Upper Silesian Industrial Area profile picture

Upper Silesian Industrial Area

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

This is the English version of the blog http://uppersilesia.blogspot.com, which tries to promote the region called GOP(Upper Silesian Industrial Area-Gornoslaski Okreg Przemyslowy), Upper Silesia, the silesian voivodeship and the land called Silesia. Conurbation, which owes the evolution to the metallurgy, the steel and the mining industry currently is having a chance of a lifetime to transfomate to The Silesia Metropolis. The cultural, touristic and new/high technologies aspects should definetely evolve if the ressortissants and politics wants it to materialize on the map of Europe.
Below, in My Friends Space, after clicking the names you may check and listen to the most interesting or the most popular, funniest, creative bands from Uppersilesian Industrial Area and silesian voivodeship (the top part) and other regions in Poland (the bottom). Only Mitch&Mitch are from Mitch Kingdom - somewhere in the Middle Country&Eastern of Europe.
Some people say, that SILESIA IS A WOMAN... gorgeous, alluring, fragile and sometimes tough FEMALE. She/it has SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS with many spheres of life, like historical maelstorms, geography, administration and tourism. Unfortunately those relationships are not used well enough as they usually stop at a FLIRTING level. It's in the Web (check the link list) and it HAS GIVEN BIRTH to many Nobel prize-winners (mostly scientists: Otto Stern, Kurt Adler, Maria Goeppert-Mayer, Konrad Bloch), artists (Witold Szalonek, Krystian Zimmerman, Piotr Parler, Ernest Knippl, Teodor Erdmann Kalide), industrialists (Karol Godula) and many others. It had it's own elites, like Ballestrems, Hohenzollerns, or Schaffgotschs. And it's MUCH OLDER, THAN 99. YEARS OLD.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 , which uses cascading style sheets (css).
All rights are reserved. Photos, text, articles & ideas can be used only by permission. Contact - via email or by the comment window.
Proof reading by silent partner from Hindenburg.

My Interests

http://UpperSilesia.blogspot.com opisuje biezace wydarzenia kulturalno-spoleczne, lecz i historie Górnego Slaska. Koncerty, wystawy, premiery filmowe, szlaki turystyczne, wazne osobistosci, znaczace wydarzenia. Debaty publiczne, autonomia, Slaskosc sama w sobie jako wartosc, wplyw historii na terazniejszosc, próba odnalezienia sie post-przemyslowych rejonów w strukturach kapitalizmu, w czasach globalizacji.

I'd like to meet:

Writers, journalists, photographers, local patriots, musicians, directors, artists, cherry bomb brandy charladies, shoeblacks, dreamsellers, true-madcaps, webmasters, activists, passive observers, PEOPLE.

Pisarzy, dziennikarzy, fotografów, lokalnych patriotów, muzyków, rezyserów, artystów, ogniste sprzataczki - dziewicze milosniczki brandy, spoleczników dbajacych o najnizsze warstwy (spoleczne), sprzedawców marzen, prawdziwie postrzelonych, roztrzepanych pasjonatów prawdy, webmasterów, aktywistów, pasywnych obserwatorów, LUDZI.


Hugo Ulrich, Moritz Moszkowski, Conrad Ansorge (composer), Carl Maria von Weber (composer, bandmaster), Sylvius Leopold Weiss, Franz Waxman.

Modern: Witold Szalonek, Henryk Mikolaj Górecki, Krystian Zimerman, Wojciech Kilar, Camerata Silesia, Kwartet Slaski, Orkiestra kameralna AUKSO, SBB, Stanislaw Sojka, General Stillwell, October's Children, Myslovitz, Dzem, Cree, Kaliber 44, Paktofonika, Transfuzjon, Phonebox, Pasimito Kwintet, 100nka, So.net, Muariolanza, Stealpot, Lenny Valentino, Blare for a, MorF, Another one, C. H. District, mik.musik label - Molr Drammaz, The Complainer & The Complainers & others, TV Joga, Sensorry, Whitman/Rottweiler, The Syntetic, Ja mmm chyba sciebie, Larmo and many more.

Silesia: Skalpel, Klaus Mitffoch/Lech Janerka, Aural Planet, Robotobibok, Husky, Kormorany, Karbido and others/i inni.

Karol Szymanowski's Academy of Music @ Silesian University, Katowice.


Kazimierz Kutz: "Krzyz Walecznych", "Sól ziemi czarnej", "Smierc jak kromka chleba", "Paciorki jednego rózanca", "Perla w koronie", "Na strazy swej stac bede" & others/ i inne.
Pawel Komorowski: "Ptaki, ptakom..."
Lech Majewski: "Pokój Saren", "Basquiat", "Wojaczek", "Angelus", "Ogród Rozkoszy Ziemskich (The Graden of Earthly Delights)", "Szklane usta" i inne/& others.
Józef Klyk: "Czlowiek znikad", "Szlakiem bezprawia" - trylogia.
Maciej Pieprzyca: "Jestem morderca", "Inferno", "Barbórka"
Magdalena Piekorz: "Pregi"
Michal Rosa: "Co slonko widzialo".
Rafal Kapelinski: "Emilka Placze".
Slawomir Idziak(as a cameraman) - inter alia: "Cicha noc, Swieta noc", "Blizna", "Nauka latania", "Dyrygent", "Die Unerreichbare", "Paradigma", "Krótki film o zabijaniu", "Dekalog V", "Wherever you are", "La double vie de Véronique", "Trzy kolory" niebieski", "The Journey of August King", "Men with guns", "The last September", "Proof of life", "Black Hawk Down", "King Arthur", "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". He is also a director, an actor and a scriptwriter.
Actors: Willy Fritsch, Hanna Schygulla (@ Fassbinder, Wajda, Marco Ferreri) Bogumil Kobiela, Zbigniew Cybulski, Aleksandra Slaska, Henryk Bista, Franciszek Pieczka, Olgierd Lukasiewicz, Jerzy Stuhr (z Bielska czy z Bialej?/from Bielsko or from Biala?), Jerzy Cnota, Jolanta Fraszynska.
French movie "Le brasier" from 1991 - scenes in Ruda Slaska.
Radio&TV Departement @ Silesian University, Katowice.



Teofil Ociepka, Ewald Gawlik, Leon Wantula, Andrzej Szewczyk, Emil Bartoschek, Antoni Halor, Jan Sawka, Erwin Sówka, Anna Guzik, Teodor Erdmann Kalide, August Kiss.

Academy of the Fine Arts, Katowice.


Johann Heermann, Angelus Silesius, Andreas Gryphius, Friedrich von Logau, Gerhart Hauptmann, Gustav Freytag, Arnold Zweig, August Scholtis, Joseph von Eichendorff, Hans Lipinsky-Gottersdorf, Heinz Piontek, Horst Bienek, Martin Opitz, Horst Eckert ps. Janosch, Carl Hauptmann, Heinar Kipphardt, Daniel Czepko von Reigersfeld, Walenty Rozdzienski, Adam Gdacjusz, Józef Lompa, Stanislaw Ligon, Juliusz Ligon, Pawel Stalmach, Karol Miarka, Norbert Bonczyk, Konstanty Damrot, Jan Nikodem Jaron, Gustaw Morcinek, Wilhelm Szewczyk, Leon Wantula, Jan Dzierzon, Józef Szafranek, Wawrzyniec Hajda, Emil Zegadlowicz, Emanuel Konstanty Imiela, Jerzy Pilch, Wojciech Kuczok, Augustyn Swider, Óndra Lysohorsky.

My Blog


Metalmania, Katowice, Spodek Hall, March, since 1986. The biggest metal music festival in the Middle East of Europe organised by Metal Mind Productions since 1986. So far, the audience had a chance to...
Posted by Upper Silesian Industrial Area on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 02:43:00 PST

Polaku! Przekieruj sie na/redirect to http://uppersilesia.blogspot.com !

Polaków nieznajacych jezyka angielskiego zapraszam pod adres  http://uppersilesia.blogspot.com, gdzie równolegle do profilu na MySpace ukazuja sie artykuly o podobnej tematyce. Wersja mniej atrak...
Posted by Upper Silesian Industrial Area on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 04:47:00 PST


Now you know, that the region of Silesia and Upper Silesia is one-of-its-type, it's a unique, amazing, inspiring place in the world. For a few days you have had a chance to check where it is situated ...
Posted by Upper Silesian Industrial Area on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 02:04:00 PST