Using the phrase, "In other news" as a segue between any two statements. Appreciating thinly-veiled hostility, refusing to say the word "panties," feeling self-conscious, and scratching big, dopey dogs behind the ears. Pontificating. Complaining about just having moved for the third time in 18 months. Betting the farm on my dumb luck.
Anyone who writes, reads or watches movies and then insists on using quotes from those sources during a serious conversation. Or alternatively, anyone interested in founding an organization called M.O.L.D.--Mothers Opposed to Line Dancing.
I won't go into specifics, but I like anything that would go over big at a wedding reception (with the exception of the Macarena or the Electric Slide), and pop-ish stuff that's on the sweet and uplifting side, without going as far as Christian rock. Let's just say that if it's the kind of music that an advertising producer would use in a tampon commercial, I'd probably like it. The music, I mean, not necessarily the tampon. On the up side, when I do make it to a concert, I insist on shouting, "More cowbell!" at every opportunity.
I like the TV show (and movie) Jackass a little too much, Chris Pontius's brilliantly constructed character, Party Boy, in particular. It's simple TV based on physical violence between friends and double-dog dares gone too far, and who doesn't love that?
Seriously now, Willis, what are you talkin' 'bout? I love all books, even the ones I haven't read, but I hold a special place in my heart for all kinds of zines.
All of my heroes are also Hogan's, but that's just a coincidence.