Dimensional Traveler profile picture

Dimensional Traveler

I'm on a quest ... to find the soul of the universe.

About Me

Greetings! I am Bev, a name I have adopted from your "A Concise Dictionary Of First Names by Flavia Hodges Oxford Paperback reference 1997 ISBN: 0198600941" which we found very interesting. As a result of this useful resource all my crew have taken a name from the book. Additionally, we employ a race of cybernauts to do much of our Mother Ship's menial work. Cybernauts do not have names, they have merely a code name to enable our computer matrix to interface with them. However we have additionally given them all the name "Flavia Hodges" followed by their code, and I understand they are very excited about this.
I understand that "Bev" is a name often given to the female gender of your species. We do not have such gender concepts, and on your world identify ourselves as male or female according to convcenience or random choice. Don't worry though, we like a good shag as much as the next person. Our reproductive methods and cycle will be discussed in our blog-writings at another point.
My home world is Methylaxis Boradaclumen and thus we are known as Methylaxis Boradaclumens. As you will be aware, we are RECRUITING human friends to join us on our mission of discovery. In future blog-writings we shall further discuss our travels so far and what we have learned. For now, "cheers, bye, hasta luego" as you say in human, and as we say on Methylaxis Boradaclumen, "Jizz"!

My Interests

Here's a picture of our Chief Engineer, Steve, learning to drive. He wrote that Silkfin MkII off shortly after the pcture was taken. He's suffered a strange bodily disfigurement ever since it happened, not that any of you humans would notice. That's why he likes it here, no-one sniggers at him.

"Obbles"The game of skill with electronic balls! Don't go wrong, or you'll get a shock. (Shocks range from easy level "Tingle" to expert level "Defibrillation".) A favourite on our recreation deck.

I'd like to meet:

Me and the crew would like to meet anyone from your planet in our quest for the Soul of the Universe. Perhaps you can join us. Click "Add Me" if you want to join our mission. By your own standards a knowledge of quantum physics and metaphysics, philosophy, and how to get the shrink-wrap and security sticker off a new CD without damaging the cover, are advantageous but not essential. They all imply various levels of intelligence and ability; but we also like musicians, actors and storytellers who can entertain with intelligence and wisdom - Beastie Boys need not apply.
Here's a picture of our homeworld.

... And here are some of our holiday snaps.




Get to know your galaxy better first by CLICKING HERE ! Download takes a few minutes. Compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux etc. Thank you amateur astronomers for your comments but we are not responsible for its content or accuracy - you should contact Celestia direct.




Captain Bev

Dr Green, Medical Officer

Steve, our Chief Engineer
br Chris, Communications & Liaison Officer

Sandra, Security, Weapons and Tactics

Keanu, Catering Officer

In-flight entertainment D.J.Jules

My Blog

The Ubiquitous Finger Of Blame

Global warming has recently created some of the most devastating floods across the British Isles ever recorded, pictures of which resembled scenes from the infamous Bangladesh floodings of previous de...
Posted by Dimensional Traveler on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 10:14:00 PST

Abusive Messages

Greetings fellow travelers through time, space, life, and the cosmos.I thought I would construct this blog message in view of the contrasting messages we have received during our absence, which, once...
Posted by Dimensional Traveler on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 12:32:00 PST

We Have Not Forgotten You, Our Friends

Posted by Dimensional Traveler on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 11:48:00 PST

Humans Paying To Consume Poison

From the Journal Of Dr. Green Chief Medical Officer   An interesting debate has arisen in the United Kingdom following a claim by its government's Secretary Of State For the Environment, Food &a...
Posted by Dimensional Traveler on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 01:47:00 PST

Blind Assumption, Blind Acceptance

Here on Earth we have noticed two phenomena we would like to discuss. All races suffer it: on Methylaxis Boradaclumen, our race suffers from the curse of cynical over-critical philosophy, though ...
Posted by Dimensional Traveler on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 11:11:00 PST

Earth Studies 4: Notes On Human-Animal Relations

Greetings. We have recently been traveling over the continent of Australia, where we have been witnessing a bizarre reaction to the death of a human called Steve "Croc Hunter" Irwin. Apparently this ...
Posted by Dimensional Traveler on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 08:09:00 PST

Do Not Trust Your Garbage Bin

From the Logbook of Sandra, Chief Of Security  Even as a security expert, I continue to be baffled by the obsessional tracking of innocent human civilians by their respective governments on Eart...
Posted by Dimensional Traveler on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 08:01:00 PST

Shooting Someone In The Head is "Unhealthy"

Here's a strange but worrying piece of informatiuon that we entered into our records from the land of England. Last year an innocent man from Brazil was grabbed on the train by armed police officers a...
Posted by Dimensional Traveler on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 07:01:00 PST

With Deep Regret ...

Message From SandraHead Of Security It is with regret that this morning we had to relieve one of our crew members and friends of their duties and consign their profile back into the void of MySpace&n...
Posted by Dimensional Traveler on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 05:21:00 PST

Appendix to Report (2)

Appendix to Report (2) With reference to our earlier blog, and our communication problems with one of the leaders of your species, we have found this useful link (bottom of page). It enables you to c...
Posted by Dimensional Traveler on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 03:31:00 PST