Here's a new quote: "Every light that comes from Holy Scripture comes from the light of grace. This is why foolish, proud and learned people are blind even in the light, because the light is clouded by their own pride and selfish love. They read the Scripture literally, not with understanding. They have let go of the light by which to Scripture was formed and proclaimed." - Catherine of Siena -
Be content to progress in slow steps until you have legs to run and
wings with which to fly. - Padre Pio
Okay, I like striking up conversations total strangers .. you learn lots of very interesting things that way .. so the answer to this question is "I like meeting just about everybody!" (Drive-thru clerks just love me.) And I truly enjoy visiting old friends .. who would I like to visit? My Ceili boys; always Friar Minnow & Theresa Marie; Halfdan; the CO crew - Corey/Liz, Bill & family, Cindy, MY ROCKY MOUNTAINS; Barbie & her entourage du jour; the Rolla, MO folks - the Brooks, Manion, Cox, Rechtien, Mertens, & Priesmeyer crowds; my Little Sparrow friends; Bryan in France; my nuns in Ireland; other women of Alpha Phi!
There will be a TON of people to see in heaven ..
Duh ~ take a guess! Ceili Rain, of course! Aside from that, I'm a product of the 1970s softer side .. Okay, I'll admit to being a sucker for acoustic guitar .. but, for me, it's all about lyrics. Which is why I love Boberto so much ~ Halligan, you're the pen for my heart and soul!
My all-time favorite movie is Dead Poet's Society .. but with any movie, best watched at home with chips & salsa!
The Closer! Most anything on HGTV (known as the 'laundry folding tv station'at my house)
My favorite book is titled: An Army of Angels (it's a historical novel on Joan of Arc ~ Jehanne the Maid). Jehanne has profoundly influenced my life.
Rev. Mr. Mike Brooks ~ of Rolla, MO ~ Theresa Marie, Gerard Schulte, Bill Schulze, Fr. John Schmeidler OFM cap, the WONDERFUL Irish Sisters of Mercy who taught me in school ... Catherine of Siena, Joan of Arc, John Vianney