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About Me

Zaldibarko Gari Rock Elkarteko lokaletan hasi ginen entsaiatzen, 2001. urte inguruan. Denbora pasa moduan hartu genuen hasieran. Zaldibarko Herriko tabernan lehen kontzertua eman genuen, soilik hiru abesti joaz. Ikusita jendearen harrera ona zela, serioxeago hartzera animatu ginen. Lehenengo formazioan laukotea ginen: Jon (kitarra eta ahotsa), Angel (kitarra ), Billi (baxua ) eta Poluto (bateria). Entsaiatzeko denbora falta genuela ikusita, Mallabin lokal bat hartu genuen askatasun gehiago izateko. Denbora pasa ala, taldean aldaketak egon dira: alde batetik Angelek taldea utzi zuen bere musika estilo aldaketak eraginda; bestalde, Billik taldea usten du denbora ezak eraginda eta Gribik betetzen du bere lekua. Azkenik Jon, Gribi eta Polutok taldea hirukote moduan jarraitzea erabaki dugu. 2006.urtean Funky Factory estudioan grabatu dugu gure lehen maketa, Gerraren Jabe izenburupean._______________________________________________ _______DAMUDOT was created around 2001 in Zaldibar, a small town near Bilbao. We started playing as a pastime, but when we gave our first show, in Zaldibar; people enjoyed it a lot, and so we decided to take it seriously. At that time the band was formed by: Jonflo (vocals and guitar), Angel (guitar), Billi (bass) and Poluto (drums).2006 was very important for DAMUDOT, because a lot of things happened in that year. Angel (guitar) left the band to start a new project. We recorded a demo in “Funky Factory” studio (Bilbao), the name of the demo is “Gerraren jabe” (Master of the war). Then Billi (bass) left the band and at the end of the 2006 Gribi (bass) started to play with the band.Nowadays, DAMUDOT is formed by: Jonflo (vocals and guitar), Poluto (drums) and Gribi (bass). We have our own local to play, in Mallabia near Zaldibar. AND WE ARE MORE ACTIVE THAN EVER!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 2/18/2007
Band Members: JonFlo - Gitarra, ahotsa / Poluto - Bateria / Gribi - Baxua /
Record Label: Kontaktua: [email protected]
Type of Label: None