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Bless the Bullys ~ Pit bull rescue & education

About Me

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Bless the Bullys is a safe haven and foster home for American Pit Bull Terriers and American Staffordshire Terriers in need. We are located in Cookeville, Tennessee, between Nashville and Knoxville. Working in conjunction with local rescues and animal shelters, bullys who have been abandoned, abused, neglected or that are in other unfortunate circumstances, are temperment evaluated and adopted as house pets only. Bless the Bullys is dedicated to improving the lives of these wonderful animals and to finding them loving, FOREVER homes as well as educating the public on breed specific legislation and the true pit bull.
If your only knowledge of pit bulls is what you hear and see on the news, we ask you to do the research and form your own opinions. Don't believe the hype - the American Pit Bull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier are among the most loyal, loving and affectionate animals you will ever meet. Their exuberance and zest for life, not to mention their goofy and playful personalities, make them utterly unique and irresplaceable to their owners.
For more information, please visit our website at!MEET OUR ADOPT-A-BULLS!! ..

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My Interests

Our beautiful 2008 calendar IS HERE!! To order or check out all the beautiful pictures, click on the calendar below!
Breed specific legislation is a concern for ALL dog owners!
Think you can't be affected by breed specific legislation because you don't own a pit bull?Think again....Many breed specific ordinances focus on the way a dog looks rather than the breed of the dog. Why? Because accurate "pit bull" identification is difficult, if not impossible. These ordinances are worded so broadly in order to include ANY dog that simply resembles a pit bull.
This obviously leads us to ask WHO is charged with identification of a "pit bull" in cities that have enacted breed specific ordinances. In many cities, the determination as to whether a dog is or is not a pit bull is made by a police chief, police officers and/or animal control officials. In other words, the people charged with enforcing these ordinances are not experts in breed identification. The mere fact that animal control officers come in daily contact with various breeds in the course of their job, does not mean they can properly identify all those breeds. In fact, many veterinarians - who also come in daily contact with a variety of breeds on a daily basis - have stated there is no way to positively identify a "pit bull."
Among the many problems associated with breed specific legislation and its enforcement against pit bulls are the issues associated with identification. "Pit bull" is not a breed, but rather a generic term used to describe the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier. However, the physical traits and characteristics shared by "pit bulls" are also shared by approximately twenty-five (25) other breeds that are not typically classified as bully breed dogs. Obviously, this causes great difficulty in identification and allows for discriminatory and subjective actions by animal control officers.
All across the country, non-pit bull owners ARE being affected by pit bull bans. If you think otherwise, you are simply ignoring the obvious as set forth in ordinances above.Your dog could be next. Please help in the fight against breed specific legislation
To read more, please visit

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Tennessee and Kentucky residents... support your LOCAL humane societys! You won't find two better organizations than the Humane Society of Putnam County (Tennessee) and the Bowling Green Humane Society (Kentucky). Please generously support them both!

This powerful banner was created by my good friends at the Bowling Green/Warren County Humane Society... One of the most bully friendly shelters I have ever had the honor of working with!

My Inspiration...
Tiffin and his granny...

Take the quiz:
what type of dog are you (with pics)

pit bull
Congrats you are a pit bull fun loyal and active love to play and please its owner and truly a beauyfull soul

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I'd like to meet:

Responsible pit bull owners dedicated to defending and saving this incredible breed!!

Bless the Bullys has been featured in stories written by PBRC and Best Friends. Click on the pictures to read more about the rescue...


My mom... She might not always understand my life, but she has always supported me, the dogs and the rescue, and her courage and her incredible positive attitude in her fight against breast cancer is inspiring.

Some pictures of Tiffin and my mom when we went home to Delaware in September 2007...

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My Blog

NO FIGHT ZONE // New anti-dog fighting campaign

No Fight Zone In the past several months, we have experienced an epidemic of breed bans in West Tennessee. The most recent ban passed in Selmer, Tennessee on May 13, 2008. It is significant to note ...
Posted by Bless~the~Bullys on Fri, 30 May 2008 12:56:00 PST

Selmer, TN -- How you can help

I've received a lot of message from concerned people asking about the pit bull ban in Selmer, Tennessee.  The questions range from clarification on the ordinance to what we can do.  I figure...
Posted by Bless~the~Bullys on Fri, 16 May 2008 05:53:00 PST

Update on TN bills to ban pit bulls statewide

For whatever reason, I've been getting a lot of questions in my inbox this week on the status of Tennessee HB3984 and SB3827, so I thought I would send out an update to everyone.&n...
Posted by Bless~the~Bullys on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 07:42:00 PST

Pit Bull Awareness Day 2008 is Gearing Up!!

  Calling all responsible pit bull owners, advocates and fanciers...      Please mark Saturday, October 25, 2008 on your calendars for the SECOND ANNUAL nationwide Pit Bull ...
Posted by Bless~the~Bullys on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 08:27:00 PST

The time to fight BSL is NOW!!

Please let this be a wake up call for anyone who thinks that BSL can't affect them.  It can strike at any time - out of the blue - and completely turn your entire life upside down.&nbs...
Posted by Bless~the~Bullys on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 05:19:00 PST

Words to Live By - A MUST READ!!

(**The first few paragraphs are my own.  They are definitely not the "Must Read" part of this post.**)    Life as a rescuer is something that many people don't understand.  They&nb...
Posted by Bless~the~Bullys on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 05:58:00 PST

Pit bulls, dogfighting and PeTA?... Oh my!

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. Obviously, Sir Walter Scott wasn't referring to PeTA when he penned that little gem, but I can think of no better quote that applies ...
Posted by Bless~the~Bullys on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 03:18:00 PST

Take a stand - Boycott the NFL

Unless you've been living under a rock, you have undoubtedly heard the news with respect to Atlanta Falcon's quarterback Michael Vick's indictment on felony dog fighting charges. More disturbing than...
Posted by Bless~the~Bullys on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 09:13:00 PST

Love can build a bridge (new video)

To my heart and soul, my best friend, my child... Tiffin.  You have shown me the meaning of love in its truest form. Words could never express how much you mean to me.    ...
Posted by Bless~the~Bullys on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 11:58:00 PST

Celebrating responsible pit bull ownership

Hello all, Please consider participating in an activity on Saturday, October 20, 2007 to celebrate and promote responsible pit bull ownership. Because the activity is up to you, you can participate as...
Posted by Bless~the~Bullys on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 01:27:00 PST