Ra-chelle profile picture



About Me

Who is Rachelle? Perhaps if you are lucky, someday you will be fortunate enough to know.

I am a free spirit and maintain a positive outlook on life. I believe that life is what you make it . Why not make it Wonderful?
Think big.
Dream big.
Believe and you WILL achieve!
I love to learn and share/teach what I have been blessed to experience in this life. My passion is being able to work with people and affect their lives in a positive way. Currently I am working with children as a nanny in Los Angeles and plan on going back to school to prepare myself for all that is yet to come... so watch out bitches!! HAHA just kidding!
I think there is beauty in every situation as long as you are looking with loving eyes....
Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. Instead, respect it as my strength.
"Where there is love, there is life; hatred leads to destruction." - Ghandi
Check out my Slide Shows in the box below =)*The Many 'faces' of ME*
Click HERE for Pictures of me =)
*Stuff I 'Dig'*
Click HERE for Stuff I like
*My Niece Kassidy/Kassadoodlebug*
Click HERE for Kassidy
*Kassidy Birthday Pictures*
Click HERE for Kassidy Birthdays
*Kassidy Holiday Pictures*
Click HERE for Kassidy Holidays
*Art done for me or Pictures sent from dear friends*
Click HERE for Awesome Art
I am strong . I am beautiful . I am me .
I am drawn to creative people! I love musicians, artists, photographers, creative thinkers, nerds ( but only the ones who don't know they are nerds ), and the kindered.
Stimulate my mind. Teach me something. I Live to Learn.
Honestly there is so much more to know about me. If you really want to know about me, you will take the time to learn.

As far as guys are concerned....
Once I stopped looking for "mR. rIght"- I found me. That is when I realized that I found who I had been looking for all along...

My Interests



I'd like to meet:

I wouldn't mind making some new friends and/or reconnecting with old ones. I should probably make it clear that I am NOT here to hook up/have sex with anyone - so if that is what you seek, to avoid wasting our time - I suggest you keep lookin' =)

*I have an issue with random people sending me friend requests - so PLEASE do NOT send me a friend request without at least sending me a message first*

Someone dear to me once said, "First in your mind, then in your heart". I haven't forgotten his wisdom and often he crosses my mind. Perhaps one day our paths will cross again. I believe he owes me a song...

Leave me some myspace LOVE here!!

My Friend Space
I have amazing friends.

Trent (aka Lil Brother)

My Cuz Victoria "Tor"

Jenn (Jennster)

My little Tyler



Eli (EEhhLiLito)

(New Sister-inlaw)

Linda (long lost BFF)

Meritza (Ritza)

Canita ma'am (my sister for a week)

Stephanie (Long time friend)

A real life Angel and one of my BFFs(Icarzeno)

Edinson (One of the Coolest Kids I know)

Jeremy (Jerbear)


View All of My Homies
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I like to think I am pretty eclectic in my music taste.
If you want to win my heart all you have to do is make music for me. =)
Check out these AWESOME bands!! =)
*Listen/Watch some videos that have meant something to me*

Click HERE for Linkin Park - "Somewhere I belong"
Click HERE for John Lennon - "Imagine"
Click HERE for Coldplay - "Fix You"
Click HERE for Martina McBride - "Concrete Angel"
Click HERE for Mariah Carey - "Can't take that away(Mariah's Theme)"


I am a HUGE movie fan!
Here is just a preview of what I like.
TheSECRET!!!!! Watch it =),Crash, Man on Fire, The Shawshank Redemption, Walk the Line, Wedding Crashers, Finding Forrester, City of Angels, Ever After, A Knights Tale, Sound of Music, Forrest Gump, Napoleon Dynamite (didn't like it AT ALL at first but it grew on me),Gladiator, Fight Club, Almost anything with Sandler, Pretty Woman, Little Women, Almost anything with Tom Hanks, Ghost, A Walk to Remember, Big Fish, Butterfly Effect, Cold Mountain, Notebook, Dirty Dancing, Finding Nemo, Pride & Prejudice, Rain Man, The Count of Monte Cristo, Madea's Family Reunion(really funny), The Lord of the Rings (all of em), The Pianist, The Wizard of Oz, Green Mile, Manchurian candidate, and many many more :)


I don't really watch much TV, but when I do I guess you might catch me watching... Heroes has me hooked!!
I love music so I will have to admit that I do watch American Idol when I can
Gilmore Girls is classic! (But I never get to see it)
The BBC version of "The Office" on DVD - FREAKIN Hillarious!
Crossing Over with John Edward (He is freakin awesome!)
The Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan
Yes - I admit it - I watch the Hills =) It's my neighborhood now so I have an excuse! I [used to] watch Extreme Makeover House Edition EVERY Sunday and I cr[ied] every single time!
I also find myself on the discovery channels on occasion trying to soak up new things like a sponge =)


The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown was great! When I get some time I plan to check out Angels and Demons as well. I also enjoy books that can teach me something or that just plain interest me - such as books about dreams, psychic & paranormal phenomenon, self improvement, space, etc.
*Currently reading "John Edward Crossing Over - The Stories Behind the Stories"*Read my VisualDNA ™ Get your own VisualDNA™ /div


My Family =) [Little Brothers + Kassidy] Grandma I love you always!! Rest in Peace
My hero is someone who is Honest in a world full of Lies . Someone who is Real in a world full of Fake . Someone who Stands Out in a world where so many strive to Fit In .
Someone who loves without expecting anything in return.

Stand UP for LOVE ya'll!!!Click HERE for Destiny's Child - Stand up for Love


My Blog

being in the hospital sucks!

Ya know... when you are confined to a hospital room with your arm attached to an IV with people poking and proding you (in a big city full of people you don't know or care about) it really m...
Posted by Ra-chelle on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 01:21:00 PST

Update to my accident

Thanks everyone who expressed concern for me after my accident!!   Here is an update for those interested. I actually hurt my back and neck (minor but tell that to my body) and am having to do so...
Posted by Ra-chelle on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 02:02:00 PST

My car accident

Ok, so I was hit really hard from behind on Wednesday night and it sucked! People really cannot drive in California and that has been made very clear to me.  Thank goodness my angels were taking ...
Posted by Ra-chelle on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 03:22:00 PST

The song that saved my life...

Ironic...... literal?!  Ummm... great questions to ask for sure.Please sit back and let me tell you an absolutely amazing story that just might make you all warm and fuzzy inside.  Before I ...
Posted by Ra-chelle on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 11:35:00 PST

Marcia Marcia Marcia

My middle name is Marcia (pronounced Mar-see-ah) Yesterday I met Marcia Cross (pronounced Marsh-ah) and decided that she is my new favorite famous person.  I LOVE her!  She is one of the nic...
Posted by Ra-chelle on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 05:53:00 PST

Grandma Z this one's for you!

Breast Cancer took my Grandma away 9 years ago today... If only I knew then what I know now... I believe I could have helped save her life.  I wouldn't have let her give up.  I think knowled...
Posted by Ra-chelle on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 03:44:00 PST

What it's like to have hot oil/salt/seaweed ALL over your body....

Ok.... so today was FANTASTIC!!!!   Yeah for fantastic people who love me!! :) I got to go to Ole Henriksen Spa today and had one of the most relaxing days of my LIFE!!! It was fabulous and ...
Posted by Ra-chelle on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 08:08:00 PST

Yes... I do watch American Idol...

Ok... so my Jordin and Blakey made it to the finals (as I predicted and hoped) Tonight was a good show actually.  In fact, I felt like my Jordin was singing TO ME tonight!!!  Hell, even Blak...
Posted by Ra-chelle on Wed, 23 May 2007 09:10:00 PST

The face of a cooked lobster and a long walk!

Yesterday my friend and I decided to go and walk along the beaches 'Ocean Front Walk' from the Santa Monica Pier to the Venice Fishing Pier and back.  I want to say it was about 5ish miles round ...
Posted by Ra-chelle on Sat, 12 May 2007 10:34:00 PST

It's official! People DO love me a little bit =)

Yay for everyone who has been reaching out to me today on my birthday! I feel loved and that is the most special gift anyone could have given me.  Speaking of, my phone is ringing right now. ...
Posted by Ra-chelle on Sat, 05 May 2007 11:27:00 PST