Ei que tal?, somos un grupo de Thrash de Barcelona, estamos dando los últimos toques a nuestro segundo CD, A.D.I.C.T.O.M.I.A, que estará listo para invierno. De momento aquà teneis dos temas de adelanto para eschuchar de este nuevo disco y del anterior "Esparciendo el veneno" de 2004, e información sobre el grupo de cuando creamos este myspace hace unos meses, en inglés. Próximamente más cambios.Auto de Fe
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Esparciendo el veneno (Spreading the poison) is the first long play record from Kosto and Full, a heavy-thrash metal band from Barcelona. This is a self-produced CD, recorded at Last Studios with engineer Cesar Cisneros (who has worked with important spanish groups as Ktulu, Ojos de Brujo, Macaco,...), due to Cesar a very good sound has been achieved, being an independent production.Kosto and Full..s style is heavy-thrash metal (influenced by bands as Annihilator, Overkill, but in a very personal way) with lyrics written in Spanish, very bass and rough sounding; with an overwhelming bass and drum rhythm section and really fast guitar playing. Kosto and Full it..s a eight years old band, 3 years with the actual line-up, and after several demo works (our ..Demo 2002.. obtained some good reviews in specialized magazines as Rock Hard and Kerrang), appearing also in 2 compilation CD (our songs ..Necronomicon.. and ..Virus.. have been included in CD samplers from Metal Zone - AHME association and the radio program Jester..s Race) and after playing in almost 50 concerts we do our first step forward self producing Esparciendo el veneno.
The songs from our CD keep a balance between straight and really headbanging songs (as ..Condena de vida.., ..Auto de Fe.. ..available also as video clip-) together with more long and complex songs, but no power lacking (as ..Virus.. and ..Ultimo amanecer..) until arriving to songs with very traditional heavy metal roots (..La senda del dolor.. or ..Ironfull.. - our tribute to the most classical metal tradition) all of them keeping a common sense between them.
Our more immediate plans consist of preparing some really good music for our next CD and, at the same time, making our live music arrive to the most people as possible.