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Thin Man Entertainment

It's not easy being Thin

About Me

Thin Man invites you to venture beyond the bounds of the conventional and experience the truly extraordinary. Join us in a realm where the roots of some of the most exciting, progressive, and innovative underground sounds derive their creative energies. A place where those roots coexist in an integral, pulsating rhythmic cacophony that is not yet confined to the limitations imposed by any specific genre. In this place dwell the underlying primal sounds, and pluses that truly move and inspire both artist and listener. Thin Man feels that it is at this epicenter that all underground music, irrespective of genre, embraces the same common ground, and is nurtured by the same creative juices. And, if this is in fact the case, then it could be argued that many underground genres share much in common. With this in mind, it is Thin Man’s hope that fans of one particular genre might dare to step over the thin line that separates it from another genre and, who knows, by doing so expand their musical world. Thin Man’s wish is to instill and/or reinforce a “musical open-mindedness” in all those who care to share in this experience. We hope to accomplish this by providing an atmosphere where artists and fans of various musical genres may interact by sharing their work, insights and opinions. It is our hope that through this exchange of musical ideas all who visit this site will be able to move beyond the confines and limitations imposed by any specific genre. In our experience we have found that too often artists are, to their detriment, labeled as belonging to this or that genre, and that many fans self-impose similar limitations on their own musical choices. When you consider the fact that western music (not to be confused with Country & Western music) consists of only twelve notes, you may come to realize that there is but a very thin line separating many of the genre headings imposed upon us by the powers that be. For our part, Thin Man will endeavor to bring you an eclectic mix of only the very best in independent and underground music. While each genre will possess its own unique attributes, if you really listen you will find that each will in some way be compatible and/or compliment the others. Thin Man encourages you to support and embrace the whole scene not just a specific genre.

For All The Best In Music Go To Thin Man Entertainment

Box gallery goth?

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Bands of all genres that are ready, willing and able to do what it takes to make it in the music industry.
