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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Be sure to "Mouse Over" the pictures to find hidden messages!

I believe we should approach life as an offering of love, a gift from the heart. Not a performance. We are not in competition with one another, but are all necessary parts of the same large family. I love everyone and everyone loves me...and YOU!
We are One.
"...try, like some first human being, to say what you see and experience and love and lose... describe your sorrows and desires, passing thoughts and the belief in some sort of beauty --- describe all these with loving, quiet, humble sincerity... and if out of this turning inward, out of this absorbtion into your own world, verses come, then it will not occur to you to ask anyone whether they are good verses... for you will see in them your fond natural possession, a fragment, a voice of your life. A work of art is good if it has sprung from necessity. In this nature of its origin lies the judgment of it: there is no other."
~Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet!
What do I love most about life? Laughter. Extraordinary laughter. Uproarious laughter... contagious, effusive and otherworldly. Not sarcastic or cynical laughter that is forced or inappropriate, at someone else's expense, but the pure, carefree, uncontrollable laughter of genuine mirth and good will. The hearty laughter which issues forth from God's Spirit dwelling within us. An expression of spiritual delight, peace and joy. The kind of laughter that can heal the entire body and soul and cure what ails ya'. The laughter that comes from being all at once 'aware' of both the joy and suffering of being human. The laughter that bridges the gap between people and reminds us that enlightenment means 'to lighten up.' After all, we're in this together. Why not make the most of it?
"H.umans U.nder G.reat S.tress"

My Interests

~~~~~~~~~ It ~~~~~~~~~~

The love we shared this evening past
Is special, well we know it
Could never happen overnight
It took some time to grow it

About such love I sought to write
Thus tangibly bestow it
Upon you, to express in words
Befitting of a poet

The feelings and the thoughts pulsed through
My veins, I did suppose it
Would effortlessly flow and yet
My pen could not transpose it

No words, I found, explaining love
No definition for it
I think it cannot be defined
To give love is to know it

Try to capture it escapes you
Letting go of it elates you
Send it out to bring it in
"Like" attracts it in the end

©2001 Lora Buchanan. All rights reserved.

My Amazing Four Fab Children, © 1983, 1986, 1992, 1994, Grandaughter Zoë, Poetry, Songwriting, Piano, Guitar, Mandolin, Meditation, Massage, Hugging, Resonant Deep Belly Laughter, Ink & Pencil Drawing, Humor, Dry Wit, Nature, the Universe, Metaphysics, Reflexology, Nutrition, Raw Foods, Romance, Exercise, Yoga, Baking Healthy Snacks, Raised-Bed Gardening, Thinking...

CURRENT MOON moon info

All things sensual, like the warm fragrance of bread slowly rising from the oven, filling the house and delighting the senses, Sitting in Trees and Laughing about no thing for no reason, Kindness... and YOU.

I'd like to meet:

People who are amusing or cause me to think deeply. Anyone who has ever lived who is a serious thinker, a thoughtful parent, a passionate artist, a lover of nature, and most of all, who is kind, loving, genuine and sincere!

The stars all shine
With a story to tell,
And the moon, it knows,
Where the mystery dwells:
On an emerald planet
Suspended in space,
Where your dreams come true
When you act with faith!
~Mike Dooley

Sand Fantasy Painting Love 2008

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My tastes are very wide ranging and ecclectic.
I'm a bit of an audiophile with delicate senses.
My favorite bands: My beautiful daughter,
Meghan, and her new band,
'Instead of Hearts'
("Girls have stones, instead of hearts...")

...and my son, Johnathan, is my favorite lead guitarist!
He is truly amazing!

My son, Schuyler ('Sky') is a talented drummer... I have never seen a baby get a bouncy chair going to such a fast beat...in perfect rhythm!! He has great wit (we all call him the 'Truth Sayer') and he is also very funny! My lovely daughter, Havilah, plays guitar and piano by ear...no lessons, no sight reading. And she's a fabulous magician! Blessed, I AM, with naturally gifted children! *Beam*


I appreciate an occasional movie, but I much prefer to sit and quietly witness nature and talk to a live person...or NOT talk! Whatever is appropriate at the time.


I'm with Gerry Spence's comment regarding television. Not only is it a hotbed of propaganda, but I prefer not to become a "mindless consumer" nor an "empty-headed voyeur!" I would much rather spend time reading, playing music, meditating in a natural environment, or going for a nice long walk in the rain...


I AM a certified biblioholic. I must admit, books are my weakness! The Bible is timeless... my favorite owner's manual. My four most worn copies of literature are The Complete Essays And Other Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson; Apples of Gold In Pictures of Silver, by B. F. Johnson © 1889; The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson © 1890: and The Poetry of Robert Frost © 1969 (all eleven of his books complete); I love Florence Scovel Shinn, Ernest Holmes, Dr. Joseph Murphy, Don Miguel Ruiz, Madeline L'Engle and Wallace D Wattles. Read lots of books on the power of positive thinking. What I believe is constantly growing and expanding from the center outward... Namaste :)


My Mom. She's amazing. My son, Johnathan, for doing the right thing every time, even when everyone else is doing the 'wrong' thing. He is always very courageous and gallant. My daughter, Meg. She's the bravest soul I've ever known! My son, Schuy and daughter, Havi, for always obeying their father respectfully, even when they think he's wrong... as long as it doesn't conflict with God's laws. My four children for loving the best parts of me. I belong to a family full of Superheroes! And for this I AM most Truly Grateful. * smile *
Show me God and hear my laughter
Integrate my darkest hour...

This is my beautiful daughter, Meghan Myers. I made this slideshow in her honor, as a true labor of love. She is a naturally gifted musician who began writing songs at the age of twelve and performing live by the time she was fourteen. And for the record, Meg, I still LOVE your very first songs as much as the new ones. You really should sing them again!
(Pretty Please?) *big smile*
An 'Apple of Gold' a Day!
Found my comfort
in the Southern hemisphere...
Lovin' warmth that wraps around me
Tell me it's okay
Just whisper in my ear
Freein' up my inhibitions
Free it up...
©1999 Lora Buchanan. All rights reserved.
My cousin Lisa, and her husband run a wonderful wildlife refuge and ranch for animals who have been abused, abandoned or neglected. Lisa is such a selfless, kind and loving person who loves all the critters and wants only to protect and care for them. She appreciates all volunteer help and support! Thanks so much!
Help Exotic Animals by Clicking Here:
© Nancy Ann Rice
In the Morning of Life
In the morning of life, when its cares are unknown,
And its pleasures in all their new luster begin,
When we live in a bright, beaming world of our own
And the light that surrounds us is all from within;
It is not, I am certain, in that happy time
We can love -- as in hours of less transport we may;
All our dreams, aspirations, begin in life's prime,
But affection is truest when these fade away.
When we see the first glory of youth pass us by,
And experience the hardships of life at each turn,
When our cup, which had sparkled with pleasure so high,
First tastes of the other -- the dark flowing urn;
Then -- then is the time when affection holds sway
With a depth and a tenderness joy never knew;
Love, nursed among pleasures, is faithless as they,
But the Love born of Sorrow, like sorrow, is true.
In climates of Sunshine, though splendid the flowers,
Their sighs have no freshness, their odor no worth;
But the cloud and the mist of our lifes own dark showers
Soon call the rich spirit of fragrancy forth.
So it's not amid splendor, prosperity, mirth,
That the depth of Love's generous spirit appears;
To the sunshine of smiles it may first owe its birth,
But the soul of its sweetness is drawn out by tears.
Poem © by Thomas Moore Translated from Irish
Circle of Life © Defenders of Wildlife
Chief Seattle Speech © Care2
Save The Rainforest
Come on around the world
Join in, give me your hands,
A human chain will grow
Around our planet.
Let it extend to see, to appreciate
Emerald green forests,
Sources of unspoiled beauty,
Foremost, please hear:
For Medicines.
Hold your horses,
"Destruction" is your name.
Biggest enemy of conservation.
I know too well, follow its trail
Here in Africa.
Here, thanks to human and world
Efforts, once aware, reserved some
Species marked for extinction.
The success story will grow
From the Addo park, near
Port Elizabeth to the Serengeti,
At the foot of the Kilimanjaro.
In the South of the Americas
Six species are killed each day
Never to recover,
Gone from here forever.
Do we consciously realize?
Hello all citizens of this planet,
We all want and have the right
To the same life and to have a roof
Above our heads,
Just sit a moment to think.
We can each eat less, but let's live,
Spend this bit on the future
Of our next generation.
The forests around the mountains,
Rivers, the mighty Amazon,
Will all be lost, become a desert?
Will birds of prey, will kolibri
Just disappear, if we all
Selfishly devour?
Do we sample food for Eastern style
On chopsticks carved out of the
Soul of hardwoods?
Do you hear them cry?
Stop to use the woods for fancies,
Invent rather than destroy, the
Field is endless for technology.
This is a wake-up call
The dying sounds of all,
The hurt to trees, their wounds
Shriek out to us,
They thunder, they shout
Are we dumb?
My ears are full with noises
Of their death-cries.
Plant pines, growing
Fast to be consumed.
But all the herbs and all the bark
A Rain Forest does host,
Cannot be replaced at all
Once lost.
So join me poets, writers, artists,
Humans of all kinds and creeds,
Friends and lovers, feel the
Pangs to the heart when a tree
This is for immediate action,
Show your concern,
Act now!
By Zoltan (c)ZG-POetry2000.
Humor is an inborn gift
Congenital and rare
The fruit of natural mellowness
Sensitivity is there
The light and humane phases
Of our lives we need to see
Mirth and cheerfulness are set in action
Most unselfishly
Keep a heart that is light
As free as a bird
Never damage another
In spirit or word
Don't hold on to that laughter
Burdened by care
Let it go, raising others
From their own despair
Sorrow touched by laughter grows
As bright as sunshine's ray
As darkness shows us worlds of light
We never saw by day
Live with a noble purpose
And struggle not in vain
Let go your laughter, feel the joy
And sing out its refrain
©1999 Lora Buchanan. All rights reserved.
Save The World - One Click At A Time!
On each of these websites, you can click a button
to support the cause -- each click creates funding,
and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Every Day ...
Share a kind word with a friend.
Give away a smile.
Tell one secret.
Listen to what someone has to say.
Listen with your heart,
to what someone cannot say.
Try one new thing.
Forgive one person who has hurt you.
Forgive yourself for past mistakes.
Realize your imperfections.
Discover your possibilities.
Make a new friend.
Accept responsibility for everything you do.
Refuse responsibility for anyone else's actions.
Dream one dream.
Watch the sunset.
Cherish what you have.
Cherish who you are.
Love your life.
"Creative Healer"
You are a Creative Healer Empath. You take in the energy of others and transmute it. You trigger transformation in others and free trapped energy. You are capable of great healing abilities. You walk between the worlds, creating your own reality and infusing your energy and emotions into the lives of others, bringing waves of healing energy with your presence. You are poetic and sensitive. You turn your feelings into creations and share them with the world. Everything you touch turns to song and is freed by the colors within your eyes. Your spirit dances with the wind and paints delight in the evening sky. You are a passionate, loving prayer in motion.

What Lora Means
L is for Legendary
O is for Openhearted
R is for Revolutionary
A is for Altruistic
What Does Your Name Mean?
She is a tapestry of delicious conscious awareness, capable of laughter all the world may witness, and of tears no one will see. A musician who listens to nature; a photographer in her mind; a mother who remembers what it is like to be a child...

My Blog

______Alisa's Song______

I cannot bear to think such painInsistent, tho', these thoughts remainThe apparition reappearsA child by her own mother slain My eyes thus fill and fill with tearsA child screams and no one hears?The ...
Posted by MIRACLES on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 10:40:00 PST

_____Yearning Love_____

Chorus:Yearning love, I can't give you what you needYou need a love that comes from deep within yourselfYearning love, I can't give you what you needYou need a love, that comes from deep inside Verse:...
Posted by MIRACLES on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 07:50:00 PST


(Verse:)The hour is lateMy mind entirely spentWe spoke for hours, for hoursThough never a word A prayerful connectionNothing but quiet emotionMy heart reaches out for youAnd it’s clear, it&rsquo...
Posted by MIRACLES on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 10:34:00 PST

_____Breath of Time_____

Quintessence -- in a breath of timeThe stillness of a tombMy bare emotions surface -- hushedIntense -- your face -- the room Tho' never introduced, we bothPerceive the truth, unknownTo others -- reaso...
Posted by MIRACLES on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 12:32:00 PST

_____Jump Into Life_____

Walk upon the mountain pathMoist clouds caress my eyesMy thoughts breathe open airMy mind to fertilize Horizon's warm and reddened lipsKiss soft, uplifted groundA secret lover's ritualPerformed withou...
Posted by MIRACLES on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 12:04:00 PST