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Waiting for Godot
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Current 93, Christian Death, Esoteric, Sunn o))), Bohren and the Club of Gore, The Cure, WASP, Ostara, Joyless, Summoning, A Frames, Einstürzende Neubauten, Merzbow, Throbbing Gristle, Ait!, Ain Soph, Allerseelen, Anne Clark, Aphex Twin, Ataraxia, Enslaved, Coil, Godspeed you black Emperor!, Herbst9, Inade, Joy Division, Johnny Cash, Kirlian Camera, Legendary Pink Dots, Lydia Lunch, Mad Sin, Ministry, Moloko, Nekromantix, PJ Harvey, Radio Werewolf, Sol Invictus, Spiritual Front, SPK, Laibach, Ulver, Psychic TV, Der Blutharsch, Bain Wolfkind,Cabaret Voltaire, Rose McDowall, Diamanda Galas, Amorphis, Bathory, Beherit, Mari Boine Person, Deutsch Nepal, Burzum, TMLHBAC, DAF, Death in June, Deniere Volonté, Schtimm, Dead can Dance, Die Form, Emperor, WASP, Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio, Samael, Garmana, Sieben, Nile, Impaled Nazarene,Mila Mar,Geile Tiere,Geneviere Pasquiere, My dying bride, Kraftwerk, Client, Zara Leander, New model Army, Nový Svet, O Paradis, Novo homo, OTWATM, Ojos de Brujo, Projekt Pitchfork, Sigur Rós, Schock Therapy, Sisters of Mercy, Welle Erdball, Tenhi, Mortiis, Pain, Venom, Boyd Rice, Forseti, Neither/Neither World, Orplid, SQE, Toroidh, Witt, Tho-So.Aa, Apoptose, Nature and Organisation… ..
Helmut Krausser, Joris Karl Huysmans, Schopenhauer, Kenzaburo Oe, Arthur Rimbaud, George Bataille, Ken Wilber, Friedrich Nietzsche, Arne Hoffmann,Jean Paul Sartre, Carl Gustav Jung, Umberto Eco, Michelle Houellebecq, E.M. Cioran, H.P. Lovecraft,uvm.