Member Since: 3/5/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: George Nardello
Sounds Like:
A Testimonial from Bill Jolly, Producer, Arranger & Conductor for Grover Washington, Jr.
George Nardello sent me a demo about 10 years ago that I promptly tossed in a pile. Hey, we all make mistakes. When I finally got a chance to listen during a long train ride to New York, I was so enveloped by George's sound and feel that I forgot I was supposed to be critiquing him. His demo actually became a "listening" favorite of mine and helped me to feel better about some things I was dealing with at the time. In my opinion, that's what music is supposed to do; take you somewhere, allow you to feel or inspire. I promptly wrote George and told him that not only did I thoroughly enjoy his music, but that I'm now a new fan. As fate would have it, soon after, I needed a saxophonist to take part in a musical tribute that I was putting together for my mentor, the late Grover Washington, Jr. (whom I had the pleasure of touring and performing with as musical director and keyboardist for 10 years) George's participation in his tribute was remarkable. The performance received a standing ovation from all in attendance and from Grover himself. We promised each other that we'd work together on a studio project soon. Well, that lime has finally come and it's way overdue. George's lyrical alto, his large appealing sound and most importantly, his passion for the music is so obvious with each note that George plays. He's a great friend, a great saxophonist, a great businessman and working on this project with him was a great joy. Enjoy!
Record Label: Westtowne Records, Inc.
Type of Label: Indie