katrose profile picture


Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog, Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,

About Me

MySpace Layouts, Comments and Graphics
Grab This Layout: Cool Witch, Halloween
I am a mother of two, boy and girl, in that order. I have two grandaughters, both belonging to my daughter. My son is single...ahem....ladies....lol. I am married to a wonderful man. We both love to camp, fish, ride horses (or mules preferably). I am an avid reader. I love paranormal romances, mysteries, you name it, if its readable, I will read it. I am actually a pretty boring person...lol. I watch tv when I get the chance. Mostly during the winter when theres not much to do outside. My husband and I both love to go antiqueing....either on long trips or short ones....doesn't matter. We are coming into our "Golden" years. We actually love to spend alot of our down time together....its like we are dating again...silly I know....but fun. I guess you can tell, Halloween is my fave of all holidays, even christmas. Does that make me a witch?'Tis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world. The power of Three.......

My Interests

I love to read, I read all the time. I love paranormal, romance, and all kinds of supernatural books. I love to go camping, going for long walks in the evening or early morning. I love to ride horses or mules. I love to travel anywhere and everywhere. Love meeting new people. I collect all kinds of fairy information. Also, I collect books written by Laurell K Hamilton and Christine Feehan. There are so many things I love to do, eat, cook, and play with my grandaughters. Life is so full and never enough time for all the things you love. Dreams of having magical and mystical powers over others, being a warrioress for all good, to fight against all evils. I have soo many different interests that it really is hard to list them all. Just ask and I will tell you if that is something I have done or would like to do. I also love dragons and anything else that has to do with fantasy topics. Always curious about everythng...

I'd like to meet:

There are alot of people, famous and ordinary, that I would love to meet. I have made alot of friends on myspace and some I would really like to meet for real. Then, theres old friends from long ago I would love to re-meet. I wish I had met my granny's mother. I have been told that she was a really special woman. She was the daughter of a Cherokee Chief. Unfortunately, back in Tennessee, if you acknowledged that you were of Indian heritage, you were shunned. She never signed up on the roll when she left the reservation. But, thats another story too....getting off the subject here...lol... I would also love to meet some of my favorite writers. All writers are super special to me because they have the ability to take you places you've never been, places you've always wanted to go and places you have never heard of before. My interest do vary alot....such as the paranormal....love all kinds of mystical and such.


eagles, def leppard, queen, elo.............some ragae, phil collins.....anya....so many more...am very versatile as far as music goes. Just don't care for the head banger type of music.


Well, this is where it gets difficult. I am a movie buff. I love movies of all kinds, but specialy the fantasy movies, science fiction, etc. Some comedy's are listed as well....gotta laugh sometime....chick flicks, as my husband calls them are on the list as well.


Okay, gotta list Lost...which is due back on January 31st. Then, Lisa Williams, the phsycic..CSI, Ghost Whisperer...Kyle XY, The 4400....Ghost hunters, Medium, Survivor, Big Brother, oh my goodness, there are sooo many...lol..no time to watch them all.


My favorite authors, Laurell K Hamilton, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Christine Feehan......all their books and there are sooo many more authors...just know that I love to read. HTML content to post goes here (e.g. text, images, objects, etc.)" / Share on MySpace!


For me, that would be my husband. He has been through alot and its not over yet. I am really proud of him. Then, my son and all the other soldiers who fight for our freedom and their families who bravely sit at home waiting for their return. They are true Heroes..So please, lets not forget them and what they are doing for us. Last but not least.....my son in law, Doug....for being a cute fireman, for being a super dad to my granddaughters and for being the sexiest husband to my daughter.

My Blog

Kitchen Cosmotology

It was a stressful Saturday, it was supposed to be my day off, but, I worked for a sick friend.  Still trying to cope with my daughter in law duties of taking care of mother in law.  Being t...
Posted by katrose on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 10:39:00 PST

Children taking care of Parents

Well, its finally happened.  The "child and parent" role has reversed.  My husband retired on April 25, 2008.  He was so looking forward to that.  On June 6th, his mother, whom was...
Posted by katrose on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 05:29:00 PST


In one of those moods.....I am trying to read, but can't get into it.....just not in the mood...don't want to watch tv....not in the mood....was trying to send messages, just don't have the heart, not...
Posted by katrose on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 06:50:00 PST

Darkbane: The Fountain

Darkbane:  The Fountain by Kimberly Adkins   The story begins in our present day New Orleans, after Katrina.  Wow! When you pick up this book and open to the first page, you are ta...
Posted by katrose on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 05:46:00 PST

Something to make you laugh.....

Okay, this is going to sound really silly....here I am, sitting in dispatch.  I have been working the hooch shift, or graveyard or whatever...its an all nighter...Anyway, its about 3:30 in the mo...
Posted by katrose on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 04:11:00 PST

ependoma (tumorous cancer)

Okay, today my husband had his last MRI for this surgery he had done one year and 5 days ago. The Dr. said everything came back clear....no signs of regrowth of the tumor and all signs of existing tum...
Posted by katrose on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 02:34:00 PST

Internet friendships

I just wanted all of my "myspace" friends to know how I feel about their online friendship.  I don’t get with each friend on an everyday basis, but when I do, I like to send them something ...
Posted by katrose on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 08:31:00 PST

Never enough friends?

Okay, let me start at the beginning.  When I first signed on to myspace, I was not familiar with the way things work on myspace....in other words, as far as myspace was concerned, I was illiterat...
Posted by katrose on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 10:55:00 PST

HA HA HA.......Thanks Helen......

Thanks Dark Hunter......lol.....I don't usually do this but here goes..... YOU'RE IT!!! Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with ten weird random things, facts, habits or goals about your...
Posted by katrose on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 07:45:00 PST


  I just finished reading a book by Fiona McIntosh.  She's really good.  I had never read any of her books before, but it really was good.  It is the first in a triology.  "Od...
Posted by katrose on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 07:01:00 PST