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Love is ment to be made,not beat into some one.
Id like to welcome you all to my page" This is about the " Lost America we live in.To many times we walk by someone not knowing what or who they are.The Homeless in america is growing at a rate that we can NOT keep up with to many times we find our selfs looking at others and woundering why.Their are over 1 million kids homeless in america along. have you ever asked your self why ?
What would it hurt to stop and help a child ? It's not there Falt,Our groverment needs to step up for the people our spending is going out to two many other places other then in the U.S
Over 1 Million Children Homeless in U.S.
Every night more than 1 million children in America face the dark with no place to call home. They are hungry, anxious and often exposed to violence. They shuttle between shelters and fall behind in school. (That is, where there are shelters with empty beds.They are the vulnerable new face of the America homeless. Experts say that there are more homeless children in America than at any time since the Great Depression. About 40% of America's homeless are now women and their children - the fastest growing homeless group. (Women and children have been the fastest growing group of homeless.
No single cause of homelessness can be pointed to. Every person has different reasons for being homeless,a fact that makes solving the problem even harder
In new york city alone half of the homeless people are children.Kids are taken and sold and put on the streets as hookers and underage drug dealers for selling drugs.
Child abuse also is killing our children.
Children suffering abuse develop a range of maladaptive, anti-social and self-destructive behaviors and thoughts by trying to cope with the abuse - by trying to understand the situation and why the abuse is happening.Think of it like this: a person is robbed and beaten while walking down the street at night. In trying to deal with the situation, the person thinks, "I shouldn't have walked down that street," or "I shouldn't have been there at that time of night," or "I should have walked with more confidence," or "I shouldn't have made eye contact," or "I should have given in quicker," or "I should have fought back," or any number of other ideas. The point is the person feels a sense of control over the situation if they can blame themselves or something they did for the attack. Instead of the world being a dangerous place where violence occurs at random, the world becomes a safe place within certain behavioral parameters.
People are happy when they are "in control", that is, when they feel competent to satisfy their needs and reach their goals
We gotta make a change... It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes. Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live and let's change the way we treat each other. You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do what we gotta do, to survive.
As i look up at the stars and the moon i ask god,What more can i do being onley one man your children need help its to rough for onley one man......So when ever you see a homeless child or abused please do your part try to help any way you can.
The United States is a wealthy nation, but poverty still exists here. By the government's own measure, more than one in every eight Americans lives "below the poverty line" -- on income lower than the official estimate of what it means to be poor.
The Homeless in America is real very reall you can turn your head and not look at it, You can walk right by it thats fine but one day this may be you.
POVERTYHomelessness and poverty are inextricably linked. Poor people are frequently unable to pay for housing, food, childcare, health care, and education. Difficult choices must be made when limited resources cover only some of these necessities. Often it is housing, which absorbs a high proportion of income that must be dropped. Being poor means being an illness, an accident, or a paycheck away from living on the streets.In 2005, 13.3% of the U.S. population, or 38,231,521 million people, lived in poverty. Both the poverty rate and the number of poor people have increased in recent years, up from 12.5% or 1.1 million in 2003 (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2005). 36% of persons living in poverty are children; in fact, the 2004 poverty rate of 17.6% for children under 18 years old is significantly higher than the poverty rate for any other age group.Two factors help account for increasing poverty: eroding employment opportunities for large segments of the workforce and the declining value and availability of public assistance.
Our men find peace any way they can
I love helping the inter city children in New York Or where ever i am like takeing them to the park,The Zoo or what ever it takes to keep a kid out of the gang's and off the streets.
Facts About Homelessness
Lack of affordable housing leads the list of causes of homelessness identified by the city officials. Other causes cited, in order of frequency include low-paying jobs, mental illness and the lack of needed services, substance abuse and the lack of needed services, domestic violence, unemployment, poverty, and prisoner re-entry.
During the past year, requests for emergency shelter increased in the survey cities by an average of 6 percent, with 71 percent of the cities registering an increase. Requests for shelter by homeless families alone increased by 5 percent, with 63 percent of the cities reporting an increase.
An average of 14 percent of the requests for emergency shelter by homeless people overall and 32 percent of the requests by homeless families alone are estimated to have gone unmet during the last year. In 88 percent of the cities, emergency shelters may have to turn away homeless families due to lack of resources; in 79 percent they may also have to turn away other homeless people.
Welcome to myspace page,This Part of Myspace will be to the men and women of the War, Shupport honor them
Hello, Being a Vet myself i know how they feel. They do there jobs for the right to be free, and so you and i can be free so please lets give them the love and suppost they need.
It was once said,we fight for the rights of others and our self's,ill bet this is what they had in mind.You may not like the war but we all have to support our men.
The question is not whether House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid flinched in their negotiations with the Bush administration over the continuation of the Iraq occupation.
Is this war worth a childs life ? There are brutal dictators throughout the world, many supported over the years by Washington, whose people need “liberation” from their leaders. This is not a persuasive argument since for Iraq, it’s about oil. In fact, the occupation of Iraq by the United States is a magnet for increasing violence, anarchy and insurrection.
U.S. Marine Sgt. Jessica Turner of 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward), pays her final respect to fallen U.S. Marine Gunnery Sgt. Herman Jerome Murkerson Jr. of Marine Wing Headquarter Squadron-2, after his memorial service at the Memorial Chapel on Al Asad Air Base, Iraq. Murkerson was killed in action while on patrol in the Al Anbar province of Iraq.
From right, CPT Henry Moltz and LTC Robert Balcavage, both of the 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, lead LTG Ray Odierno, commander of Multi-National Corps - Iraq, on a tour of Jurf as Sakhr, Iraq. During his visit, Odierno met with local leaders and American troops deployed to the area.
"Dear America""...if you are against liberating the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Asia, all of Europe (twice), and the former Soviet bloc, then perhaps the "liberty and justice for all" section might leave you fuming. Our Nation, throughout its history, has watered the seeds of democracy on many continents, with blood, even when the country was in disagreement about those decisions." Myspace Contact Tables

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As my days close in life i no my work trying to help the kinds in the inter city will not be done.With all the street gangs and drugs that are killing our chirldern..This has to be stoped we all should try to save out chrildern.So as god doves me a angel i pray that i am given the job to save our kids.So i hope you like this page remember every time you look at this page another child has been lost to street gangs or drugs. May there souls rest in peace.
Just siting, Looking, And waitingMYFLYPROFILE.NET

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New York State Sex Offender Registry

New York State Sex Offender Registry and the Sex Offender Registration Act (SORA) 1-800-262-3257 Printer Friendly Version (PDF) Welcome to the New York State Sex Offender Registry information cent...
Posted by on Sun, 20 May 2007 20:34:00 GMT

NYS Missing and Exploited Children

NYS Missing and Exploited Children Clearinghouse 1-800-FIND-KID (1-800-346-3543) Missing Children - Introduction In New York State, DCJS Annual Reports indicate that the number of missing child cases...
Posted by on Sun, 20 May 2007 20:32:00 GMT

You must read about Missing Children

Missing Children The following page is an alphabetical listing of missing children and where they are missing from. You can use the links to download individual posters, or photographs of children gro...
Posted by on Sun, 13 May 2007 07:14:00 GMT

What is Child Abuse

Child abuse is harm to, or neglect of, a child by another person, whether adult or child. Child abuse happens in all cultural, ethnic, and income groups. Child abuse can be physical, emotional - verba...
Posted by on Wed, 09 May 2007 20:11:00 GMT

N.Y.C Street kids how you can help

..> MisplacedNew York City's Street Kids The following organizations work with homeless and at-risk youth in New York City (links are provided for informational purposes only). HEALTH SERVICE...
Posted by on Wed, 09 May 2007 20:03:00 GMT

Asthma Among Homeless Children in New York City

Asthma Among Homeless Children in New York City: An Update Roy Grant, MA, Shawn Bowen, MD, Diane E. McLean, MD, PhD, Douglas Berman, Karen Redlener, MS and Irwin Redlener, MD Roy Grant and Karen Red...
Posted by on Tue, 08 May 2007 18:22:00 GMT

It is easier than you think to make a difference

..> ..> Your donation will help us provide food, shelter, clothing and basic necessities to New York's homeless men, women and children. Your support will help us to provide emergency assist...
Posted by on Tue, 08 May 2007 18:18:00 GMT

Nearly half of New York City's homeless are children

New York City began the New Year with the largest numbers of men, women and especially children crowding into its shelters since the city began keeping records 20 years ago. According to the city's De...
Posted by on Tue, 08 May 2007 18:15:00 GMT

State Park Ranger was Drunk In Billy Lane Crash

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Posted by on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 18:08:00 GMT