I'd like to meet:
Sincere, unique, uplifting, talented, meticulous, amazing, driven, faithful, dedicated, and prayerful are just a few words used to describe Jonathan Maddox.
Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, this up and coming author is dedicated to meeting the spiritual needs of God’s people with the Word of God.
Jonathan Maddox is a man after God’s own heart.
Driven by purpose and destiny, Jonathan Maddox has released his first publication, “Unleavened – A Collection of Daily Devotions. It is now available for purchase. [click here]
Jonathan Maddox is a 1989 graduate of Morehouse College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism.
Jonathan Maddox is committed to the cause of helping hurting souls and restoring life back into the lives of God’s people.
Jonathan Maddox is a faithful and committed member of Beulah Missionary Baptist Church in Decatur, Georgia.
He enjoys singing, writing, painting and serving the body of Christ.
In His Presence
I greet you on this beautiful day in the Almighty name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! I greet you also with love, joy and abundant peace in my heart. This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. This is a day that you have not seen and it has been ordained just for you! I dare you to experience the awesomeness of GOD!
Psalm 16:11 - You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Are you currently dealing with feelings of inadequacy, rejection, loneliness, anger, bitterness and despair?
Are you discouraged with your present life situation and you just do not know what to do?
The Word of God says that in the presence of God there is fullness of joy!
Let me be a witness on today, when you get in the presence of God, there is fullness of joy. There is a great release of all your cares, hurts, dislikes, disappointments, concerns and worries. As a matter of fact, nothing unlike Christ can stand in His presence.
In His presence, there is healing, restoration, joy, peace, love, acceptance and acknowledgement that God really does care for you. Although you may have been rejected by man, God accepts you in His presence.
In His presence, there is vision, guidance, and direction.
I challenge you today to get in the presence of God.
Word of the Lord today:
For in my presence, you will be able to release that thing that has held you hostage. It shall drop off of you like leaves from a tree. But only in My presence. Your internal struggle has been great and the press has been mighty, but because I see your heart and understand right where you are, you are about to experience redirection in the spirit realm which will manifest itself naturally. Stay in my presence.What you are currently experiencing is only a set up for a cleansing of the old and a step into the new thing in which I am continuing to perform for you. Stay in my presence. Don't loose focus. Don't give up. For the enemy is up to his old tricks again. He knows the plans that I have for you and they are to prosper you. This prosperity is not monetary, this prosperity is full of purpose and favor. For in my presence you will gain full access and the enemy of your soul cannot and will not gain entry. But only in My presence.
Make it an EXCELLENT day!
UNLEAVENED - A Collection of Daily Devotions
Official Press Release - [ click here ]
Hard Cover ISBN #9781434309051
Barnes & Noble | Amazon.com | Borders.com
Soft Cover ISBN #9781434309044
Barnes & Noble | Amazon.com | Borders.com