Camp Lickalotta profile picture

Camp Lickalotta

GLBT Campground

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator Camp Lickalotta is a membership organization of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender people and our Allies who value building community and share our love of the outdoors. We organize a variety of fun and exciting camping events thorough out the year. Our main annual event, Bushstock, is a three day music festival and camping weekend. Bushstock ’08 , last May, was a great success and Bushstock ’09 organizing is well underway.

Our members or, Lickalotta’s, as we like to call them, need only follow our simple creed and live our mission by example to….

o Lickalotta Prejudice

o Lickalotta Pollutants

o Lickalotta Pessimism

<[b>Lick: to overcome or defeat, as in a fight, game, or contest.]

There is no denying our name is unusual. It grabbed your attention didn’t it? It is easy to dismiss our mission by focusing solely on our name. Earlier this year the name "Camp Lickalotta" did generate some rather unfriendly attention.

That 'controversy' brought out the worst in some people but, it brought out the best in so many more. We have bounced back stronger, wiser and more resolved than ever to create something special. A place where everyone is welcome, safe and loved. So, to stop at our name is to miss out on a whole lot of, good clean fun with a higher purpose!

My Interests

Camp Lickalotta Founders, Nancy Leedy and Joanie Beasley

At Camp Lickalotta we make sure that all our events are affordable so everyone can participate in our wonderfully divers community. All profits will go toward the eventual purchase of our own campground. Until then, we will be holding the majority of our events at Etowah River Campground in Dahlonega, GA. The people at Etowah are great allies and warmly embraced Camp Lickalotta’s Bushstock ’08 music festival with open arms.We will be holding Bushstock ’09 there as well! If you are in the area, show the great folks at Etowah some love. Be sure to tell them Camp Lickalotta sent you!

It is our intention to have events at LGBT and Ally campgrounds in other parts of the country in the near future. We will post further information as it becomes available.

We are in the process of rebuilding our main website. Until then this is the best place to communicate with us, here on MySpace. So visit us often to keep up on what is happening at Camp Lickalotta.

I'd like to meet:



Bushstock '09!


Rocky Horror Picture Show...



......The L word, Ellen Degenres, Discovery channel,CSI, Forensic Science, HGTV, and the Weather channel, plus like to watch a lot of movies......


No favorites at this time,,,just enjoy reading. Any suggestions?


Joan of Arc, Martin Luther King Jr.,Mother Theresa. Working class heroes that get out there everyday and get it done for themselves and their famalies.....ANYONE who seeks truth and justice and are about helping our community come together, not tearing it apart!!!

My Blog

Weekly blog update...June 19th 2008

 We have acquired 2900+ Lickalotta's...Yay!  Our group is growing. I would encourage you to tell your friends and have them tell their friends so that we can continue to grow and continue to...
Posted by Camp Lickalotta on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 07:02:00 PST

Camping...coming soon...July 25-27th (weekly blog update)

Who wants to go? I do!!!!!!!!!!!! Put down July 25-27th. Consider Northern GA. Joanie is calling it meet new Lickalotta's weekend....It will be held at Etowah River Campground. Call Jaki and ma...
Posted by Camp Lickalotta on Sat, 31 May 2008 12:21:00 PST

NEW FORMAT....June 15, 2008

Those lickalotta's that have been with us since the beginning and those lickalotta's that have come on board as of late know one thing and it is this...WE do not change our stance on our name or our m...
Posted by Camp Lickalotta on Thu, 29 May 2008 04:13:00 PST

Contest time...bushstock 08 pics...YOU could WIN!

Just when you think it's over, it's not! is what you need to enter this contest. I need pics from everyone that was at bushstock 08' I was pretty busy taking pics of the bands and ve...
Posted by Camp Lickalotta on Fri, 23 May 2008 02:12:00 PST

bushstock 08...the aftermath

bushstock 08' ............................................................ ....   The love, the laughter, the music, and the fun were definitely there! bushstock 08' was AWESOME! Pics will ...
Posted by Camp Lickalotta on Wed, 21 May 2008 03:39:00 PST

Charlie (a fellow ALUMNI) has passed away

..TR> Date: May 20, 2008 7:10 AM Subject: Charlie (a fellow ALUMNI) has passed away Body: Dear Lickalotta's it is with great sadness that I write to you today. One of our fellow Alumni, Charli...
Posted by Camp Lickalotta on Tue, 20 May 2008 07:20:00 PST

bushstock 8’ ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bushstock 08' ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will be posting pics and an update soon! For everyone that came out and supported bushstock 08' and Camp Lickalotta we want to say THANK YOU very much! We are ge...
Posted by Camp Lickalotta on Mon, 19 May 2008 06:25:00 PST

bushstock "08" update...GREEN for go!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lickalotta's, it's been a while in the making and we faced many obstacles and have overcome them all!  All we need now is YOU!  We need you to come out and show us and the bands, and the ven...
Posted by Camp Lickalotta on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 05:29:00 PST

The value of one life-making a difference

What is the value of one life, one voice, or one action for that matter? If that one life, one voice, or one action can persuade others to get involved and help make a difference for the good of somet...
Posted by Camp Lickalotta on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 10:42:00 PST

The show must go on...bushstock "08" May 16-18th

Here is the situation...Due to the recent set backs Joanie and I were left homeless, living apart, finding new living arrangements and all that goes with that and then the BIGGY, finding a new place f...
Posted by Camp Lickalotta on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 08:37:00 PST