The Chicago Abortion Fund (CAF) fights to overturn economic barriers to reproductive choice. Through direct service and education/advocacy, CAF assists low-income women in obtaining safe abortion services by providing clinic referrals, negotiated discounts and financial assistance. While we are unable to directly assist all the women in need, we work to extend choice to all low-income women by making the issue of economic access a priority on the agenda of policy makers.
For more information, or to contact us, please see our website .
Also, if you are in need of funding, please do not message us through myspace, it will be deleted. Call our client line at (312) 663-0338. We generally take calls on Tuesday, from 3-5pm or until all funding is exhausted. If you can not get through to us, do not fall into our funding guidelines, are not from the midwest region, or are otherwise unable to get funding from us, please check out the National Network of Abortion Fund's website for more resources.
We are a fund, not a clinic. If you need help finding a clinic near you, look up your area on Gyn Pages .
Watch My Voice, My Choice, CAF's leadership group, host their own TV talk show/hotline on CAN TV's Channel 21 . The last Wednesday of every month at 8:30pm.
You can also watch old episodes on Youtube !
Check out our blog!
Thanks to Firebelly Design for the newly designed logo and art direction of our official website and new literature!
Your donations help keep us going- together, let's make choice possible!