Make a difference . . .Before it's too late
The Yvette Gate Bone Marrow Campaign
is about saving lives. Currently many patients with serious bone marrow
illnesses die because they are unable to find a suitable matching donor. But you
can make a difference. By joining a bone marrow register you make yourself
available to save someone's life. Joining is simple and just requires you to
fill in a registration form and give a small blood sample. Your blood sample
will be tested to determine your "tissue type".
If your tissue type matches that of a patient that needs a transplant then you will be asked to donate some bone marrow. You could be
that patient's only hope.
Donating bone marrow is straight forward. It usually involves a surgical
procedure under a general anaesthetic. Whilst you are asleep some of your
bone marrow or (stem cells) is taken from the back of your pelvic bones by
syringe. You would donate between 2% and 3% of your own marrow which
regenerates in a few weeks. Donors say that the area where the marrow is
extracted from can ache for a few days. But think about it. What is
a few days of discomfort when it comes to saving somebody's life?
There is another method of donation which involves extraction of stem cells from
the bloodstream. More details of this can be found on the website at .
Criteria for registration varies between countries and bone marrow
The importance of the bone marrow register
If a patient needs a bone marrow transplant it usually means that all other
treatment has failed. Their life may depend on finding a suitably matching
donor. It is important that the donor closely matches the tissue type of
the patient. Ideally a donor would come from a patient's own family member
(brother or sister). But less that 30% of donors are actually found from
within a donor's own family.
Therefore over 70% of transplants come from unrelated donors on the bone marrow
register. So it becomes clearer how important this register is.
Unfortunately there are not enough potential donors registered and many patients
still die, unable to find a matching donor.
Greater need among minority groups
This need is even greater amongst black and other minority ethnic groups.
Not only is there a greater variety of tissue types, but there are also far
fewer people on the bone marrow register.
You really can make a difference in somebody's life by joining the bone marrow
register. If you do not turn out to match a patient needing a life-saving
transplant, then your details will be kept on a database. You never know,
you may be somebody's lifesaver in the future.
Please do something special today. For patients waiting for a transplant
time is running out so please make a difference . . . before it's too late.
Campaign website
For more information visit the website at:
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