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About Me

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Buried at PhotoCasket.comI'm into mysticism,paranormal,Aliens,ufo's,wicca. I like all kinds of music from heavy metal to classical.( And I will listen to country just to get on your nerves. Or whatever music you don't like. :-),hehe ) I love the arts like nude,fantasy,abstract,gothic,and psychedilic and weird art. I just about appreciate art and music,and try to find the beauty and imagination in life.
Buried at PhotoCasket.comSOME STRANGE EXPERIENCES I HAVE HAD: Of course I believe in They are out there. How could different people all over the world see the same aliens and similiar experiences and they don't know each other? I grew up seeing strange lights in my room and outside my bedroom window. One time when I was young I saw this bright white light outside in a neighbors backyard two yards down. That neighbor said it was his light from his shed,but the light was definitely brighter and totally bigger than his shed light. But of course,being a kid noone would believe me.....well,anyways.When I was looking at the light,I noticed how weird it shined,and how bright it was. I was actually in bed trying to sleep and this bright light shined in my window.So bright I couldn't sleep,so I investigated and looked out my window.And I suddenly got tired and went to bed thinking I would wake back up it before it went or something. I opened my eyes and noticed my room dark again,and looked back out and it wasn't there. This one other time when I was a kid, I woke up in the morning to find a small branch from a tree in my bed.I looked at it like what the?...And my stepmom was always making sure my brother and I took a bath at night before going to bed,so I know I didn't bring anything from outside in my bed. So that was another strange incident. I have a lot of others ,but thats a few to ponder.....
Buried at PhotoCasket.comI love my heritages that I have. So I am definitely into culture. I am black and korean mixed. And Indian ancestory.I'm not ashamed of being a lesbian. Thats just a part of who I am. You can have the best education of all,and that life's experience.The lessons I have learned is never let anyone take who you are away from you. If you in a friendship or relationship,and you feel like a part of you is leaving or is gone. It's time to move on. Cause by then,it will be too late to change. Keep remembrances of your past. They make you who your are. It's true what they say about the first 5 yrs that your personality/character develops. But you have even now the freedom to change,even do that 360 complete turn around and make the best out of your life.

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet all creative ,artistic, fun people for networking and friendship. I would definitely like to make some cool friendly friends on here.
Buried at PhotoCasket.comI will only add guys that have the same interest as me,as in the paranormal,ufo.or anything similiar to it. Other than that I won't add you sorry.
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What color is your soul painted?
Your soul is painted the color pink, which embodies the characteristics of love, friendship, compassion, femininity, relaxation, ability to overcome evil, honor, morality, general success, gratitude, appreciation, admiration, sympathy, health, and marriage. Pink falls under the element of Air, and is symbolic of gentle emotions and of emotional unions.

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God,and Myself. Who else?
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My Blog


   I am not feeling good today, so I will probably be laying down the rest of the day. I see some people still don't read my profile,lol ,but thats ok.  I don't know if discovering some...
Posted by Angela on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 06:41:00 PST

My art and Pictures

       I will be putting some more of my drawings up soon. My alien drawings are on FRIENDS ONLY. You have to add me to see those pictures. Accept for the ones I would  put on...
Posted by Angela on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 07:20:00 PST

Sleepy .....and rambling for no apparent reason just to update,lol

   Yes I am sleepy,not having enough sleep lately. I have been too busy being awake having a good time,at times. And as well,should be. Life is all about enjoying your life.  I do quest...
Posted by Angela on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 07:06:00 PST

An update finally

        Well ,yes im still taking pictures of my face.   I havent done any artwork lately since the ones I have done takes a good amount of my time. So a break is in ...
Posted by Angela on Thu, 24 May 2007 03:59:00 PST


    I am almost done with my cartoon characters. I will be putting them up this weekend for sure. I have been mentioning in the last blog that I would,and I will finally do so. Now I ca...
Posted by Angela on Wed, 09 May 2007 05:41:00 PST

Working on some new stuff

   I am sitting here relaxing and enjoying the weather. Its a nice breezy day today. I am working on some cartoon charaticures of me. Or they supposedly look like me . One I am proud of alre...
Posted by Angela on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 02:22:00 PST

My Artwork is up :-)

I have finally got some of my artwork up . I will be put more up this week. Hope you like them ,and Please comment so I know how I'm doing. Thanks. I pretty much draw fairies,aliens and fantasy and go...
Posted by Angela on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 12:57:00 PST

You dumb Hacker Whackers( this is not to my friends)

     You dumb hackers won't get into my account at all. I noticed one other time someone tried before,and now this time someone tried 15 times to get into my account. So it was loc...
Posted by Angela on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 07:34:00 PST


       I will be putting my artwork up next month for everyone to see. I doubt my artwork will be taken or used or whatever. But just in case..Don't think about it. I wor...
Posted by Angela on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 08:42:00 PST

This Weekend

This is going to be a  boring blog. I plan to catch up on my reading on my books. I have ghost story books to read. I found one alien book.ugh I usually find more than one to read. Oh well. I wil...
Posted by Angela on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 04:50:00 PST