, “Gene Honrath spoke about his death experience and said that "If you die in your sins you are destined for hell." By that he meant you can't call yourself a Christian and live like the devil and make it to Heaven. His message may have been the most provocative.” There were four bands including “Fog”, “Least of These”, “39 Lashes” and Gypsy Carnes These guys all know how to Rock with the best of them! In addition there was an additional Gospel / Blue Grass Band, “Spirit Wind” which led Worship, Sunday morning that was really good. When they sang about the Blood of Jesus, the Holy Spirit descended into the room and prepared the way for the Message to come forth, which was delivered by Bishop Brent Turnipseed. He preached on secret sins, hidden sins of the heart and iniquity. It was a very powerful message, anointed by the Holy Ghost and then there was an Altar call. A number of people went forward for prayer. Souls were being Saved! Hearts of Stone were being broken by the presence and the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, and there were others who were bound by demonic oppression that fell to the floor and several people would gather and pray over the people until the demonic powers were broken and driven out. Rev 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” There was even a Lutheran Pastor in attendance with his wife. When the Spirit of God fell on the crowds she went forward for prayer and Pam Grice prayed for her. The Holy Spirit fell so powerfully that the woman was knocked off her feet, “Slain in the Spirit” even though her denomination does not believe in those kind of Spiritual Manifestations! GOD is GOD and HE will not be limited by man’s preconceived ideas! It seems like eight or nine different people experienced the power of God coming on them so strongly that it swept them off their feet! Chaplain Gene states, “There was a young boy who came forward that Bishop Brent prayed for that he would be set free from drug addiction, and he too was slain in the Spirit!” The demons were cast out and the power of addiction was broken. It was just amazing! Chaplain Gene writes, “The real miracle was Sean, who is a young Christian, and his wife Deb. She has not liked the new Christian Sean and right up until the event she was threatening divorce. He told her God called him to this event and he was going and she could do what she felt she had to. We prayed for her and the situation for about a week before leaving for the event. It was a 700 mile ride and we left late Wednesday and got there Thursday afternoon. We weren't there but two hours when Deb called and said she felt she should be there. She flew into Myrtle Beach Airport Friday night and Sean rode up to pick her up, four hours round trip, in the rain. She hung out at the event Saturday and stayed to hear the bands play. Sunday morning she came into worship late but in time to hear Brent preach. When he gave an altar call she went forward knelt down and started to weep. She opened up her heart to Jesus, gave him her hurts, confessed her sins and accepted him as savior! Wow, Sean and I wept right along with her. After the service Sean asked me to speak to her about being baptized and when I did she asked to be baptized. I baptized her right there in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! Then another woman stepped forward, professed faith in Christ, admitted her sins and accepted him as Savior, I then baptized her too!” I must regress, to tell you how powerful Saturday night 1st September was. It seems like all three bands played Saturday night. Mark Smith’s vocals and lyrics for “Least of These” were incredibly powerful and moving. Then Ron the Bassist from “Fog” was just amazing! The guitar player was shredding with his axe. They had rewritten the lyrics from so old Rock and Roll songs from the seventies and really moved the crowd. Then “Gypsy Carnes” and His Band put on a real show with Gypsy wearing a Black Indian Headdress. He is a World Class guitarist and a former representative for Gibson Guitars. Each of the bands had their own music and lyrics. God has placed Psalmists in each group. The Music for the night was really Outstanding and high energy. The Messages which came between Songs was about setting aside our theological or denominational differences, our ideologies, and ministry differences and working together. Slowride, the President of White Horse Ministries, from Wren, Ohio preached a powerful Word from the Lord, with a call for Unity and Action. There was an Altar Call for the Leaders of the various Motorcycle Ministries to lay down there colors, so to speak, and to work together to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Approximately 18 different Leaders went forward and took off their Patches and laid them on the Altar and then knelt in prayer. Eph 4:3-6 “Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. [There is] one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who [is] above all, and through all, and in you all.” When they got up from the floor; many stood to their feet with a new resolve to work together to proclaim Jesus Christ and Him crucified, 1 Corinthians 2:2. Another very important and Prophetic Event took place Saturday night at 8:00p.m. E.S.T. John Grice the promoter had coordinated with “Colors for the Cross” and “Thunder Over Texas” that simultaneously we would all sound the Shofar at the exact same time and minute. We had seven people with Shofars that Blew the Trumpet and Sounded the Alarm Joel 2:1 at 8:00 in Charleston, S.C. Spiritually you could feel it reverberate across the nation as if a meteor had been hurled from heaven into the Ocean and waves of glory, and Angels on assignment had been dispatched across this great nation on a mission for God to awaken Joel’s Army with a call to destiny. It was profoundly awesome! After the meetings Saturday night 26 leaders and team mates went out to eat fellowship and network together. God was arranging Kingdom Connections for each leader in attendance. I would be remiss if I did not tell you about a new breed of Warriors that God is raising up in the Biker world such as Lionheart from Triple B M/M in Ohio. He had a crew of Worshipping Warriors like King David, who danced before the Lord with all his heart, 2Sa 6:14 “And David danced before the LORD with all [his] might;” This is also the man who killed a Lion and a Bear, and slew Goliath the Giant, 1 Samuel 17:34-36, 48-51 with a sling shot. I watched as a number of these warriors entered into Worship using flags and banners as they danced before the Lord doing prophetic acts as the Holy Spirit led. Michael states, “To me the high point was getting free in worship when I took the banners and waved them. God came on me in a special way and I worshiped in the Spirit. That time with God was everything to me. The whole shooting match!” It was very powerful time in the Spirit of Lord Jesus Christ. Sunday afternoon, I had the opportunity to speak and challenge them to count the cost, Luke 14:28 & Matthew 16:24-26, to press into the High Call of God, Philippians 3:13-14. And to believe that God could use them to touch millions of lives, that is if they are willing to pay the price. Slowride then got up and preached about God knitting nets together so that the Blue Gill fishermen were working together and all the shark fishermen would work together and the tuna fisherman would work together thereby increasing their effectiveness and bringing unity of purpose to the body of Christ each part fulfilling God’s purpose. Mat 4:19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. Sunday evening, a number of leaders stayed with John and Pam Grice, for two more days of Fellowshipping and Networking together. It was a time of getting to know one another. I was fortunate to meet many powerful men of God and hear their testimonies and the Ministry Vision which God has given them. I look forward to next year’s rally which will probably be hosted by the city of Augusta Georgia. Some of them are planning on meeting again this week in Milledgeville at the Bill Glass Weekend of Champions Prison Ministry, and then they are all planning to attend the Myrtle Beach Fall Rally in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina on October 3rd through 6th and then go to the Bike Toberfest Rally in Daytona, Florida from October 18th through 21st 2007. In closing, We pray that next year, on Labor Day Weekend, there will be a multitude of Christian Motorcycle Rallies across the United States that will coordinate together to Sound the Alarm and blow the Shofar, Joel 2:1, at the same time, SIMULTANEOUSLY, and that America the sleeping Giant will arise to its destiny which the Founding Fathers foresaw hundreds of years ago, in Jesus Mighty Name, amen and so be it! In His Service, Howard Howard Jones III SONS OF THUNDER Resurrected for a Revolution!!
We just returned from the First Annual East Coast Christian Motorcycle Rally in Charleston, South Carolina. I went with great expectancy of having a large turnout of both Christian Motorcyclists and Hardcore 1%er Bikers in attendance, but we were deluged with rain from the onset. It seemed like it rained and thundered all day on Friday and continued on Saturday. Nevertheless, God brought His Chosen ones, or should I say the ones who were hand picked by God to be there. They estimated approximately seven to eight hundred people attended the event on Saturday.Moreover there were three other large Christian Motorcycle Events taking place this same weekend including “Colors for the Cross” in Dothan, Alabama, hosted by Heavens Saints M/M and His Laboring Few M/M National rally in Denton, North Carolina and finally, Jerry Seville’s “Thunder over Texas” in Granbury, TX. God is causing a great stir in the Biker community, raising up an army of valiant warriors for the Cause of Christ.Friday night there was a time of sharing and fellowship with a number of leaders who arrived early. Joseph Munroe, from J.O.Y. Ministries, shared many powerful revelations which the Lord had given him. He had driven in from Arizona. Chaplain Gene Honrath and Sean Super rode their bikes down from New Jersey. Michael Harrell, (Pistolsutr), had driven up from Tampa Bay, Florida. There was a great deal of sharing, fellowship and camaraderie, Brotherhood, taking place before the event ever began. Brent Turnipseed from His Laboring Few M/M came down from North Carolina with Will Irwin, Paul, and a few other servants.Michael came with a Vision of gathering an Army of 20,000 Christian Bikers to go into one thousand Prisons in America on a single day to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is working with Bill Glass Prison Ministries to make this a reality! There first leadership meeting will take place this week in Macon, Georgia. God is on the Move!Saturday morning the festivities began with a number of leaders praying before the crowds. The Theme of this Rally was Unity. It seems as if the Christian Biker Community is just as divided as all the Christian Churches are. None of the groups seem to work together for the cause of Christ, even though we serve the same Lord Jesus. There were eighteen different Christian Motorcycle and Biker Ministries in attendance from fifteen different states including New Jersey, Massachusetts, Ohio, Illinois, New York, Arkansas, Arizona, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, and all the Southern States, including Florida. There were several Bike Builders in attendance including Spastic from 3D Ministries, who was raffling off a radical custom built chopper. The drawing will be held at the Myrtle Beach Fall Rally in October.Chaplain Gene, a.k.a. Free Rider, gave an incredibly powerful and stirring testimony about dying. He had a whole in his heart about the size of a silver dollar and when it was detected he was rushed to the Hospital for Emergency surgery. At the Hospital during the surgery he had a Stroke which caused many complications including a Brain Aneurism, and the doctors said the only way to save his life was to try some cutting edge experimental procedures which had never been performed in that Hospital before. At the end of the procedure the doctors told his wife that they would have to freeze him to prevent the brain from swelling and killing him. The Hospital literally froze him, whereby he died! He had NO Heartbeat or Brain Waves for 48 hours! He was literally stone cold dead! Frozen Solid, like a dead fish in the deep freeze. He talked about dying as a Carnal Christian, in his sins, and then being sent to Hell! It was an extremely powerful Testimony which EVERY Christian in America needs to hear! Personally I hope that he will write a book, it was just so profound and eye opening. God in his grace restored this man, as a testimony of the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Intercessory Prayers of the Saints. Michael writes, “Gene Honrath spoke about his death experience and said that "If you die in your sins you are destined for hell." By that he meant you can't call yourself a Christian and live like the devil and make it to Heaven. His message may have been the most provocative.”There were four bands including “Fog”, “Least of These”, “39 Lashes” and Gypsy Carnes These guys all know how to Rock with the best of them! In addition there was an additional Gospel / Blue Grass Band, “Spirit Wind” which led Worship, Sunday morning that was really good. When they sang about the Blood of Jesus, the Holy Spirit descended into the room and prepared the way for the Message to come forth, which was delivered by Bishop Brent Turnipseed.He preached on secret sins, hidden sins of the heart and iniquity. It was a very powerful message, anointed by the Holy Ghost and then there was an Altar call. A number of people went forward for prayer. Souls were being Saved! Hearts of Stone were being broken by the presence and the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, and there were others who were bound by demonic oppression that fell to the floor and several people would gather and pray over the people until the demonic powers were broken and driven out. Rev 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”There was even a Lutheran Pastor in attendance with his wife. When the Spirit of God fell on the crowds she went forward for prayer and Pam Grice prayed for her. The Holy Spirit fell so powerfully that the woman was knocked off her feet, “Slain in the Spirit” even though her denomination does not believe in those kind of Spiritual Manifestations! GOD is GOD and HE will not be limited by man’s preconceived ideas! It seems like eight or nine different people experienced the power of God coming on them so strongly that it swept them off their feet! Chaplain Gene states, “There was a young boy who came forward that Bishop Brent prayed for that he would be set free from drug addiction, and he too was slain in the Spirit!” The demons were cast out and the power of addiction was broken. It was just amazing!Chaplain Gene writes, “The real miracle was Sean, who is a young Christian, and his wife Deb. She has not liked the new Christian Sean and right up until the event she was threatening divorce. He told her God called him to this event and he was going and she could do what she felt she had to. We prayed for her and the situation for about a week before leaving for the event. It was a 700 mile ride and we left late Wednesday and got there Thursday afternoon. We weren't there but two hours when Deb called and said she felt she should be there. She flew into Myrtle Beach Airport Friday night and Sean rode up to pick her up, four hours round trip, in the rain. She hung out at the event Saturday and stayed to hear the bands play. Sunday morning she came into worship late but in time to hear Brent preach. When he gave an altar call she went forward knelt down and started to weep. She opened up her heart to Jesus, gave him her hurts, confessed her sins and accepted him as savior! Wow, Sean and I wept right along with her. After the service Sean asked me to speak to her about being baptized and when I did she asked to be baptized. I baptized her right there in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! Then another woman stepped forward, professed faith in Christ, admitted her sins and accepted him as Savior, I then baptized her too!”I must regress, to tell you how powerful Saturday night 1st September was. It seems like all three bands played Saturday night. Mark Smith’s vocals and lyrics for “Least of These” were incredibly powerful and moving. Then Ron the Bassist from “Fog” was just amazing! The guitar player was shredding with his axe. They had rewritten the lyrics from so old Rock and Roll songs from the seventies and really moved the crowd. Then “Gypsy Carnes” and His Band put on a real show with Gypsy wearing a Black Indian Headdress. He is a World Class guitarist and a former representative for Gibson Guitars. Each of the bands had their own music and lyrics. God has placed Psalmists in each group. The Music for the night was really Outstanding and high energy.The Messages which came between Songs was about setting aside our theological or denominational differences, our ideologies, and ministry differences and working together. Slowride, the President of White Horse Ministries, from Wren, Ohio preached a powerful Word from the Lord, with a call for Unity and Action. There was an Altar Call for the Leaders of the various Motorcycle Ministries to lay down there colors, so to speak, and to work together to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Approximately 18 different Leaders went forward and took off their Patches and laid them on the Altar and then knelt in prayer. Eph 4:3-6 “Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. [There is] one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who [is] above all, and through all, and in you all.” When they got up from the floor; many stood to their feet with a new resolve to work together to proclaim Jesus Christ and Him crucified, 1 Corinthians 2:2.Another very important and Prophetic Event took place Saturday night at 8:00p.m. E.S.T. John Grice the promoter had coordinated with “Colors for the Cross” and “Thunder Over Texas” that simultaneously we would all sound the Shofar at the exact same time and minute. We had seven people with Shofars that Blew the Trumpet and Sounded the Alarm Joel 2:1 at 8:00 in Charleston, S.C. Spiritually you could feel it reverberate across the nation as if a meteor had been hurled from heaven into the Ocean and waves of glory, and Angels on assignment had been dispatched across this great nation on a mission for God to awaken Joel’s Army with a call to destiny. It was profoundly awesome! After the meetings Saturday night 26 leaders and team mates went out to eat fellowship and network together. God was arranging Kingdom Connections for each leader in attendance.I would be remiss if I did not tell you about a new breed of Warriors that God is raising up in the Biker world such as Lionheart from Triple B M/M in Ohio. He had a crew of Worshipping Warriors like King David, who danced before the Lord with all his heart, 2Sa 6:14 “And David danced before the LORD with all [his] might;” This is also the man who killed a Lion and a Bear, and slew Goliath the Giant, 1 Samuel 17:34-36, 48-51 with a sling shot. I watched as a number of these warriors entered into Worship using flags and banners as they danced before the Lord doing prophetic acts as the Holy Spirit led. Michael states, “To me the high point was getting free in worship when I took the banners and waved them. God came on me in a special way and I worshiped in the Spirit. That time with God was everything to me. The whole shooting match!” It was very powerful time in the Spirit of Lord Jesus Christ.Sunday afternoon, I had the opportunity to speak and challenge them to count the cost, Luke 14:28 & Matthew 16:24-26, to press into the High Call of God, Philippians 3:13-14. And to believe that God could use them to touch millions of lives, that is if they are willing to pay the price. Slowride then got up and preached about God knitting nets together so that the Blue Gill fishermen were working together and all the shark fishermen would work together and the tuna fisherman would work together thereby increasing their effectiveness and bringing unity of purpose to the body of Christ each part fulfilling God’s purpose. Mat 4:19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.Sunday evening, a number of leaders stayed with John and Pam Grice, for two more days of Fellowshipping and Networking together. It was a time of getting to know one another. I was fortunate to meet many powerful men of God and hear their testimonies and the Ministry Vision which God has given them. I look forward to next year’s rally which will probably be hosted by the city of Augusta Georgia. Some of them are planning on meeting again this week in Milledgeville at the Bill Glass Weekend of Champions Prison Ministry, and then they are all planning to attend the Myrtle Beach Fall Rally in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina on October 3rd through 6th and then go to the Bike Toberfest Rally in Daytona, Florida from October 18th through 21st 2007.In closing, We pray that next year, on Labor Day Weekend, there will be a multitude of Christian Motorcycle Rallies across the United States that will coordinate together to Sound the Alarm and blow the Shofar, Joel 2:1, at the same time, SIMULTANEOUSLY, and that America the sleeping Giant will arise to its destiny which the Founding Fathers foresaw hundreds of years ago, in Jesus Mighty Name, amen and so be it!In His Service,HowardHoward Jones IIISONS OF THUNDERwww.ResurrectedSons.comResurrected for a Revolution!!

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COLORS FOR THE CROSS DOTHAN ALA.AUG 30-SET 2 2007 or call STEVE 334-726-5880
