Holly profile picture


Good? Bad? I'm the girl with the gun.

About Me

Last week I burned my mouth so badly on a slice of pizza that I couldn't eat for a day.

"If I wanted something your thumb had touched I'd eat the inside of your ear."

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My Interests

Guns, writing, watching, watching then writing, creating things that don't make sense, creating things that make sense, taking care of people, letting people take care of me sometimes, tattoos, pain within reason, cooking, nesting, six inch heels, Burning Man, pushing my limits, pushing my limits at Burning Man in six inch heels, finding the bizarre things in life and not letting them go, smelling my cat's breath when she yawns

I'd like to meet:

People who are as bitter, twisted, and jaded as I am.
If you're scared of who you are or even worse, can't decide who you are, fuck off. You'll only bore me to tears.


David Bowie, RTX, Tom Waits, The Toilet Boys, Abby Travis, Frankenstein, The Pixies, Tony Scherr, Cat Power, Leonard Cohen, Bad Religion, Radiohead, Beck, X, The Clash, Johnny Cash, Big Audio Dynamite, T Rex, The Faint, Stray Cats, anything that makes me want to dance ..


All things Lars Von Trier (Dancer in the Dark, Dogville, The Five Obstructions, Breaking the Waves), All things John Waters (especially Desperate Living), All things Kieslowski (The Decalogue, Blue, White, Red), The Celebration, Lilya 4-Ever & Show Me Love (by Lukas Moodysson-check him out!!!), Stevie, Requiem for a Dream, Pi, The Third Man, Nightmare Before Christmas, 8 1/2, Devdas, All About My Mother, Amelie, American Pimp, Grey Gardens, Ma Vie en Rose, Death Race 2000, Down By Law, Hedwig and the Angry Inch


Arrested Development...it's pure genius, people!; Gregory Horror Show; Family Guy


The Satanic Verses, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, anything by Margaret Atwood, Perv: A Love Story, The Crimson Petal and the White, A Series of Unfortunate Events, all things Hemingway, Harry Potter, A Prayer for Owen Meany, The World According to Garp, anything by Joyce Carol Oates, The Dollmaker, She's Come Undone, anything by Mark Leyner, Bel Canto, One Hundred Years of Solitude...shit, I could go on forever...I'm obsessed with books.


Jeremy...any man that can put up with me enough to love me is a true hero. And the AntWrangler. Long live the AntWrangler. And my brother:

My Blog

The Italian Invasion, Part 1

Our friends Alex and Silvia are in town from Italy and we have been having a fantastic time with our friends that we see far to infrequently. More to come as Jeremy has FINALLY returned from a success...
Posted by Holly on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 11:02:00 PST


I have no comment on any of these pictures. I figured I'd let you figure them out for yourselves. More photos here!...
Posted by Holly on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 10:38:00 PST

Burning Man 2006

My pictures from Burning Man 2006 are here.The entire experience was amazing, once again. It really defies description so I won't even try (for the moment).Just look at the pictures!...
Posted by Holly on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 08:40:00 PST


It's alive!!!The moral of this story? My boyfriend is not a toy! Please do not pick him up, swing him around, or throw him through the air. As much as I enjoyed mopping up blood from his forehead outs...
Posted by Holly on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 06:33:00 PST

What are little girls made of?

I'm all about anger and lust. What a surprise! You scored as Anger. Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath. Anger67%Lust58%Gluttony...
Posted by Holly on Thu, 18 May 2006 09:20:00 PST


This is one of the most beautiful, inspiring exhibits I have ever seen. The traveling museum will be at the Santa Monica Pier through May 14th. If you have the opportunity, please, PLEASE catch this s...
Posted by Holly on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 09:02:00 PST

We do go out during the day!

Jeremy & I ventured out during the daylight hours to do something that did not involve booze, bars, or bands. Here is the evidence: The true purpose of this photo is to capture the bar "The Poopde...
Posted by Holly on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 09:34:00 PST