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We are a Christian Rock band, dedicated to worshiping the Lord, Jesus Christ. We "jam to the lamb" through original tunes inspired by the Holy Spirit. All of us had original roots in secular bands prior to coming to the Lord. Our "original" sound, differing musical tastes, and backgrounds come from the different styles of music we collectively used to play. We've all individually played around Cincinnati, Indiana, and Kentucky and wanna thank our friends and families that came out to celebrate Jesus with us. Jesus gave us all a "second chance" at eternal life when He gave His own life for us! Not many people would DIE for anyone, but He did. It's more than just reading about biblical "characters"'s about knowing Christ and having a deep relationship with our Maker and Savior. We are all brothers and sisters in Him. It is our prayer that our songs will touch someone enough to take that first step of faith to knowing and loving Jesus Christ!
Debut CD should be released before 2007 ends, lol. Enjoy yourselves, and bless God with your whole heart. God is amazing, and we owe EVERYTHING to Him!! Praise His holy name!!
Yes, Gina & Pam are sisters, lol! (but we're not sayin' who's older :)
In God's Hands,
Lest We Boast
Not of works,
lest any man should boast.. Ephesians 2:9
** Just a quick note about our site. We DO post quite a few bulletins. We try our best to help raise awareness on issues regarding children (missing, ill & abuse), animals (abused, abandoned & needing adopted), Soldier information (Veterans & current troop issues/news), health issues & recalls, and of course band (music) related items. We also believe in helping with charities when able to, and will post bulletins accordingly. We post on our blogs daily, and encourage you to JOIN them and especially help us with all the prayer requests. Thank you for the love & support you've given all of us. It is beautiful & we appreciate your friendship.
All songs, melodies & lyrics © 2006 Lest We Boast.
All rights reserved.
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