Member Since: 1/17/2007
Band Members: Artists who have played include:Attic Lights, The Dead Beat Club, Down The Tiny Steps, Endor, Evan Crichton, Kat Healy, The Kays Lavelle, Little Doses, My Radio, Richie Gallacher, Rory McIntyre, Sit. Stay. Attack. Attack!, St Deluxe, Team Turnip, Ziggy Campbell & The Simblocks, The Phantom Band, Small Town Boredom, Early Songs, Zoey Van Goey, Kid Canaveral, Le Reno Amps, Jesus H. Foxx, Penny Century, The Hermit Crabs, Broken Records, Down the Tiny Steps, Mystery Juice, Cancel the Astronauts, Mr Gavin McGinty, Ian Macauley, Katie Sutherland, The Amateurs, Esperi, Shady Bard, Lions.Chase.Tigers, Underbelly, Come In Tokyo, Meursault, Over the Wall, Les Enfant Bastard ............
Type of Label: None