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Its my belief that all people should have the right to be themselves with as little interference from Government as possible and to be that person they want to be, just keep the BS to a minimum.
When it comes to laws, I believe in local people having the most say in what values and laws will exist in their communities. That way, activities acceptable in certain areas may not be in another and people will naturally migrate to those areas that most represent their values. What is acceptable in cities like San Francisco or Las Vegas, may not be acceptable in rural areas, and vice-versa. Judges and Politicians SHOULD NOT INTERFERE with the will of the people to vote for freedoms, even those I may not personally agree with.
Although I permit freedoms and individualism, some of which I may not personally engage in OR EVEN LIKE FOR THAT MATTER, I'm not particularly interested in watching other people engage in these activities. Therefore I believe that at minimum, a respect (by the public and the individual(s) doing the activity) for PRIVACY should be the highest concern. That way, we can all be free without interfering with each others rights in public.
.....they'd hang 90% of today's politicians including the moron, scum bag and just flat out annoying idiot in chief --- George W. Bush --- one of the biggest traitors in US History. He deserves to be tried by the House of Representatives, impeached by the Senate, and then strung up after a fair trial...Just for allowing the illegal alien invasion. He is an example of someone who you have to follow the old school rule: "Even if you don't respect the man in the office, you respect the office of the Presidency".
Gun "control" laws only make the gun situation worse because they push the business underground like with drugs, prostitution, gambling, etc. and instead of well-regulated stores selling guns after back ground checks, you have criminals selling guns to anyone with the money.
We should also leave the United Nations unless they become a simple place where issues between two or more countries can be dealt with instead of the "wanna-be" "One World Government" it seeks to be. Here's an example of the stupid "One World Government" things they've done.
Back in 1975, the UN DECLARED that by the year 2000 the WORLD WOULD BE "DRUG-FREE"....well building upon that clear success, they want to DECLARE a "TOBACCO-FREE" and "SMALL-ARMS-FREE" direct violation of our Constitution and our freedoms. Do you really want the UN to take away our Constitution or even have the ability to pull us over, prosecute us for "crimes", etc.?
Illegal immigration to the US is a direct threat to our culture, our internal security (OVER 48,000 Americans have been killed by illegal aliens since 9-11) and most importantly to our future. There is something much bigger at stake here, the coming "North American Union".
By blurring our borders by not enforcing these laws, it only feeds into the belief that the US, Mexico and Canada should BE a BORDER LESS unit called the NORTH AMERICAN UNION (NAU).
The NAU is BAD FOR ALL THREE COUNTRIES! It will turn America and Canada into Two GIANT WELFARE Providers for one GIANT WELFARE Recipient.
It will allow the US to interfere in the internal politics of both Mexico and Canada (and vice-versa), which is BAD for all of us. It will also attempt to establish even more of an American Law Enforcement presence with in Mexico in particular, primarily in the hopes of "stopping drugs", something we all know won't be stopped, heck our own Government can't stop it here, what makes them think they can stop in some other nation, especially considering that we have MARINES in Afghanistan and YET the cultivation of opium, which is turned into heroin, has RISEN!
....I've got news for you, there ALREADY IS an (NAU), its called the 50 states that make up the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, we don't need to merge with Canada or especially Mexico!
We need to get rid of the Federal-based war against drugs. It isn't in the Constitution as an inherent law enforcement power of the Federal Government, in fact most drug laws we're "taxation laws" originally intended to "tax" the use of and sale of these products out of existence and were also racist in origin, just like gun laws, gambling laws, etc. Plus much like with gun, gambling and other "vice laws", these will never be a success. Drug laws (Federal), created by DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTS LIKE WILSON, FDR and JOHNSON have been given a chance FOR almost 80-100 YEARS NOW to prove their worth and have thus far proven to be a failure, as GOP Rep. Tom Tancredo, Rep. Ron Paul and others have said.
The CONSTITUTIONAL way to deal with the drug issue is: it should be left to the States, and instead of sending billions of tax dollars per year in drug prohibition related "WELFARE PAYMENTS" to Mexico, Colombia, etc. in the hopes they'll "stop" drugs from entering the US, that money should go to the States for local law enforcement for use to keep their areas under control. If some states want more open-minded policies with drugs then they should be allowed to have them, same with states that want tougher laws. Each will have to deal with the consequences and benefits of their individual policies and Americans will naturally migrate to those states that most represent their values.
Then take the entire DEA (and ATF) and shift them over to immigration enforcement, which will also enable us to increase the size of the Border Patrol literally overnight with out having to pay for one more new Government Agent, training, etc. Think about it, who knows the drug situation on the streets of their city, the cop that patrols it everyday, or a DEA Bureaucrat in DC (one of the most drug-ridden cities there is)? We all know the answer.
Join ex-cops and current ones, ex-DEA Agents, ex-FBI Agents, ex-prosecutors, judges, ex-prison guards and others who have ACTUALLY fought the drug war, who are against drug prohibition, by supporting L.E.A.P. (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition). Click on the link below to learn more about them.
Mohammadist (I use the word that Medieval Europeans used to describe the religion now called Islam) Radicals and Jihadists must be KILLED, plain and simple. They've been a thorn in America's side for years now. They've hijacked our planes since the 1980's, kidnapped Americans, killed Americans, etc. This isn't just a war they're engaging against Jews. They also want to kill Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, etc. and as such, WE SHOULD ALL be united against these vermin.
"The GOP (and Democrats) need to FIGHT for ABE LINCOLNS' Values (he FOUNDED the GOP), which means stopping PROHIBITION LAWS, especially Federal prohibition laws. America is big enough for churches and brothels to co-exist (not side-by-side of course.)" - Old School GOP -
I hold the Constitutionalist view of Abe Lincoln who once opined, "prohibition laws strike at the very heart of what it means to be a free American in that it seeks to legislate a man's (or woman's) appetite, and creates crimes out of things that are not inherently crimes."
Prohibition laws he was talking about include: drug laws, prostitution laws (Lincoln legalized prostitution and regulated it in the conquered South), gambling laws, gun-prohibition laws and more. The pictures on this page represent freedom, and the America Abe Lincoln (and the original GOP) would have wanted in today's world.
If the GOP returns to the traditionalist states-rights model of dealing with these issues rather than the modern-day "paternalistic-socialistic" "Federalization" of "vice crime", it will be a winning party (if it stays true on some other issues addressed on this page, especially illegal immigration) for a long time to come.
The GOP needs to STOP these ridiculous laws which legislate our lives and stick to ACTUAL Constitution mandated programs such as: immigration enforcement, ensuring States properly protect their citizens through the use of the 14th Amendment, winning wars and protecting us against terrorists from within and world-wide, etc.
By the way, the Secret Service should be in charge of terrorism, they do a good job with counterfeiting and Presidential protection, they know the names of all the "wack-jobs" that threaten our security; and quite frankly, our "Homeland Security Department" is bureaucracy waiting to fail, its too large, and the closest thing we have in America to NAZI/COMMUNIST style Federal Authoritarianism....they need to be disbanded, and the Secret Service should take charge of the terror war.
Government should be limited to it's Constitutional mandate. BY THE WAY, one of the VIDEOS on this page shows a COFFEE SHOP in AMSTERDAM, and as you'll see, it isn't this DANGEROUS drug-crazed place. It actually looks no different than a bar in America except the people are calmer.
America can one day be a "truly free land again", we as the citizens of this country must make it happen though.
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The FBI Profile Manual Would Label You as a "Super Patriot" - One who loves his Country and its People and is willing to fight for it, but mistrusts his Government and is willing to fight against it.
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