Earth has been visited by extraterrestrial beings several times. Our creators and instructors came in ancient times from a distant place somewhere in the Universe and appeared on Earth, where they seeded life. In religious and mythological texts, this event is described as a time when "the gods descended from the heavens down to the Earth". During our planet's history, not one but several human races have been created by these wise spacemen. There was a time, in the beginning when the created humans were just as powerful as their creators....myspace -
THIS IS A MAP WHERE ALIENS HAVE BEEN SPOTTED IN JUST THE UNITED STATES..The next picture is an engraving in Ancient Egypt, notice the hats worn by the two adults, could they be covering their large heads and skulls? Notice the 2 babies, one on the left has an elongated skull, so do the 2 on the right. Could all these facts be just coincidences? Of course not? We are not all that gullible to keep accepting all these foolish arguments for all these obvious alien things we see around the world. Egypt, Peru, Mexico, Easter Island, we have been fed a bunch of baloney about the origins of all these incredible works and their builders. We are told in schools that the great pyramid of Egypt took 40 years to build and it's purpose was to bury a pharoah. Come on now, are we that gullible and were the Egyptians that gullible? Of course not, who would spend 40 years of hard labor building a pyramid just to stuff a dead body in it after 40 years of hard work. That hardly sounds logical for such an obviously advanced culture as the Ancient Egyptians. They invented their own language for god sakes, are we to think they were dumb enough to spend 40 years sweating their guts out for only burying 1 body. That is the stupidest thing we have been fed by Egyptologists to date. In Mexico the group of pyramids including the pyramid of the sun are known by people in Mexico by legend as "Place where the gods touch the earth." In all evidence this probably means where the aliens landed. Where they touched the Earth... Think about it, the pyramids are large stone monuments in Mexico with steps going down the sides. What better purpose for the steps than to allow the aliens to climb down the pyramids to the ground. That is the most logical reason for their construction. And to think that primitive people could build something so incredible is well not likely in all logic.UFO over the great pyramid
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UFO Classified NASA footage
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UFO Israel
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UFO enters Earth's atmosphere
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"The Annunciation"
painted by Carlo Crivelli in 1486 on display in the National Gallery in London. A familiar disk shaped object is shining a beam of light through the house wall and down onto the top of Mary's head. Much activity is going on in this painting, besides people pointing, filled with cryptic symbolism, the meanings lost to modern researchers.
The Madonna with Saint Giovannino"
Above Mary's left shoulder is a shining, or glowing, disk shaped object. A man and his dog can clearly be seen looking up at the floating object in the composite below. Painted in the 15th century, Palazzo Vecchio lists the artist as unknown, although attributed to the Lippi school.
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Is there a ufo cover up? Many people think that there is. Since the Roswell Ufo incident in 1947 many people feel that the army and certain parties of certain governments are hiding evidence found from ufo crashes and other ufo evidence. Another popular ufo crash was the Kecksburg ufo crash which raises too many questions to be disregarded. The army was seen hauling off something round and very large from the scene, and later denied removing something of that description from the site. Even many army personnel workers have reported being told to not tell anyone when they saw ufo's in the sky. At one incident several air force pilots witnessed several ufo crafts flying in the sky above them. The same day the commander told them all that they didn't see anything.So many similar incidents exist, just turn on the Tv when such programs come on. If you have watched any of these programs you will find it hard to deny many of the cases presented and with good reason. I myself watched one this weekend which features over 80 police officers from the same county who were in different locations and all reported seeing flying saucers in the night sky with vivid descriptions, 80 police officers are bright and alert and wouldn't all report to seeing ufos if they were not pretty sure it was ufos. They would not want others to think they were crazy.Could the army and government been hiding this ufo secret for so long. The answer is yes, and they are basically laughing in our faces. They fill us with nonsense about what the sightings actually were when they know that they were real. Millions of ufo sightings have been reported could all of them be wrong, impossible.There is just too much evidence suggesting that there is a cover up. If you have seen the Bob Lazar video you will understand as well. Why they haven't told us yet is the big question, whether it is to avoid mass panic or because it would mean admitting they have been lying to us all these years. Which is the answer? For the moment I don't know, hopefully we will find out.