King Gonad profile picture

King Gonad

Moisture is the essence of wetness...

About Me

Easy-going, many likes, few dislikes.

I also DJ at:

And check out Dear Murray.
Click it for, bitches!

My Interests

Music, movies, graphics, web design, comics

I'd like to meet:

The person responsible for "Family Matters," or "Webster" so I can smack 'em!


Deathrock, punk, 8o's cheeze, rockabilly, garage, bits and pieces of other genres


Comedy, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, super hero, apocalypse, mockumentary, documentary, western, porn


Simpsons, Daily Show, Colbert Report, South Park, Law and Order and some others I ain't tellin' you about. :P


They got paper & stuff in em. With words & such.

My Blog

The Host

Yes. This is what Cloverfield aspired to be. Made in Korea 2006, this monster flick was cool. I saw it in both dubbed and Korean with subtitles & I gotta tell ya... the original language with subtitle...
Posted by King Gonad on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 11:17:00 PST

What do Cloverfield and a disease-infected prolapsed rectum have in common?

Both made me nauseous due to their shitty stench and vile appearance.What the fuck JJ Abrams? This horrible cross of Godzilla meets Blair Witch Project was destined for the dumper before you even see ...
Posted by King Gonad on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 08:07:00 PST

New movies

The Strangers: Just got back from this. Really big on suspense. It has the scary aspect pretty well nailed & it was fun to see it in a theater full of people yelling at the screen as I cringed every s...
Posted by King Gonad on Sat, 31 May 2008 11:40:00 PST

Mama tat - Pt. 2

Well, she got her tattoo today... and not one I designed. It was probably for the best since there was a lot of pressure in a short amount of time.She ended up getting a Rose of Sharon (her name)with ...
Posted by King Gonad on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 10:13:00 PST

And then things got weird...

I just got a call from my mom, who will be on her way over here tomorrow, to make her a tattoo. Yes. A tattoo. Why now, I have no idea, but in any case I'm supposed to use my artistic talents to make ...
Posted by King Gonad on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 11:44:00 PST

A little late on the b-day tip...

Thanks Myspace, for letting me know my friends' birthdays have passed! Here is the list of birthdays I got today:DivaluxeLittle T&ATurbojugend San PedroDec 05Dec 05Dec 05.Miss ErikaMs. StephanieHollyD...
Posted by King Gonad on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 10:06:00 PST

Death and the Maiden

They shook hands, which caused the maiden to die, because... HE'S FUCKING DEATH!Duh.
Posted by King Gonad on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 03:36:00 PST

HP error messages

Why the hell can't you just say "non-CMYK colors used" to let me know what the hell the problem is instead of "out of memory"?!PC LOAD LETTER?! WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN?!?!...
Posted by King Gonad on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 10:09:00 PST

Happy Thanksgiving

So I have 2 computers, 1 for the web and 1 for graphics. Sometimes the two merge and I make graphics for the web, so I tried to set up a mini-network. No matter how hard I tried I just could not get t...
Posted by King Gonad on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 01:07:00 PST

Talking Heads redux

Datarock - "Fa Fa Fa" is basically "Girlfriend Is Better" with a nifty guitar riff laid on top.That is all.
Posted by King Gonad on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 10:20:00 PST