Made With Love By: MyPhobia,,
First and for most so you all know I'M GAY! I'm proud and I'd shout it from the top of a building if you'd give me a megaphone! I'm not here looking for false fame and attention for no reason. I want to know each and EVERY person who I talk to and I look forward to getting to know you. I'm here to be myself because that's all I have to give. I want to know you all, I want to love you. Talk to me and I'll talk to you.
I tell you the world is coming to an end, but you look at me like I'm crazy. And what, do you think, just because you can speak english you know anything about anything? No. You've been sleeping, we've all been sleeping, and now, now it's time to just wake on up. Each day is ment to be grabbed by the balls and be made into something, because god doesn't give you any hand outs, you got to make your own way in this world. You got to make fun and make love. And if you can't do that . . . well . . . NEXT!
And see the thing is, this is a secret, all this, breathing, bleeding, pumping blood, is a big fancy way for saying . . . SECRET . . . That's what life is some big, moving mystery. But that's not scary and that doesn't make it hard, if you ask me, that sounds like fun. "Don't be so serious, life's not so mysterious." It seems like it is mysterious, but if you learn to enjoy it you'll get the hang of it.
Check out my video section for a STRAPPING good time!
[And now for your entertainment I came up with a grand old little idea. What follows is a revision of some ones ‘About Me’ section. Some of you may recognize who it is, but even if you don’t I’m sure if you think about it you can figure out who’s it is. Enjoy.]
You’re not obligated to read this...
If any of my views or anything offends you, close this page, or go read the original version of this revision, cause, it’s much worse.
I really don't care what you think about my views because just like me you’re entitled to your own. “Yes, many people may have similar views, and that’s good for them. I'm proud of whoever you are.†[Note To The Reader: The writer would like to make it known that anything in quotation makers is directing quoting from the original version of this ‘About Me’ and has NOT be revised but has been left in due too . . . well I think it’s funny how ignorant some people can be. Don’t you?]
Okay first off, I eat food period. I don’t care if you’re a vegan or if you eat humans. Everyone has the right to eat the things they want and not have to be worried about being judged for it. “You cannot be gay and call yourself a Republican, sorry, but you can't. Do some research if you do, idiot.†[Can you believe this? I’m not lying here people these are EXACT quotes.]
But yea, the stuff that we do to animals these days can be cruel. But it's the twenty first century; there’s NOTHING WRONG with eating meat to survive. “And to all you "I'm an off vegetarian" fuck you. You’re a bunch of pussies, stop being retarded and stay veg!†[Yes the original writer of this ‘About Me’, he sure is a great role model don’t you think?] There’s no reason for you to think that eating what you want and living how you want is wrong and if there is, comment me about it.
If you don’t recognize the cruelty committed to animals, I wouldn’t say you’re a cruel person, but I do think it’s important for you to know that it DOES happen.
I’m really not going to stand here and insult you and call you something like a “TART†because you’re not a vegan or because you are one. Humans eat food, just like every other animal on this planet, end of story PERIOD! “You should of learned it in school, as demand increases, so does supply!†[The POINT dear looking for the point?] Every time you eat meat, you are NOT supporting animal cruelty that’s RIDICULOUS. “If you eat fish, you’re not a vegetarian.†[I guess I can’t really revise that, it’s just true?] “Don't you dare say you are, cause you’re not.†[Oh ya this too I guess.] Not eating meat may help slim your chances at being overweight; but lets face it, that’s only because there are more IMPORTANT NECISSARY proteins and fats in meat then there are in vegetables and tofu which would technically explain why there are a lot less overweight vegetarians then meat eaters, because vegetarians don’t have to worry about the proteins and fats found in meat. That being said though I don’t think it’s right to pin “obese society†on people who eat meat; “if you want to eat meat and get fat, then go die of a heart attack.†[He lives in his own little world, the original writer does, but that’s all right, they know him there.] “Heart disease is the number one killer in America.†[Mhmm mhmm again can’t revise cause it’s true] Meat helps promote it, which is why it’s important to make sure you partake in some physical activity, something as simple as walking everyday.
“Lets move on to the number two killer in America, cancer.†[BWA CANCER!] I’ve got nothing against smokers, as long as you brush everyday. “Like okay,†[Valley girl, love it!] cigarettes do kill people, but I’m reminded of the words of one of my favorite comedians Lewis Black when making reference to second hand smoke, he says, “THEY MADE THAT SHIT UP.†“Fucking think of me! Every time you smoke, think of how you’re supporting killing me.†[Every time I read that sentence I laugh WAY to hard, and it just doesn’t get old. He really is in love with himself huh?] People do have the right to smoke cigarettes but that doesn’t make the facts any less true then they are, thousands of people die every year from smoking. I know it’s hard and I know that some people smoke simply because it’s just nice to have a cigarette, but I know if the day comes that you want to quit you’re strong enough to do it and you are strong enough to beat cigarettes. I don’t know if it will mean too much but if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to or need someone to help you quit, I’m always here to be an ear, and to be a friend. And I want you to know that I care about you, each and everyone, really, and my prayers go out for you and my hopes that you’ll always have your good health. I wouldn’t want to see anyone get hurt. “This subject is making me very upset, so I'm going to start talking about love.†[But before you do, you can go apply to be his boyfriend, you know he has one of those “Apply To Be My Boyfriend†things, but don’t worry boys I’m sure he knows all about true love. (Gags a little.)]
“I believe it’s possible to love anyone, male or female.†[This I agree with, with all my heart truly and deeply.] As far as a lover though I’m attracted to boys, but I have just as much love for girls. It’s not personal I’m just gay. “I believe love is love, no matter what race, gender, age etc.†[Well maybe the original writer and I can agree on a few things at least.] If you’re wondering if I had girlfriends, no I haven’t. Have I ever had strong feelings about them? Only Heather, and I cried over not being able to like her like that because it's not what I wanted. “I've had very few boyfriends, and I HATE sluts.†[Again I agree but I wouldn’t be so hateful as to call someone a slut, what people do in their own beds is none of my business as long as they’re not hurting me.] “Seriously, if being a welcome mat for STDs makes you happy, do whatever the fuck you want. Don't come running to me when your peeing blood, cause all I will say is "I told you so.â€â€ [I DEFINITLY wouldn’t be so harsh as to say that, it’s just not right.]
“If you’re a virgin, I'm proud of you, and save it up for someone special.†[Please do because if you let someone take it away from you and it’s not special it hurts more then anything I’ve, or you could, ever experience and it’s very difficult to get over a bad decision.] The first boy I was ever with used me and I didn’t know anything about love or having a relationship and he fluffed me off like I was nothing. I don’t really talk much about it except with those I know very well. “I'd say about 90% of you have seen at least one pic of me and him kissing though, we were all over the internet.†[And the original writer claims he’s been so hurt by him, but he still keeps the picture in his picture folder. I don’t know about you but to me that’s a little bizarre. Anything for a little fame and attention though right?]
I want to be up front with all of you because I’m an honest person and I wear my heart on my sleeve, people have called me a “MySpace celebrity†before and where it is flattering, I’m not, I’m just a guy and I’m just being me, nothing more nothing less I’m not looking for fame and fortune I’m just looking to be real and make good friends. I’ve met a lot of amazing people from all around the world and I wouldn’t trade the opportunity for anything, I am truly honored and humbled to have such an opportunity. And I do my small piece to be a good person and support the gay community, there’s nothing more powerful then being proud of who you are and I promise you’ll never meet anyone more proud to be gay then I am.
“I really could care less if you think I'm conceited, you can't judge a book by its cover.†[I think if someone were to call him conceited it’s not because they are judging a book by it’s cover, we only have what he shows us and the things he says to go by, but I think a better word to call him would be ignorant and naive.] I am very confident in the way I look and how I carry myself because dressing the way I do and being the way I am makes me happy, which is how everyone should feel, but to be honest I don’t know what people see in me, it’s no secret so I suppose there’s no reason to keep it from you but when I look in the mirror I . . . I don’t feel special. It’s something in my life that’s been very difficult to live with, loving who I am but not loving the skin I’m in, but I’m still here, and I’m learning, growing and trying to better myself all the time. “So I put that to good use and advertise for myself, which again, in return, advertises for a bunch of good causes.†[Well it’s nice to know that as long as he gets some publicity for it he’ll try and do some good for the world. Not because it’s just the right thing to do.]
I am a photographer and my artwork is another thing in my life that I am very confident about. I am very self motivated, and I know that I WILL become a professional photographer, because I have the drive and the confidence. “Actually, I do help a lot of people. I get a lot of mail from people I help, and a lot from people telling me I'm just a stupid Myspace whore. Believe what you want.†[Blah blah blah] I’ve met some of the most amazing people through MySpace who have touched my life in ways they’ll truly never know. I show the people I talk to friendship and I share my love with them and they return it to me. I listen to them when they ask me for help and I share what I can with them and I can’t begin to describe how rewarding it is to be there for someone when they’re in need.
“We the people need to come together. The youth will one day be in charge. We need to accept change and whatever life throws our way. People need to stop being so narrow-minded and stubborn. Things change.†[By God I couldn’t have put it better myself.]
I BELIEVE WE NEED TO SHOW PEOPLE IT’S OK TO BE GAY! “Once people get comfortable with seeing gay people holding hands, kissing, hugging, it will become normal and accepted easier.†[We all need to do our part so start TODAY!]
(For those of you who do know who this ‘About Me’ originally belongs to I’d be interested to know what you think in comparison between the two or just your reaction. Please don’t ever be shy with me I’m a very friendly person and would love to chat with you.)
♥ RENEE (AKA Mommy Goth) ♥