Football, Religion, Films, Outdoors, Walking, Current Affairs, Rock/pop music, Philosophy, Sociology, History...
Good people. table, tr, td { background-color:transparent; border:none; border-width:0;} body { background-color: 339966;}
U2, Bon Jovi, KT Tunstall, The Zutons, Greenday, Gregorian Chants (lol), The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Classical Music, Texas, Duffy, Brandi Carlile, The Beatles.
Dr Zhivago, James Bond, Indiana Jones, Vanilla Sky, Schindler's List, Groundhog Day, Pink Panther, Star Trek, Back to the Future, Terminator Trilogy, Monty Python,
All Football, The News!, Have I got news for you, Current Affairs programmes, Star Trek, MTV, UKTV History, E4-1...Most TV I find just unwatchable so switch it off!
History, Religion, Philosophy, Sociology. I cannot read Fiction, complete waste of time!
Martin Luther KING. Saint PAUL Mahatma GANDHI The Buddha, Oscar The Grouch (Sesame Street)