You are listening to one of our featured artists from our Coffee House Players Website.
Coffee House Players are the exclusive providers of live music at Neena's Brick Oven Pizza.
JeNell & The Yets on WSTW
Talented people who want to play their music.
Mumbo Jumbo Bus Stop Show May 3, 2008
Studio LuLoo's Benefit Show April 5th 2008
____Photo By Phil Studio & Gallery____
1100 Gateway Blv. Rt.45 Westville,NJ 08093
(Use MAPQUEST for Directions)
Phone: (856)742-1002
Open Mic on Monday Nights at Photo By Phil's
Photobyphil MySpace
Open Mic on Tuesday Nights at the Bus Stop:
Bus Stop MySpace
Open Mic Thursdays at Fuel House Coffee
Mugs Coffee House
Open Mic Saturday Nights at Coffee Garden:
Coffee Garden’s MySpace
Open Mic Tuesday Nights at Studio LuLoo's
Studio Luloo’s MySpace
Open Mic Wednesdays at the Auction House
The Auction House MySpace
Open Mic Wednesday at The Treehouse
Treehouse Coffees MySpace
Open Mic Thursdays at Stir It Up
Stir It Up Coffee MySpace
BlueLight Sessions MySpace
Chewru Website
Slideshow Shows
Here are some of the places that we have Booked Shows:
Neena's Brick Oven Pizza Sewell, NJ
Bus Stop Music Cafe Pitman, NJ
Photo By Phil Studio & Music Venue Westville, NJ
Mugs Coffee House Swedesboro, NJ
Jake's Escape South Hampton, NJ
Up the Creek Wilmington, De.
Woodstown Hotel Woodstown, NJ
Moore Perk's Coffee
Stir it Up Coffee Mullica Hill, NJ
Mantua Township School Mantua, NJ
Back Yard Parties
Living Room Parties
STAY TUNED for more Venues
JeNell & The Yets
..Angelo M is one of the best finger picking, singer/songwriters in the country. Check out this video!
BRAND New John Shaughnessy - In The Morning (Written 1-18-2008)
Lisa Cavallaro lisacavallaro
Will Bozarth
Norman Taylor
Russ Edwards MySpace
Billy Harner MySpace
Robert Hazard MySpace
Tim Shire
Comedy House Players
A Few More Dollars
WSTW's Hometown Heroes
Click Here for Matt Wylie at Highlight Studio's MySpace
Highlight Studio MySpace
Anyone who ever picked up a guitar and made some noise.