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The Association for Peace and Understanding in the Middle East

About Me

APUME (Association for Peace and Understanding in the Middle East) Visit us at www.APUME.orgOur purpose is to enhance communication and create mutual understanding among all peoples in the Middle East so that they can resolve the current Palestinian/Israeli conflict and attain peace.The Association for Peace and Understanding in the Middle East ( APUME ) is not a political group and it does not have a political agenda.APUME is not a religious group and does not have a religious agenda. However, religion is important to the spiritual life of mankind, and APUME encourages the exercise of religious tolerance and the respect of the religious beliefs of others. APUME is dedicated to the development of mutual understanding among the peoples of the Middle East through the use of the booklet, The Way to Happiness ® (www.twth.org) . The Way to Happiness booklet is a simple, straightforward guide to better choices. It was written by American author and humanitarian, L. Ron Hubbard (www.LRonHubbard.org) . As the principles outlined in the booklet are easily agreed to by most people, these principles can form the basis of communication and mutual understanding and ultimately, a peaceful resolution of the conflict. APUME applauds and gladly works with any individual or group that forwards peace in the Middle East. Association for Peace and Understanding in the Middle East
Montrose, California 91020, USA
Phone: 818 773 3201
Fax: (818) 230-9013©2007 Association for Peace & Understanding in the Middle East. All rights reserved. THE WAY TO HAPPINESS and the "Road & Sun" Design are trademarks owned by L. Ron Hubbard Library in the USA and in other countries (trademark registrations issued and other registrations pending) and are used with permission.
April 7, 2007 – The Hollywood screening of an Oscar-winning short film about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict drew a full house of Israelis and Palestinians as well as others concerned about the Middle East. And the house was filled with laughter. The short film, West Bank Story, is an unlikely musical comedy that won this year’s Academy Award for Best Short Live Action Film.
An audience of over 300 Angelenos with connections to the Middle East gathered in a Hollywood theater on Saturday night to share concerns. The evening began seriously enough with presentations by several local Middle East peace groups. But as West Bank Story lit the screen, the gathering devolved into laughter. The film is a Middle East take-off on West Side Story, sharing out jabs evenhandedly between rival falafel-stand owners, one Israeli and one, Palestinian.
Following the screening, filmmaker Ari Sandel, and composer Yuval Ron, hosted a lively discussion with the audience. Sandel co-wrote and directed the film as his Masters Thesis project at the University of Southern California (USC). He has shown it all over the world including in Israel and Dubai.
Debbie Kanafani, former Director of International Television Productions for the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation, commented after the screening that she had been hesitant about coming because she felt the situation too tragic to turn into a comedy. However, after seeing the film she said, “I realized how important it is to put some objective distance between ourselves and the conflict. It can help us to come up with solutions.”
In the opening presentation, Avi Lonstein, Executive Director of the Association for Peace & Understanding in the Middle East (APUME), presented his group’s work. APUME, the sponsoring organization for the evening, is based in Los Angeles and is supported by local Israelis and Palestinians. APUME funds several tolerance programs for school-children in the Middle East designed to reduce violence and increase mutual respect. The APUME programs are based on The Way to Happiness ® booklet, written by American educator, L. Ron Hubbard.
Other speakers included Sarfaraz Kahn, Founder and President of Friends of Pakistan, U.S.A., a Pakistani-American friendship group; Lance Miller, President of The Way to Happiness Foundation International, headquartered in Glendale; and Dr. Robby Gordon, an Israeli-American, who is on the Board of Directors of the Al Amal school in the Palestinian West Bank. This is a privately funded school that teaches tolerance and co-existence as part of its core curriculum.
The evening ended with a dessert reception at which Israelis and Palestinians chattered while enjoying chocolate-dipped strawberries, Bavarian Creams and tiny baked apples. They honored the sixth night of Passover with a reception that excluded leavened cookies or cakes -- foods forbidden during this Jewish holiday.###
For more information: www.apume.org Filmmaker Ari Sandel (left) with Film Scorer Yuval Ron
Filmmaker Ari Sandel (left) with President of The Way to Happiness Foundation International

Come to a Special ScreeningWest Bank Story 2007 Academy Award Winner

Best Short Film


Discussion with the Filmmaker, Ari Sandel, and the Composer, Yuval Ron.

Free Admission or Suggested Donation of $8 at the door.

A benefit for the peace campaign based on The Way to Happiness ® booklet by American educator and humanitarian, L. Ron Hubbard.

Saturday April 7th at 7:30 p.m. in Los Angeles area.

Call for address and directions.

RSVP: or Lezlie (818) 773-3201 or [email protected]

My Interests




March 22, 2007 – Los Angeles residents will have an opportunity on Saturday, April 7 th to see the Academy Award Winning West Bank Story, a funny movie, yes a funny movie, based on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. West Bank Story won this year’s Academy Award for Best Live Action Short Film.

Following the screening, filmmaker Ari Sandel, and composer Yuval Ron, will host a Q & A (Question and Answer) session with the audience.

West Bank Story has played in 112 film festivals, including Sundance, and has walked away with over 25 awards. The film’s unusual treatment of the Middle East conflict has generated lively debate among audiences all over the world including in the Arabic country of Dubai as well as in Israel.

West Bank Story satirizes the classic West Side Story. It portrays a microcosm of the Middle East conflict in a Romeo and Juliet-style feud between owners of neighboring falafel stands. When David, an Israeli soldier, falls in love with the beautiful Palestinian cashier, Fatima, the saga is launched. Can David and Fatima’s love withstand the intractable Israeli-Palestinian conflict and their parents’ desire to control the future of the chick pea in the Middle East?

West Bank Story is also the story of local boy makes good. As a film student at USC, Ari Sandel co-wrote and produced the short for his Thesis project. He hardly expected to be awarded an Academy Award in addition to his Masters.

The screening is sponsored by the Association for Peace and Understanding in the Middle East, a registered non-profit organization which funds tolerance workshops for Israelis and Palestinians. Workshops are based on the booklet The Way to Happiness ® by American educator and humanitarian, L. Ron Hubbard.

For ticket and reservation information call (818) 773-3201 or e-mail [email protected] . Free admission or suggested donation of $8 at the door benefits the Association for Peace and Understanding in the Middle East.

