∆ Daniel @ UE | NC: 2012 ™ profile picture

∆ Daniel @ UE | NC: 2012 ™

It is often said that hind-sight, or retrospect provides 20/20 vision, not often enough is it consid

About Me

My Full Given Name on Birth Certificate:
D ) a n i e l A ) l a n L ) a v e l l e R ) y a n
Other Myspace | @ World Unification Network | @ Infowars
Click to Read: UE | NC: 2012 - Mission/Vision Statement
Welcome to my worldview :) Thank You for visiting, my name is Daniel. For the past 9 years I lived in Tucson, Arizona. I grew up in Sacramento, and just returned on April 11, 2008. I am going to be here for a couple of months, I hadn't seen my parents since 1999.
This MySpace profile exists to give you a chance to get to know me personally, I am interested in directly communicating or collaborating with people. I am not a "friend collector" and i'd like to think about this effort as being a "joint adventure". If you receive an add request from me, it is for a good reason. If I receive one from you, be assured that I will thoroughly review your offering - whether it be personal, professional, musical, videographx, heritcal, mystical, fanatical or otherwise.
Click to Read: Phase I: A Wake Up, The Final Clarion Call
The other intention and focus behind why this profile exists, is to promote a Global Visionary Project I began to conceive in 1995. Since the beginning it has been called: "Unlimited Envisions | Neo-Civilization: 2012 (Project Homeworld)". Unfortunately, even after 13 years; it doesn't exist as anything beyond a quasi-imaginal structure. Be sure to read the mission statement, linked to above.
It had been my hope for it to become a 501(c)(3) Non Profit Organization, with another component being a "Foundation for Omni-Dimensional Science & Spirituality" (potentially a UN Non-Governmental Organization) located in Aztec, New Mexico (Aztec = A-Z Technology).
Click Image: Incomplete Overview
As it stands and in this regard, not one doorway has been opened for me; there has been one woman named Caroline Cole who has generously supported my efforts. She has been the only one. I don't posess the know how or funding to make this a reality.
I was involved in the "New Age" community up until 2000, then became disillusioned with 'Ascensionist' philosophy - which I basically saw as a form of irrational escapism. The way I saw things was more like a 'descension' of spirit or the ein soph, perhaps just non-directional resonance.
To this day, I also think of 'Multi Dimensional' perception as being a thought-form loophole lock on ones consciousness and heart (brain / nervous system). When I think about multiple dimensions, I sort of think about layers; to me this doesn't take into consideration the rotational curvature or the nesting - it is a spatial / temporal continuum. Think horizontally, vertically, from front to back, side to side, then at cross angles from that central pivot point - see how many vectors there are around it rotationally ?
How many gods or ancients have you ever heard of as possessing multiscient consciousness ? Not a single one. They are conceived of, as is the 'all seeing eye' as Omniscient. Human cognitive & perceptual capabilites are gyrospectrum / omni-dimensional in characteristic, scope and our lenses are 360* in rotational capacity. You have to "think like a vegan (in lyra)".
Due to extensive cognitive exploration and deep heart & soul searching - plus having all three (mind/body/soul) shattered into a thousand fragments to be reconstructed, I possess a world view that recognizes that the civilization we developed during the 20th century must make a transition or enter the next phase of organizational complexity in it's development.
I am against the agenda as it is being orchestrated, a New World Order achieved via a World War III scenario based upon a ZioNazIslamoFascist conflict. I am against genocide, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, posturing and threats by our world leaders towards each other.
Where is the co-operative interdependence ?
On the other hand, I am not necessarily against entertaining the notion of, or discussing concepts revolving around the formation of a planetary or global governing & educational overstructure. One that practiced Intelligent Planetary Management, Responsible World Development, and Truly Inspired Entertainment / Visionary Guidance to the Inhabitants.
All around us, the tyranny and charade is becoming ever increasingly apparent. It's also pretty obvious that we need to come up with new models of how to properly manage a planetary civilization. The future of not only our entire civilization is at stake, but we are facing ecological crisis and perhaps the greatest amount of starvation, suffering and death to effect humanity throughout recorded history. The crisis we are facing individually, and collectively as a species absolutely should not be underestimated.
It should be pretty obvious (even to the most recalcitrant personality) that during the 21st Century, this planets civilization needs to enter a new phase of complexity in it's development. What I personally call: "Post Trans-Industrialization".
Trans-Industrialization is what occurred at the latter half of the 20th Century and during our entrance into the 21st Century. The rest of the countries on this planet began to reach a similar level of development as what the United States has achieved. It seems in some instances we are being surpassed by the likes of China, India and Dubai.
CGI Flyover of Dongtan Ecocity, Eco-Disaster if Oceans Rise !
Dongtan Ecocity, China; Worlds First Sustainable City - World Expo 2010
The United States is no longer the only Superpower on this planet, and it looks like perhaps China & Russia may end up coming out on top as sort of Hyper-Powers during the 21st Century.
Then by Post Trans-Industrialization, I mean; how can we as a global civilization take things beyond where we have collectively reached without a third world war. Is a third world war inevitable ? How do we re-orient the direction we are headed here in the United States?
World War III, Perhaps Coming To A Reality Near You Soon !
There are ways that this can be achieved and it does not necessitate a third world war; which we are already in the beginning stages of. I mean a global inter-continental war that reaches our shores and involves nuclear, chemical, biological, and or electromagnetic weapons deployment.
Education (Gog/Magog): Three World Wars, Planned for Ages
Bird Tribes Rising Mandelbrot Fractal Art (1998)
I feel there is value in the components of a potentially greater story or vision that I hold onto. Please note, I conceived of this effort before the word 'Neo-Conservative' came to be a common dirty word.
""I would like to see us create for ourselves a Civilization Infrastructure that overlays the Society we existed within during the 20th Century. Anyone who looks around can see that our Old Civilization is pretty run down and broken. Our planet is not in the greatest shape either.
I have often thought that all that we had created up until this point was only a semi-transitory phase. This is my great hope at least, we are at the threshold of reaching maturity as a species; extending beyond the primitive phases of pre-planetary civilization. Early on I became aware that we had incarnated for and were working towards was the creation of a 'Neo-Civilization'.
Neo is synonymous with 'New', in actuality it is Ancient-Futuristic; and is the birthright of the younger generation - those who hold onto the recognition of our Stellar Ancestral Heritage. This is our Birth-Right, and we are here to insure that future generations will have a world view / way of life and civilization to exist within. We will not allow our fathers and mothers today to repeat the same misaligned patterns and mistakes that may have been a component in the demise of previous civilizations ""

""The greatest mystery that the human species has yet to answer, which we seek and have the greatest yearnings towards understanding is: "Who Are We", "How have We Come To Be", "Were we Created, or did we just solely Evolve - is Humanity the Result of a Combination of Both' & 'Who Are Those We Have Referred to and Believed in as Gods' and 'What is Our Purpose and Place within the Schematic Underlying these Vast Cosmos - Do We have An Ultimate Destiny' ?
We are within a shifting into the 'New Order of The Ages' as they say. The potential for re-birth of our Human Spirit magnitudes beyond what either the 'Enlightenment' or 'Renaissance' brought is at hand. We also have the potential to wipe ourselves off the face of this planet completely.""

If you are in the position, I am definitely seeking financial backing. I tried to gain it through the British Mint, as well as by writing directly to Lord Jacob Rothschild.
Read Letter to Lord Jacob: The Fall of the House of Rothschild
Unlimited Envisions | Neo-Civilization: 2012 Fractal Art (1998)

Emergence of Ancient Patterns of Creation & Completion
We Are of One Same Source - All Beings & Every Species
A Foundation for Omni-Dimensional Science & Spirituality
Production of the Solarworld-Uniworld Chronicles
After you have read through the entirety of information on this profile, you will see that I have a lot to offer to this world. There just are not a whole lot of people who recognize things along these lines, at least that has been my experience for the most part.
I wish there were other people out there who felt that my ideas were valuable, and had valuable ideas of their own along similar lines.
I am seeking to somehow have an overall positive influence on the eventual outcome of these planetary and civilization based difficulties we find ourselves within today. Isn't that ultimately what we all want to do with our lives, create a better future world for our children ?
I feel it is time for my concepts for "Unlimited Envisions | Neo-Civilization: 2012" to be put out into cyberspace as massively as I am capable of achieving.
Perhaps it is already too late, and the world war III scenario is inevitable. I do appreciate you taking the time to review what I have to offer, it's a long story indeed - and it extends back farther than most of us probably think.
Each day we watch the news and see that our world is becoming a more complicated and a more dangerous place.
My intention is to share with you bits and pieces of a puzzle that exists, it exists inside of us. As well as a larger and more expansive picture or vision of all that is, which we exist within.
There is a "Greater Architecture" that exists, we contain it within our dna and it is self evident by staring outwards into space.
Close-up of Nautilus Shell Spirals
Photographic Print By: Eric Kamp
It can be clearly discerned that there very well be an intelligent design underlying meanwhile simultaneously being woven through the whole entire thing.
Before anything can be created, there must be a design; this goes for humans and all other life forms; the basis of all life is the DnA Molecule.
DNA & RNA Nucleosynthesis / Transcription Process
It also goes for universes, or actually what I personally conceive of as being a multiple universal cosmological genesis.
As of yet, neither science nor has religion - nor today have our governments given us the truth or any straight answers about what is and what really has been going on throughout our history - time immorial. It seems perhaps even up until this time today.
Now so, more than ever is it important that people are brave enough to start asking the necessary questions, for we all deserve the answers to some of our most pressing inquiries.
I want to share with you bits and pieces of my life experience that have been extremely uncanny and highly synchronistic. I promise you that I will share the information I hold, with you; in as honest of a fashion as I can.
Where it is necessary I have done my best to provide proof of my claims. Short of any actual photographs or video footage of events recounted, maybe a few images here and there to accentuate this story.
I hope before my life is done I will have a decent digital camera or video camera and be able to capture some of the aerial activity I have seen in my time. It has not been isolated to what I will go on to describe initially.
My whole process of realizing that things on this world just might not be what I had been led to believe began in 1995.
I had an aerial vehicle that did not conform to normal aviational standards of flight performance basically buzz me in the backyard of the house I grew up in with my parents.
For Educational Purposes Solely:

The Black Sun, 4th Reich, Ultima Thule
Click & Learn about the Horten Brothers Flying Wings
Click & Learn about the Haunebu & Flugelrad
The Andromeda-Gerat, German Cylinder UFO
Footage I | Footage II | Footage III
I would encourage you to read a description of the event which I wrote about in 1999 when I was just beginning to look for answers and try to connect with people over the internet.
There is also a response from a man named Paul LaViolette who has written a few books about galactic core super pulses, and B-2 mechanics.
Read: Description of Direct Overhead Flyover
I still do not have any answers regarding whose craft this was. I have gone to great lengths in attempting to reach out to people - people in positions of power who might be able to tell me the truth. Nobody has really been willing or able to give me any straight answers.
Is it really because there isn't anybody who knows. Because I know that there are people who either believe or are aware that there have been vehicles in our skies that we have not received a decent explanation for.
In 1995 - as this craft, or whatever it was flew over me; somehow projected into my mind was an image. I call it the "12 DnA Strand Heart-Soul-Star Cosmic Mandala".
Right after this thing flew over me, I drew the central portion of the "Cosmic Mandala" on a piece of scrap paper. At that point I really had no idea what it was, but I knew that it was important.
This was without any knowledge or interest in anything along these lines. I was only 19 at the time, and I still don't really know whose craft it was. Click the thumbnail to see a full size scanned version.
12 DnA Strand Heart-Soul-Star Cosmic Mandala
Perfected September 1999, by: Stephanie Rae Fuscher
After Ground Zero Lightning Strike We Experienced
Read Cosmic Mandala Written Description of Symbolism:
Part I | Part IIa | Part IIb
Read Description of " Cronos Time Lock / Doorway Into Soul Matrix "
Alleged Leaked Italian Air Force Footage, Legit or a Hoax ?

My Interests

Link: Heads Up: I Wiped Out My Network


Click Poster & Read the Storyline, Hollywood Needs a New Direction!

The Solarworld Chronicles Was Conceived over 30 Years Ago
Up-beat, futuristic, epic adventure stories of world economic and ecological reconstruction - triggered by a new science and technology resulting in unlimited "free solar energy" and its rapid space development leading to the Solarworld Federation of Planets... (Daniel: Interdimensional Association of Civilized Star Systems & Free / Sovereign Homeworlds)

Followed by mankind's eventual expansion in both "outer" and "inner" space. The prophetic stories look backward (and "flash" forward) 100 years from the end (and beginning) of the 21st century...

Besides interesting and exciting adventures, the series will serve as a beginningless and endless "blueprint of the future"...

Visit the: The Space Solar Power Library

And presages the "paradise on Earth" resulting from the development of a uniquely new coenergetic, crystal controlled, science and technology leading, initially, from - "space-based, "solaser" delivered, "free" electrical energy" and a new understanding of the nature and control of our inner "psychic energy" - to the "faster than light, space warp drive" and the possibility of the exploration of outer space...

Zefram Cochran: The Phoenix, Historic First Warp Flight on April 5, 2063

Thus, also serving as the bridge between NOW and "Star Trek".


A free and independent association of artisans, including artists, designers, composers, directors, producers, architects, builders, etc., governed by Universal Fundamental Principles and the Scientific Laws of Nature -- and devoted to assisting the Human Race in the reconstruction and harmonization of its planetary and internal environments on all levels of consciousness and matter.

"The policy of this Guild is independent devotion to the cause of Humanity, without professing attachment to any humanitarian, scientific, philosophical, theosophical, religious, or political organization. It is loyal to the ancient and modern teachers of humanitarian sciences, philosophies, and applied arts, the Masters of Wisdom, the Founding Fathers of the New Order of the Ages, and the Movement for humanity, but it does not concern itself with dissensions or differences of individual opinion.

New Models of Civilization in 21st Century. © Jacque Fresco, Future By Design

The work it has on hand and the end it keeps in view are too absorbing and too lofty to leave it the time or inclination to take part in side issues. That work and that end is the dissemination of the fundamental teachings of Astro Biological Coenergetics, and the exemplification in practice of those teachings, through a truer realization of the SELF; a profounder conviction of Universal Brotherhood, and a devotion to the designing and reconstruction of the uniworld-solarworld planetary complex and its surrounding space so that all of Humanity can live on, in, and around it in peace, harmony and abundance, absence of oppression, and entitled to individual and cultural life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Stanford Toroidal Space Station, Closed Sustainable Ecosystem - Don Davis.

It holds that the unassailable basis for union among Humanitarian Artisans wherever and however situated, is "similarity of aim, purpose and teaching," and therefore has neither Constitution, By-laws nor Officers, the sole bond between its Associates being that basis. And it aims to disseminate this idea among humanitarian artisans in the furtherance of Unity.

It regards as Humanitarian Artisans all who are engaged in the true service of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, condition or organization, and

It welcomes to its association all those who are in accord with its declared purposes and who desire to fit themselves, by study and otherwise, to be the better able to help and teach others.

'The true Humanitarian Artisan belongs to no cult or sect, yet belongs to each and all.'"

Click "The World, Dubai" to see extensive video montage
The World Dubai, Eco-Sculpting. With greater potential comes more responsibility.

"Being in sympathy with the purposes as set forth in its 'Declaration,' I hereby record my desire to be enrolled as an Associate, it being understood that such association calls for no obligation on my part, other than that which I, myself, determine."

Solarworld Chronicles Concept & UAG Declaration, Courtesy of:

Understanding The Butterfly Effect
"Once I dreamed I was a butterfly, and now I no longer know whether I am Chuang Tzu, who dreamed I was a butterfly, or whether I am a butterfly dreaming that I am Chuang Tzu." -Chuang-Tzu (369 BC - 286 BC)
The Butterfly Effect is a phrase that encapsulates the more technical notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory.

The idea is that small variations in the initial conditions of a dynamical system produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system.

The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that ultimately cause a tornado to appear (or prevent a tornado from appearing).

The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale phenomena. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different.

Image Courtesy of: Daniel Holeman
Making small changes here today, now; overtime can have far reaching effects. For all intents and purposes the changes I have found that most people need to make, including my own self have dealt with my mind and the way I view life; and the way I view myself - introspectively .

For those of you who are not well versed in chaos theory, chaos can actually be viewed as the most highly advanced and sophisticated form of super-organization that exists. This sort of goes against the notion of how chaos is generally considered.

Increasingly, it seems we are being force fed the notion that we live in a "culture of fear", around every corner we are programmed to become dis-empowered.

It is often quoted that scientists hypothesize we only use a small limited percentage of our brain & nervous systems total potential thought and sensory capacity.

To my own mind this speaks volumes, it becomes clear that there truly is great power in "small acts of gracious kindness". I believe this with all of my heart, as I would wager you - my friend do also.

Human beings are innately "good" creatures. The concept of the "The Butterfly Effect" is useful in gaining wisdom and context in attempting to look at life and reality with a new set of lenses or clearer scope.

It also teaches us that we do matter, our lives matter, and even the way we think about things and look at them matters. Most importantly, the way we view ourself carries through into our interaction with others and how we relate to other individuals and how we view them.

2012: Hunab Ku, The Galactic Butterfly

This symbol is called the Galactic Butterfly.

It is said to represent all of the consciousness that has ever existed in this galaxy. This is all of our physical ancestors both human, animal, reptile, fish, shell fish, plants as well as the consciousness which organized all of the raw material from a whirling disk into stars then planets and solar systems.

The Greeks believed butterflies to be human souls flying to heaven. They also likened them to cognitive thoughts and spirits. This is actually where the term "Psyche" comes from.

When a caterpillar forms a cocoon and begins to change, new cells appear called "imaginal cells." They resonate at a different frequency than the old cells making them seem so different that it's immune systems actually attacks them as enemies. These new cells group together and begin to fight back. Organized, unified and resonating together at this new frequency, all inside the chrysalis.

Through the birth of creativity the caterpillar slowly begins to realize it's becoming something different, new, wonderful and evolved. Now as a butterfly, the imaginal cells no longer fight to survive. Instead they begin to create. Each cell with it's own assignment. Performing the task that's most natural to it. Creating pigment, wings, and new instincts.

Galactic Butterfly is about shedding old ideas and giving birth to new ones.

Big Meaning. So big that the original Maya had no symbol for this. In their civilization it was like having no name for God. Just knowing the concept was good enough.

Later this pattern was devised by Toltec or Zapatec weavers as a pattern for blankets and this is where Jose Arguelles came across it.

He called it Hunab Ku.

The indigenous peoples call it "The Galactic Butterfly".

Butterflies are seen as ancestors returning for a visit to physicality. Wearing one of these symbols is very powerful as it broadcasts your reaching to actively join the consciousness of our galaxy.

Mayan Glyph, Silbury hill, 2004

Description by:
Ian Xel Lungold
January 26, 1949 - November 16, 2005
12-Sun (Ahau)

Ian Lungold Videos, Articles by Calleman & Lungold
Oneness Commitment: 2012 & The Mayan Calendar

Mayan Calandar & 2012 Enthusiasts

Geoff Stray Dire Gnosis: 2012
Carl Johan Calleman MayaCal
John Major Jenkins Alignment 2012
Maurice Cotterell Works of Maurice Cotterell
Ian Xel Lungold Mayan Majix | Mayan Astrology
Terrence McKenna Hyperborea | TerrenceMcKennaLand
Jose Arguelles Planet Art Net | 13 Moon and Dreamspell

.. and in a category all of their own:

Daniel Pinchbeck
Reality Sandwich | Breaking Open The Head
Rolling Stone Interview | on YouTube | Evolver Interview

David Wilcock - The 2012 Enigma

Other Interesting 2012 Sites
All About 2012 | Amoraea Dreamseed | Network 2012
YowUSA | Astrotheos | 2012 Rising | Stargate Zero | The Abysmal | Maya 12-21-2012

I'd like to meet:

Di-Strand Helix Crop Formation Displaying 12 Strand Potential (1996!)

ET Communication or 12 DnA Strand Copycat Formation ? July 2002
Unlimited Envisions | Neo-Civilization: 2012 was originally conceived of as one day existing as a sort of NeXXuS of people all oriented towards creating a better future world for all of humanity. I welcome associations with and communication from people of all walks of life, from every nation upon planet earth, ages ranging from 18-100+, male or female.

I am looking to connect with other people who have knowledge along similar lines, but not limited to the following areas:

Imgae Courtesy of: Geosynchronous @ Myspace
ET contactees, those who have seen a UFO, Indigo & Crystal Children, Rainbow Warriors, Stellar Descendants, Ron Paul activists, Patriots, Constitutionalists, David Wilcock groupies, 2012ers, Anti-Nwo Activists, Spies, Operatives, Provocateurs, Whistle Blowers, Eco-freaks, Scientists, Gnostics, Burning Man & Rainbow Family Peepz, Doom Scenario Specialists, Truth Sayers, Sooth Sayers, Visionary Artists, Film Producers and Script Writers, Videographers, DJ's, Angel Investors, Philanthropists, Lord Jacob Rothschild, Nathan Rothschild.

I am especially interested in forming associations with people who have an interest in Unlimited Envisions | Neo-Civilization: 2012, the 12 DnA Strand Teachings, a Foundation for Omni-Dimensional Science & Spirituality, Sustainable Civilization, Global Governing & Educational Overstructures, or the Solarworld / Uniworld Chronicles.

I am also interested in networking with experienced promoters and marketers. If you are financially well off, an investor, or an angel; I am seeking major financial backing - of at least $150,000,000.00 (one hundred and fifty million dollars) for rewriting & production of the Solarworld Chronicles Series & creation of a Foundation for Omni-Dimensional Science & Spirituality in Aztec, New Mexico - development and application of universal technology - integration into infrastructure of our civilization, towards long term sustainability.

Do not hesitate to communicate with me directly and please feel free to leave a comment or promote your own effots here.

Received During Close Proximity Direct Overhead Flyover in -1995-


Roots of Evil, Non-Proper Use of Illumination

Don't Fall for a Holo-Deception
Say No To Space Weaponization

Project Blue Beam Update
Cisco On-Stage TelePresence Holographic Video Conferencing
Video: Hologram Evidence over Beijing China
Video: A Staged Alien Invasion to Usher in NwO
Video: Don't Fall for the Pre-Tribulation Rapture

Eerily prophetic 1957 illustration, Lynd Ward | "The Moloch Broadside", Ginsberg

Lord of Souls, Lord of Animals
(We View You As Excrement, You Are Shit)
He Who Enslaved the Human Soul Matrix


White Pope Benedict XVI & Black Pope Adolfo Nicolás Pachón


Rothschild Israeli Supreme Court, The Knesset

Clicking image or 'The Knesset' below will take you to a .gov.il site

The Knesset
Qiryat Ben-Gurion
91950 Jerusalem
Tel. (02) 6753333

The History of the House of Rothschild .PPT (52 Megs)
The Roots of Evil in Jerusalem
Counterfeit Israel Part I. The Star of David
BBC Video Documentary: Israel's Secret Nuclear Weapons
Map Image of Israeli Nuclear Facilities
FAS Israeli Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear Weapons Archive, Israel
The Rothschild's Conduct Red Symphony
Terminated! Freemasonry's Final Revelation (Encore)

Rothschild - The Next Generation

Atticus Capital
767 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10153
United States
Phone: 212-256-8000
Fax: 212-256-8712

RIT Capital Partners
The Rothschild Foundation
The Rothschild Octopus, Part 1
The Rothschild Octopus, Part 2
The Rothschild Octopus, Part 3
The Man Who May Become the Richest Rothschild
Nathaniel Rothschild built a remote-controlled vertical loft

Rockefeller - The Next Generation
Amadeus Rockefeller: A One World Federation Government
Global Nation - Worldwide Democracy

A Few Other Resources, Also See Links Further Down:
Vid: Alex Jones - EndGame, blueprint for Global Enslavement
13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati, Fritz Springmeier
From 2008-2012, Babel to Ireland - Lisbon Treaty, June 12
London Olympics 2012 : Zion (The New Jerusalem)


Click to Learn About the Google Lunar X Prize Competition

$30 Million Dollar Prize, You Have Until December 31, 2012
Visit The Xprize Foundation
International Aeronautical & Space Exploration Agencies
AEB - Agência Espacial Brasileira
ACE - Chilean Space Agency
AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics !
CNES - Centre National d'Etudes spatiales
CSA - Canadian Space Agency
DLR - German Aerospace Center
ESA - European Space Agency
ISA - Israeli Space Agency
ISRO - Indian Space Research Organization
KARI - Korea Aerospace Research Institute
NASA - National Aeronautical & Space Agency
NASA BPP - Breakthrough Propulsion Physics
NASA ARMD - Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate
NLR - National Aerospace Laboratory, Netherlands
Northup Grumman - #1 Aerospace Defense Contractor
NSAU - National Space Agency of Ukraine
JAXA - Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency
RKA - Russian Space Program
Phantom Works - Boeing Advanced R & D Division
Skunk Works - Lockheed Martin Advanced R & D Division
UNOOSA - United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Civilian / Private Sector Space Flight & Aeronautics
Ad Astara - The Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket Company
Andrews Space - Aerospace Services for Commercial, Civilian, and Military Customers
Arcaspace - Romanian Cosmonautics and Aeronautics Association, NGO
Arianespace - The World's 1st Commercial Space Transport Company, France 1980
Armadillo Aerospace - VTVL Suborbital Research and Passenger Flights
Astrobotic - Artemis Lander & Red Rover
Bigelow Aerospace - Commercial Spacecraft & Complexes, Space Station Modules
Blue Origin - Aerospace Company Set Up by Amazon.com Founder Jeff Bezos
Burt Rutan - Wikipedia on an Early 21st Century Zephram Cochran
EADS - EADS Astrium Space Tourism Project
International Launch Services - USA-Russian Joint Venture, Proton Launch Vehicle
Interorbital Systems - A Rocket and Spacecraft Manufacturing Company
JP Aerospace - Volunteer Organization of Lighter than Air Enthusiasts
Masten Space Systems - Vertical Takeoff and Vertical Landing launch vehicles
Planet Space - A Broad Spectrum of Commercial Space Services
Reaction Engines Limited - Advanced Space Transportation and Propulstion
Rocketplane - Fully Reusable Space Transport Systems, Suborbital Transport
Scaled Composites - Composite Aircraft Design, Prototyping and Flight Testing
Space Adventures - Zero-Gravity Flights, Cosmonaut Training and Actual Spaceflights
Space Dev - Changing How We Get To, Explore, and Utilize Space
Spaceport America The Nation's First Purpose-Built Commercial Spaceport
Space Frontier Foundation - Opening Space To Human Settlement
Space Quest - Engineering Company Dedicated to Supporting Innovation in Space
Space Tourism Society - Stimulate a Profitable and Expanding Industry
SpaceX - Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, by Founder of PayPal
Transformational Space Corporation - Human Spaceflight, Transformed
United Launch Alliance - Launch Complexes Designed to Protect Environment
UP Aerospace - Site Currently Down for Maint
XCor Aerospace - New Technology for Space
Virgin Galactic - Sir Richard Branson & The Spaceship Company
Architecture & Sustainable Development
Arcosanti - An Urban Laboratory, Desert Southwest of Arizona
Astral Star - Sustainable Products, Technologies & Services in Harmony w/Earth
B. Fuller - The Buckminster Fuller Institute - Geodesic Genius / Sustainability
EarthShip Biotecture - Putting Housing Back Into the Hands of the People
Foundation For the Future - Concerning the Long Term Future of Humanity
Green Home Building - Info about Sustainable Architecture and Natural Building
Inhabitat - Pretty good green / sustainable design blog
Monolithic Domes - The Monolithic Dome Institute, Houses, Auditoriums, etc
Newciv.org - The New Civlization Network
Robert Muller - 5000 Dreams & Ideas for a Better World
SD Gateway - Sustainable Development Communications Network
Terra Sante - Perhaps a very good model of future co-operation
The Venus Project - A Bold New Direction, the Total Redesign of Our Culture
Consciousness Exploration, Expansion, Drug Reform
Ayahuasca - Homepage of the great amazonian medicine
DMT - Rick Strassman and The Spirit Molecule, Dimethyltryptamine
Deoxy.org - The DeoxyRiboNucleic Hyperdimension, RIP: Terrence McKenna
Erowid - Documenting Complex Relationship Between Humans & Psychoactives
MAPS - Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
MPP - Marijuana Policy Project, Medical Use, Etc
MYCOTOPIA - Forum Revolving Around Mushroom Cultivation
NORML - National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws
Oaksterdam - The Medical Marijuana Capitol of California
Oaksterdam News - Bi-Monthly medical marijuana punlication, non-profit
Oaksterdam University - Quality training for the Cannabis industry
Sacred Cactus - Trichocereus Pachanoi & Peruvian Torch Cactii
Sage Wisdom - Salvia Divornum, Diviners Sage - A Legal Plant
Shroomery - One of the Largest Drug Related Sites Online
TASTE - Charles Tart, The Archives of Scientists Transcendental Experiences
Conspiracies, Rumors & Alternative News Sources
Above Top Secret - Uncovering Government Conspiracies
Al Martin Raw - The Conspirators, Al Martin's Book & Website
Angels of Truth Blog - The Smoking Gun Photo of 9/11
Artificial Synchronicity - Exploring the very corners and edges of reality
Black Vault - Best Source on the Net for FOIA & Declassifed Information
Col. L. Fletcher Prouty - A rare glimpse of the "Power Elite" from the inside
Conspiracy Planet - The Alternate News & History Network
Cutting Edge - Spiritual Insights into the New World Order
David Icke - The Children of the Matrix - Most Conspiratorial Author on Earth
Deep Black Lies - In-Depth/Unbiased Reports on Crime/Corruption in High Places
Disinfo.com - Current affairs, Politics, New Science and the 'Hidden Information,'
Freedom Domain - Don't Tread On Me, Lot's of the Usual Conspiracy Type Stuff
GodLikeProductions.com - One of My Favorite Conspiracy Forums
Illuminati News - The Original Site, Created in 1998
Info Wars - Alex Jones - No More Secrets
Jays Net - Told like it is, and it ain't pretty
Killuminati - Afrikan Oriented Perspectives on the Illuminati
BC Revolution - Fight For Your Rights Before It's Too Late
Konformist - Conspiracy With a Twist of Humor
Light 1998 - All Churches Lie, Traps Are Set For You
Montalk - Another Illuminated Young Man's Perspective, WCRT
Media Monarchy - Watch Out For the Thought Police
Parascope - Something Strange is Happening
Prison Planet - Another of Alex Jone's Efforts
Propaganda Matrix - Exposing the 4th Reich
Psychic Spy - So Much Information, This is For 'Do-It-Yourself Detective Agents'
Push Hamburger - Watch Your Butt or the Coming Global Government Will Grab It
RIE - Alternative Physics & Conspiracy / Elite Information
Robert Anton Wilson - Counter-Culture Icon, An Original/Oldschool Theorist
Roundtable - Roadshow of Deception; Council on Foreign Relations Info
Rumor Mill - The Uncensored National Rumor, Get It First Here
Surfing the Apocalypse - A Great Place, Lots of Interesting & Alternative News
The Smoking Gun - Decent Conspiracy Oriented Website
Vlogging the Apocalypse - End Times Videos
Watcher - Conspiracies and End Times Prophecies
What Really Happened - The history the government hopes you DON'T learn

Mind Control, Biometrics, Directed Energy Weapons
Biometrics Consortium - Research, Development, Testing, and Application
Biometrics.gov - Info on Biometrics-Related Activities of the Federal government
Brain Wave Fingerprinting - A New Paradigm in Criminal Investigations
Exotic Warfare - Aerial Seeding of Bio-Implants into Food, Water & Air
Flash Radar - Electromagnetic Radio Frequency Microwave Radiation Weapons
Freedom Isn't Free - Alot of Information about MK-Ultra, Mind Control
Govt. Mind Control - Experimenting with electromagnetic and neurological devices
Mind Control Encyclopedia - Mind Control, World Control; Jim Keith
Mind Control Forum - Ritual Abuse & Mind Control Survivor Info
Mind Justice - Freedom from tech & weapons targeting the mind & nervous system
Project Freedom - UK Based Site That Exposes Global Psychotronic Surveillance
Sacred Geometry, Grids, Quantum Topology
Bruce Rawles - The Geometry Code, Symbolic Wisdom of Natural Laws Within Us
Charles Gilcrest - Sacred Geometry, The Architecture of the Universe
Dan Winter - Implosion Group on Dan Winter's Fractal Physics
Drunvalo Melchizedek - Earth Sky Workshops, Drunvalo's Personal Site
Earth Measure - Native American Sacred Geometry Designs
Evolution of Truth - Learn about divine proportion
Flower of Life - The Original Research Organization into FoL Teachings
Golden Number - The Phinest Source for Phi, Golden Mean, Fibonacci
Heart Coherence Team - Sharing the Science of Wellness
Melchizedek Method - Combines Holographic Thinking & Flower of Life Teachings
Meru Foundation - is based on 30 years of research by Stan Tenen
San Graal - School of Sacred Geometry, Universal Teachings !
Topological Geometryodynamics - An Attempt to Unify Fundamental Interactions
Vortexjah - Light Body Starship Propulsion & Vortex Physics, Awesome
Transportation, Novel Approaches - Worldwide
Aptera - 3 Wheeled Electric / Hybrid Vehicle, up to 230mpg
Avcen - Jetpod VQSTOL, small twin-jet aircraft; 2010
Carver Worldwie - Very Unique 3 Wheeled Vehicle, Not In Usa
Clever - Compact Low Emission Vehicle for Urban Transport
Ecocar Forum - Meeting Point for Peepz Into Greener Cars
EvWorld - The Eco-Friendly Vehicle World
Hemp Car - Demonstrating the Use of Hemp as a Viable Alternative Fuel
Naro - A Crazy Funky Lookin Vehicle, a Futuristic Retro Carriage
Phileas - Driverless Bus, Advanced Public Transport Systems
Silvertip Design - The Future of Freight Needs Rational Debate
Skytran - Elevated Individual Pod Maglev Transport System
Skyblazer - Haynes Aero, Car / Airplan Transformer
Superbus - To Be Demonstrated at 2008 Beijing Olympics ( 08-08-08 )
Tesla Motors - 100% Elecric, 135mg equivalent, 220 Milers per charge
ULTra - Urban Light Transport, Driverless Electric Vehicle
Water Powered Car - Hydrogen/Oxygen Powered Cars, using 100% water as fuel
Zero Pollution Motors - Compressed Air Vehicles, Smaller than a Mini Cooper
Weapons of Mass Destruction [Chem,Bio,Nuc,EmP]
ACWA - Assembled Chemical Weapons Assessment
Atomic Forum - An illustrated history of nuclear weapons
Brookings 1999 - U.S. Nuc. Weapons Research, Devel, Testing, and Production
CWC - The Chemical Weapons Convention Homepage
CWWG - The Chemical Weapons Working Group
Electromagnetic Bombs - Weapons of Electrical Mass Destruction
Envirocare, Utah - Radioactive / Mixed Waste Treatment & Disposal
FAS - Federation of American Scientists, Privately-Funded NPO
Campaign For Nuclear Disarmament - UK Based Pro-Active Site
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation - Abolishing Nuclear Weapons, 21st Century
Nuclear Files - Hiroshima to North Korea, A-Z on Nuke Issues
OCRWM - Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Managment
OPCW - The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
USNRC - United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission


UE | NC: 2012 Core Contributors
Earth Design Synergy
Christopher Hyde Belknap
I have handwritten notes, from 1996 - still in my possession. I will have to scan them, proof of pre-cognitive capabilities ?
They contain one of my earliest visions. I kept seeing the planet earth surrounded by a 'Spiders Web' and these 'Octopus' shaped centers in various locations around the planet.
In my vision, they were permanent structures; sort of like Barbara Marciniak's "Higher Universities of Light" or 'Galaxial Libraries' - and yes, they were nodes in a new model of civilization for the 21st century - that included a global governing & educational overstructure.
So I shared my vision of the octopus shaped centers with Chris, because he had octopus shaped centers; sprung instant structures. He sent me a copy of his 'State, National & Global Sustainable Communities Strategic Visionary Planning Initiative'.
His work and this stuff was related to the Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro in 1992. Sprung instant structures similar to these would probably be good to co-ordinate worldwide disaster relief once World War III begins.
MySpace: Zeta Eyes
Stephanie Rae Fuscher - Artist
Stephanie is the one who redrew the 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Cosmic Mandala in 1999 from it's original version I drew in 1995. She is also the young lady who did the painting.
Facebook: Leon Maurer
Leon Maurer - 33* Visionary
Visit Leon's Homepage
Solarworld Chronicles
Leon is 84 years old, a genius and visionary. He has been one of my main sources of inspiration, and the components and ideas he holds onto are one of the reasons why I haven't given up on UE | NC: 2012 - after all these years.
His theories about Stereoscopic 3-d projection, the 'Science of ABC' (astro-biological co-energetics) and concepts for the 'Solarworld Chronicles' are what have given me hope for our future.


A very interesting excerpt about human & higher primate genetics from "The God Code" by Gregg Braden:
The Genetic Mystery
The first map describing the building blocks of life was established by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953.
Through their now famous model of the double helix and the patterns of information held in the DNA molecule, the door was opened for an entire science of identifying individuals on the basis of their unique genetic characteristics.
From eye to hair color, to gender and tendencies towards certain conditions of health and disease, the codes determine how our bodies appear and function are held in the blueprint of our genetic code.
Since the time of Watson and Crick's discovery, the science of matching segments of DnA to determine paternity, identify missing persons, and link individuals to specific crime has become key-stone in crime scene analysis and forensics.
In 2000, the same techniques used in such investigations - the results of which are recognized in the highest courts of law today - were applied to the study of human origins for only the second time in history.
In a report published in the prestigious journal "Nature", researchers at the University of Glasgow's Human Identification Centre described their investigation camparing the genetic material from our possible ancestors to that of modern humans.
Along with co-workers in Russia and Sweden, in 1987 the scientists tested ancient DnA from the bodies of an unusually well preserved Neanderthal infant, discovered in a limestone cave of the northern Caucasus.
The exceptional state of the child's body is a story, and a mystery, unto itself. Normally such a high degree of preservation occurs only in remains where the tissues are frozen, such as those found in the icy polar regions.
It was this unusual state of preservation that allowed for 30,000 year old DnA from the infant to be compared to that of humans today.
It was also the first time that such tests could be performed on a body that had been carbon dated.
While scientists are still reeling from the implications of the report, the study found that the possibility of a genetic link between Neanderthal and modern humans was remote.
The results suggest that:
"modern man was not, in fact, descended from the Neanderthals".
While in theory the science of genetic comparison should solve the mystery of our ancestry, the results are actually raising more questions and opening the door to "forbidden" territory regarding our evolutionary lineage and origins.
»» There is an additional mystery revealed since the discovery of the genetic code regarding the number of chromosomes that distinguish one species from another.
Biological instructions are contained with the chromosones of each species member that determine their bone structure, brain size, metabolic processes. and so on.
Higher primates such as apes and monkeys have 24 pairs of chromosomes, or a total of 48 that gives them their uniqueness. Humans have 23 pairs, giving us a total of only 46!
Although it appears as though we're "missing" an entire set of chromosones when compared to our nearest relatives, a comparitive study of our genetic maps reveals an interesting curiousity
A closer look at the chromosmes that appear to be absent from our gene pool shows that human chromosome 2 is remarkably similar and actually "corresponds" to chromosomes 12 and 13 of the chimpanzee, as if they were combined (fused) into a single larger piece of DnA.
Further investigation into primate gene maps indicates that this "split human chromosome 2" is common to the gorilla and orangutan as well. Because of these chromosomal differences, it is unlikely that natural process or an ancient interbreeding have created such a genetic mix.
In addition to such mysteries in chromosome 2, a number of other characteristics between human and chimp genes appear to be nearly identical, but reversed, in comparison to the human species.
These discoveries now raise the question: What could have happened in our distant past to produce such changes in the fundamental code of our lives?
Based upon a comparison of human physiology with other primates, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that, as Homo Sapiens, we are a unique species unto ourselves.
Rather than being part of a tidy linear progression descending directly from earlier forms of primates, this theory takes the apporach that we developed along with earlier primates in a sort of parallel evolution.
A comparison of primate and human characteristics, such as bone density and our ability to shed tears, perspire, and grow hair versus fur for body covering lends credibility to this notion, while fueling controversy for proponents of both creationism and evolutionary theory."
This excerpt is from pages 29-31 of "The God Code" by Gregg Braden.

The Bringers of the Dawn
Opening to the Infinite: Human Multi-Dimensional Potential


Gene Roddenberry, Leon Maurer, the Creator Level Beings

My Blog

Vatican and Great Britain - UFOs and ET Intelligence a Reality

All I can say is that is about time, whatever the underlying agenda and intention of this movement may be. Perhaps one day I will get some straight answers about my initial experience in 1995.Vatican...
Posted by  Daniel @ UE | NC: 2012 " on Mon, 19 May 2008 12:31:00 PST

World Unification Network

Hello Friends, I just wanted to let you know that I joined a new network on the ning networking site: 'World Unification Network'. Please check my profile out there, I am going to be putting el...
Posted by  Daniel @ UE | NC: 2012 " on Fri, 16 May 2008 03:50:00 PST

The Cronos Time Lock, Doorway Into Soul Matrix

Greetings Everyone,I wanted to input a blog entry for some information regarding the symbolic element above. It is known as the 'Cronos Time Lock'; it is an encodement mechanism I saw as existing with...
Posted by  Daniel @ UE | NC: 2012 " on Tue, 13 May 2008 12:58:00 PST

London Olympics 2012 : Zion (The New Jerusalem)

Hello friends,       I wanted to share an interesting blog article I found earlier today about the 2012 Olympics in London, symbolism, and agendas.London Olympics 2012 : ...
Posted by  Daniel @ UE | NC: 2012 " on Sat, 03 May 2008 04:02:00 PST

From 2008-2012, Babel to Ireland - Lisbon Treaty, June 12

I found this series on youtube this evening, pretty interesting. I will look into the Lisbon Treaty some more tomorrow and comment, I am part irish ....========================From Babel to IrelandYo...
Posted by  Daniel @ UE | NC: 2012 " on Fri, 02 May 2008 01:29:00 PST

Dubai Video Montage

Hello friends,     I put together a video montage about Dubai, and some of the incredible development feats being undertaken there.  This definitely isn't contributing to the ...
Posted by  Daniel @ UE | NC: 2012 " on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 01:44:00 PST

Heads Up, I Wiped Out My Network

Hello there,        I just wanted to give a heads up to potential visitors, or those who may have been in my friends network.  Basically I needed a fresh start....
Posted by  Daniel @ UE | NC: 2012 " on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:17:00 PST

Phase I: A Wake Up, The Final Clarion Call

This is phase one of a Tri-Phase approach to planetary transformation that was initially written in 2000.  Minor amendments were made after the events of 911, initially I sent this information an...
Posted by  Daniel @ UE | NC: 2012 " on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 04:28:00 PST

One World Federation Government, Re-Posted

RE-POSTEDA One World Federation Government:By: Amadeus I. Rockefeller?Hello Myspace Friends ...    I had to really deeply consider whether or not to make this information publicly available....
Posted by  Daniel @ UE | NC: 2012 " on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 08:37:00 PST

12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Cosmic Mandala, Part I

Hello Friends, I have decided to put forth a written description of the symbolism contained with the 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Cosmic mandala as it wa...
Posted by  Daniel @ UE | NC: 2012 " on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 07:24:00 PST