Through Out The Differences.......
made by Ana Matey
music Polyester Cage
I’ve just discovered a new page that might help me [hopefully] to gather some founds and finally publish my music. I’d be gratefull for all support that You can provide me with. This is the link
Polyester Cage on SellaBand
Polyester Cage is a one man project. Beside this one i’ve been involved in such an initiatives as: Heddock, W.N.S. and Uran 235. First two of them are also a solo projects and Uran 235 is a cooperation with Tomasz Podgorski (Rosegarden) and Aleksandra Fila. I’ts also the only project that included traditional instruments.The material that i’ve placed at was created during 2006 .Music4games Sounds4games Music for games Sounds for games Games music.