I am still overwhelmed by the positive feedback I have got from friends here on MySpace! Thank you all for the support, love and encouragement.
I still recieve songs in a state of contemplation and now there are two 10-song-records. I've decided to give away all the songs for free, so go ahead and grab them from the widgets on this site. New songs will be uploaded continously to the Box.net widget named "New songs - FREE!" If you want to help out you may choose to buy the records or make a donation clicking the buttons on this page.
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Someone said that people who experience abandonment, trauma or other sufferings especially in early childhood may become more open to the spiritual reality than others. Maybe we all share the same emptiness inside, maybe we all share the same longing for meaning and love. In my life, nothing has been more precious to me than my life in the spirit. I guess it started off as a search for something 'else'. An alternative to reality as we know it.
There is an interesting connection between music and the spiritual. Music can express the emptiness, the longing. It can take us out of this world, and for a moment it may set us off to the skies. I was drawn to music at an early age, but for some reason I wouldn't let myself enjoy it to its full extent. I started to study music theory and things became a little too complicated. I put music on the shelf for many years.
Sweden is a very secular country. There are almost no traces of religion in the public society. But somehow I found a faith in Christ. He was like a magnet that drew me to him and I can see now that he has taught me so many things about reality. For the first time I felt that there was something to fill the emptiness inside, something that would bring meaning to my life.
Reality includes suffering, and suffering may lead to escape. But the God I know chose to take part in our suffering, and I guess I will be forever fascinated by this wonderful thing. And, I figure, if this world is a place good enough for Christ, I might give it a chance too. If nothing else, I will be sure to have divine company.
For five years I studied theology at the University of Uppsala (Sweden) to become a priest in the Church of Sweden. To begin with, the meeting between a simple young man of prayer and the intellectual world of theology was a little scary. But I found that the faith I've been granted with did survive, and it was strenghtened by the theology of the church fathers. The theology on incarnation has been so helpful to me. No more did I have to search for something 'else'. I would start to search for holiness in reality. I know it is in there, I just need to find it and trust it's there.
This understanding of reality really helps. Take family life for instance. Being married and a father of three children I have found that, beyond the romantic illusions of marriage and parenting there is a pretty harsh reality sometimes. But in this family body, in this 'reality' there is holiness. I know it is in there, I just need to find it and trust it's there. Out of the same experience of the mystery of incarnation, I also found out that my spiritual life needs to become 'real'. Therefore I decided to follow a simple rule of thumb for the spiritual everyday life. I am thus enslaved, wearing Blessed Chains.
I guess I had a mid-life crisis in my 30's, and I am happy about it. I really had to sort things out and find my way back to a life in the feelings and emotions. And all of a sudden music came welling up within me. What was put on the shelf is now a flowing river within me. I just wish I could give this new music, these meaningful songs, a chance. And if I can use music as a way of soothing my brothers and sisters here on earth, and if this is a possible way for me to share my experiences of finding a way in this valley of tears I am forever thankful.
So, I hope you will find a climpse of the precious treasure in these lyrics.