aestrid's music could be catagorized as dark intense indie music with
emotional vocals and dreamy synths & electronics.
But they go beyond that..
by expanding their sounds , shaping them into ambient and expirimental preludes and interludes woven inbetween the polyritmic songstructures.
aestrid can sound dark, intense, dreamy, expirimental and progressive at times...As said and witnessed by many people who have heard and seen aestrid play.
The Soest-based quartet delivers a highly emotive , at times blood-curling, performance. Sung with the lungs of a sad english choirboy echoing down the hall who cannot hide his secret feelings for much longer and needs to sing them out and loud at times...
That intense vocal delivery connects perfectly to their music played with all their might, hopes and losses.
"From dream into dream and into the morrow"
(aestriade 7.7 -team)
2005, March- aestrid-In d'esprit pornographique (full length album).
2006, July - recordings for full-length album ..2 (remaining unnamed yet)