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Father V.

Let it be your first care not to deceive yourself.

About Me

Check out my other blog: A Priestly CommentaryHello! I am Father V., a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston. I am 28 years old, and was ordained a transitional deacon on January 28, 2006 and a priest May 27, 2006. I studied at St. John's Seminary from September of 1999 until May of 2006.I graduated from Pinkerton Academy in 1997, and after a brief foray in the Army, I entered Hesser College in Manchester, NH. I enjoyed two semesters there as a student and RA, then I transfered to the Seminary. I graduated from St. John's Seminary College in 2002 with a BA. I majored in Philosophy and English Literature. I then entered St. John's Seminary School of Theology, which is a four year program. I graduated from St. John's in May with an M.Div.My family consists of my Father, (after whom I am named), my brother Anthony and his wife Felicia, and their three beautiful children, Anthony, Isabella and Nicholas."The world holds us to be fools. Let us hold it to be mad." St. Francis de Sales
Daily Bible Verse
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A faint faith is better than a strong heresy. St. Thomas More Rome has spoken; the matter is settled. St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430AD)

My Interests

I love traveling. I have been to Rome three times, London, Oxford (England), Bogota (Columbia), Mexico City, various places in Canada and all over these United States.I am an avid baseball fan (Red Sox of course), enjoy movies, some TV and a whole lotta reading. I read alot of Theology and pertinent Catholic periodicals, but have a weakness for fiction and novels. I also follow and read up on politics more than I should.

I'd like to meet:

First and foremost I'd love to meet the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. Running a distant second, I would also like to meet George W. Bush, Robert DeNiro, and Christopher Walken.
There are not over a 100 people in the United States that hate the Catholic Church, there are millions however, who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church -- which is, of course, quite a different thing. Servant of God Fulton J. SheenThe Church has ever proved indestructible. Her persecutors have failed to destroy her; in fact, it was during times of persecution that the Church grew more and more; while the persecutors themselves, and those whom the Church would destroy, are the very ones who came to nothing. Saint Thomas Aquinas
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I also listen to a lot of music. I am a huge Frank Sinatra fan, (I truly do celebrate his entire catalog). I am also a huge Leon Redbone fan, and I try to see him in concert whenever his schedule brings him to New England. Also: Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Louie Prima, Bobby Darin, and John Pizzarelli. Finally, in spite of myself, I find that I listen to alot of country music (Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, Jr., and Toby Keith amongst others).


I like the Godfather Trilogy (yes, even part 3), Sleepers, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Goodfellas, Moonstruck, We Were Soldiers, As Good As It Gets, The Big Lebowski, A Man For All Seasons, Becket, O Brother Where Art Thou?, The Usual Suspects, In the Name of the Rose, and of course The Passion of the Christ (one of the greatest films ever made). Actually, I'm one of those people who like most movies they see


You can't beat The Simpsons or King of the Hill. Almost anything on EWTN, especially Mother Angelica Live and Archbishop Fulton Sheen's show, "Life if Worth Living." I also watch way to much Fox News.


Some of my favorite books are The Power and the Glory (Graham Greene), the Collected Works of Flannery O'Connor, Collected Works of G.K. Chesterton, The Great Divorce (C.S. Lewis) and When Character Was King (Peggy Noonan).I am also an avid reader of a bunch of blogs. Below is a great search tool designed specificly for Catholic blogs.CatholicBlogs.com


I count among those I admire my dad, Pope John Paul II, St. Pius X, St. Padre Pio, the former Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, now gloriously reigning as Pope Benedict XVI, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, and Ronald Reagan. Also, while I have your attention, read the lives of the 40 English Martyrs. These brave and faithful men and women gave their lives for God and His Holy Church in order to secure the restoration of the Faith in England. Their stories are incredible and will inspire you. Pray for the intercession of these great saints. There are a great many more I could name, but I don't want to show too much of my hand. Lastly, I wouldn't call them "heroes", however I would like to send an honorable mention to the 2004 Red Sox, who finally made 'this could be the year' come true.

My Blog

Our Tainted Nature’s Solitary Boast...

Our Tainted Nature's Solitary Boast... I have often used Wordsworth's beautiful line about Our Lady: "our tainted nature's solitary boast," but was not familiar with the whole poem. Thanks to the I...
Posted by Father V. on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 06:42:00 PST

Great Vocation Video, Circa 1964

Vocation Video, Circa 1964 I came across this great video on YouTube. It's a vocations film made by the Dominicans in 1964. I am a great "fan" (for lack of a better word) of the Order ...
Posted by Father V. on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 12:35:00 PST

Am I the only one?!

Am I the only one? This article is taken from the Daily Mail out of London, via the Drudge Report. It is the heartwarming story of a woman, pregnant with twins who, following her doctor's advice, de...
Posted by Father V. on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 08:50:00 PST


Dear friends and readers, I will be away until the 31st of October on vacation, and not checking e-mail or MySpace.  Please pray for me, and the couple whose wedding I will be attending in sunn...
Posted by Father V. on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 08:53:00 PST

An Appeal from Father V.

One more shameless plug for votes!  The voting is almost over, and I have been stuck on page 4, with 87 votes, for quite a while.  I would love to score a little higher, and increase my ex...
Posted by Father V. on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 09:44:00 PST

Frankensteins Monster, or The New Church

Frankenstein's Monster: The 'New Church' Paradoxically, there has been in recent history, a disturbing trend among those in Catholic higher education to do all that they can to attack the Church a...
Posted by Father V. on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 04:49:00 PST

Great Clouds of Incense

Great Clouds of Incense I love to use incense at the Holy Mass. It helps to support an atmosphere of solemnity and beauty that is fitting to the greatest gift given by Christ to His Church, and the...
Posted by Father V. on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 07:03:00 PST

What can Brown do for you?

What can Brown do for you? There is a wonderful blog written by "Sister Mary Martha," who if I am not mistaken, is a religious sister, commonly known as a nun. However, there is nothing common abou...
Posted by Father V. on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 01:34:00 PST

Reorienting the Mass

Reorienting the Mass This article from Zenit (by way of Catholic Online) helps to explain the posture of the priest facing with the people towards the altar during Holy Mass. This posture, known as...
Posted by Father V. on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 11:30:00 PST

Howard on the Rosary at Gordon

Howard on the Rosary at Gordon This is the conclusion to Dr. Howards fine talk at Gordon College. It is very short, and on the Rosary, and very beautiful. He addresses, I believe, most of the ...
Posted by Father V. on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 10:57:00 PST