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Reader Photios

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Glory be to the Holy, Consubstantial and Life-Creating Trinity!
M y name is Corey, a.k.a. "Photios," I'm a Psaltis (liturgical chanter) at a Greek Orthodox church under the Patriarchate of Constantinople.
My interests include foreign languages (namely, Spanish and ecclesiastical Latin -- I'm now also learning Koine and "katharevousa" Greek and a little classical Arabic), UNIX, computer hardware and repair, network security, programming, web design, number theory, .. auctioneering, philosophy, theology, astronomy, creative writing, literature, psychology, religion (esp. liturgiology), and political science.
I've been discerning my vocation for over six years now, and hope to be, God permitting, an Orthodox priest someday.I'm a convert from traditional Roman Catholicism, and was formerly a seminarian in the First Philosophy year at SMAS.
I was working with my cousin for a while as an IT consultant, but hadn't really been making that much money (with the exception of a few computer sales and a web design job at Simmons College ).

I'm generally a public entity, more or less. So if you'd like to talk, feel free to contact me on either of my screen names below; if it's more pressing, or if you'd just really like to talk to me for some reason, you can reach me by phone (I have a new phone number; message me).
My username on OrthodoxCircle is theologoumenon .
A I M : Epimanikion
Y a h o o : coreyzelinski

"Vox audita perit; litera scripta manet." -- Horace

Photios Corey Zelinski
Ou mh kaJhsterhsei kai h mou makroJumia×
Soi exomologiswmai prwtoV kat¢ akribeian
MeJ¢ upomonhV, dia kai touto taV opoiaV
Emoi uparconteV eiV touV aiwnaV pantaV×
¢En olh th kardia, h wraiwJh mou,
Auton apaggelw× dioti toson
Se agapw.
Ámor conflíxere amórque /
Duéllo cum mágno dolóre /
Sic míhi locutus / sum nunc, quam confúndus /
Qui úllam non scít de amóre.
Scío sed ego nunc vére
Hunc vérbum sapiéntiæ, loquére:
Quótquot amáverunt muliérem quídem
Cum non et ámet illos illa --
Quam frívolam, futílemque
Fúit amor eórum!
Sémper sed Deo sit glória /
Láus, hónor cum ómne victória /
Cújus est órbi história /
Pér immortália sæcula. Amen.
"In Absentia"
What heights, what lofty peaks of joy
Do men of sorry state employ?
To lift the soul, to raise the mind,
And so, enamoured, peace to find
With you, most darling love...!
Nearly all would I forsake
Save but my soul, through which I take
Such pleasure, such delight -- in thee --
Pursuing the entelechy
Of this most joyful denoument --
With horizon's sun, yet yielding
A resolution, shielding -- us --
From any further strife.
Until that day, let us approach
Climactic bliss, thereby to broach
Those tides --
On which --
our ships --
"Reflections on Life Wasted"
If I had a second chance,
I'd do it all just right --
I'd laugh and cry, and by and by
I'd fight my own good fight;
I'd make much haste to help a friend,
Or "damsel in distress" --
To comfort others, my lesser brothers
In trouble and duress;
And if I had a second chance,
I'd fix what I failed then,
And what I'd done aright, I would do
All over again;
Oh, if I had a second chance,
I'd end all pain and strife --
But second chances, like true románces
May come but once in life;
For if I'd had a second chance,
I'd right my wrongs gone by --
And perchance, I would enhance
My place, up in the sky...

Doxa Patri kai Uiw kai Agiw Pneumati: kai nun kai aei kai eiV touV aiwnaV twn aiwnwn, amhn.

My Interests

Orthodox Christianity, Linguistics, Philosophy, Theology, Liturgiology, Number Theory, Philhellenism, Classics, UNIX/Linux, IT/MIS, literature, computer programming, Byzantine History, the Jesus Prayer, taking baby-steps toward theosis, music (I'm a huge S&G/DCFC/MB20 fan; among others, I also listen to alternative, indie, folk, classic rock, Baroque, Byzantine and Gregorian chant, etc).

I'd like to meet:

Christ and the Saints, anyone of good will, local people, ethnic people -- especially Orthodox Christians belonging to ANY jurisdiction, poets, linguists, aspiring presbyteras, priests, intellectuals, philosophers, writers, hackers, dreamers, songwriters, monastics, physicists, mathematicians, computer programmers, Paul Simon...

St. Herman, Enlightener of America


Byzantine Chant, Gregorian Chant, Znammeny Chant, folk, alternative, and classical music of the baroque era are among my more favorite genres. Simon & Garfunkel is possibly my favorite musical group. Other favorites include: Sufjean Stevens, Matchbox Twenty, Paul Simon, The Beatles, Bob Dylan, James Taylor, The Postal Service, Death Cab for Cutie, They Might Be Giants, John Mayer, THE MOODY BLUES, The Doors, Apostolos Hill, Eikona, Jackson Browne, Chanticleer, Toby Keith, Sting, Pink Floyd, Billy Joel, Bee Gees, Rolling Stones, Elliot Smith, Five for Fighting, Bob Marley, Los Lonely Boys, Sixpence None the Richer, Tower of Power, Green Day, Fortaleza, the Scorpions, Dabkeh, sacred polyphony, and so on. Some of my favourite hymns and chants (liturgical and non-liturgical) include: the καταβασíα&sigm af; of the Holy Cross (and for the Nativity Season), Tη υπερμαχω (along with the entire Akathist to the all-Holy Mother of God), "o Moνoγενης Yιòς," the Troparion and Exapostelarion for Lazarus Saturday, the Prokeimenon of Forgiveness Sunday, "O Star of Orthodoxy" (Troparion for St. Gregory Palamas), the Troparia for Sts. Photios the Great and Mark of Ephesus, "al-Youm Olika ala Kashaba" (Good Friday), "Ya Rabb el-Kouwaat" (O Lord of Power), anything from the Bridegroom Services or the Royal Hours, the Doxastikon of the Last Judgement, the Great Doxology in Grave Tone, Eξoμoλoγεíσθ&epsilon ; τω Kυρíω, and St. Nektarios' "Aγνη Παρθενε Δεσπoινα," to name a few.


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Father Ted - The Passion of Saint Tibulus

Hilarious British parochial comedy! The Passion of the Christ, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Kingdom of Heaven, Dr. Strangelove, Amélie, Sideways, Eulogy, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, I ♥ Huckabees, Rain Man, What About Bob, Dead Poets' Society, Ed Wood, The Princess Bride, any of the Monty Python movies, Mystery Science Theater 3000: "I Accuse My Parents," The Exorcist, A Beautiful Mind, Phantom of the Opera, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Brahm Stoker's "Dracula," Twelve Angry Men, etc.


Law and Order, Seinfeld, Frasier, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Will and Grace, Family Guy, Futurama, South Park, Star Trek: The Next Generation, The X-Files, Outer Limits, MST3K, A&E, the History Channel, as well as the consistently sleep-inducing C-SPAN (and its bastard daughter, C-SPAN 2). I find myself watching the History Channel more and more these days. I know, I know, I've already seen every program they have to offer on Hitler or various Kennedy Assassination conspiracy theories -- but I just can't... stop... watching!


The Old and New Testaments, any of the 19th and 20th-century classics, passages from the Philokalia, the Exomologitarion, the canons and decrees of the Holy Synods, Patristic texts (especially the Didache, the First and Second Apologies, the Epistles to the Symrnaeans and the Commonitorium of St. Vincent of Lérins, Adversus Haereses, On Marriage and Family Life, De Fide Orthodoxa, Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit, anything by St. Symeon the New Theologian, etc.), Father Arseny, the "Apologia" of Socrates, In Search of Schroedinger's Cat, God's Equation, The Man Who Loved Only Numbers, The Importance of Being Earnest, Lord of the Rings, Las Travesuras de Don Quijote de la Mancha, De Bello Gallico (Marcus Aurelius), The Thorn Birds, The Confessions of St. Augustine, Summa Theologiae, The Elegant Universe, The Way of the Pilgrim, The Philokalia, Les Miserables, The Brothers Karamazov, The Interpretation of Dreams, Pascal's Penses, Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church, Christ the Eternal Tao, Against False Union, A Brief History of Time, 2001: A Space Odyssey, 3001, Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress," Patristic texts... Sophocles, any of John Dunne's works... definitely Khalil Gibran... anything by Isaac Asimov... too much to list here.


Jesus Christ, the Theotokos, Socrates, Plato, Richard Feynman, Pythagoras, John Chrysostom, Photios the Great, Father Arseny, the Blessed Seraphim Rose, Lord Byron, Mark of Ephesus, José Antonio Primo de Rivera, Frederico Garcia Lorca, Stephen Hawking, Kurt Godel, Paul Erdos, Isaac Asimov, Hiesenberg, Neils Bohr, Albert Einstein, Lao Tzu, Kevin Mitnick, Blaise Pascal, John Dunne, Paul Simon, George Orwell, Adamantios Korais, Ronald Reagan, Oscar Wilde, Ren Descartes, Emperor Justinian, G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Augustine of Hippo, Czar Nicholas II and the Romanov family
British poet, philhellene and Greek freedom-fighter Lord Byron, being welcomed by the Metropolitan of Athens and the people of Greece (1823)
" Oi anJropoi thV ' BuzantinhV AutokratoriaV ' den eican idea oti htan Buzantinoi; gnwrizan oti einai auJentikoi sunecisteV tou Rwmaikou kosmou... "
-- John S. Romanides
"In thee rejoiceth, O Full of Grace, all the Universe, the angelic hosts and the race of men. O hallowed Temple and supersensual paradise, glory of Virgins, of whom God was incarnate and became a little child, even our God Who is before all the ages; for He made thy womb a throne, and thy body He made more spacious than the Heavens. In thee rejoiceth, O Full of Grace, all the Universe: glory to thee!"

My Blog

How to Love Our Enemies? praying for them, of course; also, by desiring for them every spiritual good leading toward their salvation.  And if we love them -- truly love them, that is, with that ardent flame of...
Posted by Reader Photios on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 01:46:00 PST

Christological Disparity Between Surah 19 and St. Luke's Gospel

[This little blurb was actually pasted from one of my instant message conversations, so it's still a work in progress and hasn't been edited or formatted, nor does it have a proper conclusion. It exam...
Posted by Reader Photios on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 11:07:00 PST

Western Triadology and the Filioque

[Note: This is an edited version of a blog written by my friend Jay; it was written mainly with Western Protestants in mind, as opposed to the Roman Catholics --personally, I find it&nb...
Posted by Reader Photios on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 11:02:00 PST