Contact Tables
Renato Di Prinzio: drums, repinique, accesories, keyboards.
Guillermo Bazzola: guitar solo.
Manolo Diaz: trumpet & flugelhorn.
Pardal: trombon.
Recorded in febrary 2003. CD: Prinz "Heroe Anonimo".
Renato Di Prinzio: drums, tabla, voice, keyboards, accesories
Ariel Cubria: guitar, voice & cubano of the group.
Alex Roman: piano solo.
Enrico Barbaro: bass.
Inma Jimenez: voice.
Tomas Repila: voice & Rap-P-Tustra.
Manolo Diaz: trumpet & flugelhorn.
Guillermo Baez: trombon.
Ere Serrano: voz.
Recorded in september & october 2003. CD: Prinz "Heroe Anonimo".
Renato Di Prinzio: keyboards.
Ariel Cubria: guitar.
Recorded on febrary 2007. Edited in DVD "Velez Malaga con futuro".
Renato Di prinzio: harp, snare drum, cymbals, bass drum, pandereta, triangle.
Anja Hoffmann: recorders, soprano, contralto & tenor.
Manolo Diaz: trumpet & flugelhorn.
Antonio Hernandez: tenor & bass trombon, bass trumpet.
Recorded in november 2002. Edited in the CD "Musica del Imperio Romano".
I am 46 years old, two wonderful kids, Fabrizio (12) and Lucy (2). My Profession is a musician and besides I am very fond of History, Archaeology, Astronomy and Psichology. I was born a cold morning of June 1961. The Astrologists say that I was born under the symbol of Cancer, but as they do not know anything and they say foolish things, they had not been said ( and still they do not know) about the pre-sesion of equinoxes, because it is the Gemini Constellation and not that of Cancer, that was behind the Sun for those days. In the China Horoscope, I believe I am a Pig or Wild Boar, although I take a shower each day. In the Italian Horoscope, I am PENNE RIGATE, CON TRE FORMAGGI E SUCCO DI POMMODORO ALLA RABBIATA. I play drums and enjoy teaching, in my Web page you can see a lot of interesting things. I turned into musician and person in Argentina and afterwards I came to Europe, first to Rome, (what a nice place!, my thoughts are focused to return there forever!) and then in Spain, where I live now. I played drums in groups with many people and taught to many more and continue enjoying these two passions. I have been Assistant Manager in the AAAA Buenos Aires Observatory. Two years. I have been to Archaeology Excavation Missions to Rome, Ostia and Turkey. I have produced 30 short movies, some of them nonsense, others well elaborated. I was imposed to study Naval Constructions at High School but I was not fond of this idea, which built resentment on me about ships, but I must confirm that I love sailing ( to construct ships is another thing). I have had wonderful Teachers but I will mention only two of them, it is obvious that there had been many more: JUNIOR CESARI, for Drums and SANTISO for Thermodynamics. Presently, I play drums in the Juan Camacho Quintet, modern jazz band; Amarok, progressive ethnic music, and I have my own group named, PRINZ, which is a ridiculous and funny band. It is worthless to say that I play with anybody who desires to do so with me. I teach percussion to many students, and precisely Drums. I have composed music for Theatre plays, television series, DVD´S, etc. I have edited 3 own CD´s and have participated as a musician or producer in more than thirty plays. In 2004, two cymbals companies have sponsorized me: BOSPHORUS, handmade products made in Turkey, and Wuhan manufactured in China, also handmade. At the end of 2005 I was elected endorser of Brazilian Drums ODERY. Vow!!! I have never played drums like those.! If it were a car, would be a Ferrari and the kind type of a Rolls Royce.... and I am INTERNATIONAL ENDORSER!!!. Well, I hope you enjoy my kind of music and if you like to know more about me, you could visit mi personal web. .
Tengo 46 a..os, dos hijos maravillosos, Fabrizio ( 12 ) y Lucia (2 ). Soy musico de profesion y ademas me apasiona la historia, arqueologia, astronomia y psicologia. Soy un profundo y devoto creyente del ATEISMO mas puro y radical! Y esto es por " obra y gracia de dios". Naci una fria ma..ana de junio del 61. Los astrologos dicen que naci bajo el signo de cancer, pero como no saben nada de nada y son unos cantama..anas, no se habian enterado ( y aun siguen sin saberlo) lo de la presesion de los equinoccios, por lo que la constelacion de Geminis y no la de cancer, estaba detras del sol por esos dias. En horoscopo chino, creo que soy un cerdo, aunque me duche cada dia. En el horoscopo italiano soy PENNE RIGATE, CON 3 FORMAGGI E SUCCO DI POMMODORO ALLA RABBIATA. Toco la bateria y me gusta dar clases, en mi web puedes ver un monton de cosas interesantes. Me forme como musico y como persona en Argentina y luego me vine a Europa, primero en Roma ( o che bella citta, il mio pensiero e ritornare per sempre la! ) y luego en Espa..a, que es donde resido actualmente. He tocado con mucha gente y ense..ado a un monton mas, y sigo disfrutando de estas dos pasiones. He sido subdirector de observatorio en la AAAA de Bs. As. Dos a..os. He excavado en misiones arqueologicas en Roma, Ostia y en Turquia. He producido unos 30 cortos, algunos muy cutres pero otros bastante elaborados. Por imposicion, estudie Construcciones navales y de esta experiencia me quedo el profundo odio que siento por los barcos, pero me gusta navegar ( construirlos es otra cosa ). He tenido profesores maravillosos y solo citare a 2, pero hubo muchos mas. Junior Cesari de bateria y Santiso de Termodinamica. Ahora toco en el Juan Camacho Quintet, jazz moderno; Amarok, Etnico progresivo y tengo mi propio grupo que es PRINZ, que es un grupo disparatado y alegre. Ademas toco con quien me llame, de forma mas o menos fija. Doy clases a varios alumnos de percusion y sobre todo bateria. Tambien he compuesto musica para teatro, series de television, DVD's, etc. He editado 3 CD's propios y participado como musico o productor en una treintena mas. En el 2004 dos marcas de platillos, me han dado sponsorizacion. Bosphorus, hechos a mano en Turquia y Wuhan, tambien artesanales, pero fabricados en china. A finales del 2005 me eligieron como endorser de las baterias Odery. WOW!!! Nunca habia tocado un instrumento asi! Si fuera un coche tendria la potencia de un Ferrari y la clase de un Rols Royce y soy ENDORSER INTERNACIONAL!!! Bueno, espero que os guste mi musica y si quereis ver mas cositas mias, podeis visitar mi web personal.
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