autumn profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

THINK PINK!!! A married radio DJ with a lot of kids, pets and opinions..check out my gossip blog...if you dare! (Some times I pick fights for fun) Anyone that would like phone in gossip on their radio program let me know soon, because my available time slots are filling up. Or you could just hire me to co-host.

Myspace Layouts

My Interests

Music, art, barbies, jewlry, trash tv, children, karate....ummm shoes lots of shoes! Here's an article the Sacramento News & Review did on me: (I swear I am not quite as stupid as the quote they chose to use make me sound.) A8351 Check out my Sunday morning show at & My new gossip segment at 5:45pm Tuesdays and Thursdays on and feel free to beg, plead and bribe me to do updates or even be part of a show on your station today!

I'd like to meet:

Oprah.....just so I can fall down her stairs and sue. Oh wait, someone already did that. Then Elvis, wait he's "dead" telemarketer that calls during dinner. Do you hear that "Dorothy from the Morgage Group"? I am on to you and I WILL track you down! I would really love to meet this guy; Leonard Cohen. Watch this video. It has a bit of an intro, but when Leonard starts to sing...I guarentee within 30 seconds after he starts singing, you will feel him reach inside a touch your heart. (And I am NEVER serious like this!) Leonard Cohen-tower of song

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I love the local Sacramento music, we have some great bands here! (you know who you are) I love all types of music. And Leonard Cohen is the number one, mostest bestest, singer KING OF THEM ALL!!! Do you understand that I love Leonard Cohen? Check out Cohen and some other bands I love...and if your song isn't on this list it's because I am just learning how to do all this stuff and I haven't finished adding all of the songs I want to yet. But I did put Milli Vanilli in there to see if you are paying attention! If you need a cd or music review to post on you jacket or website, let me know...unless you suck. If you suck, than do what any normal musician does...go and ask your mom to write a review!


Horror mobster and comedy classics....PRINCESS BRIDE is still the best movie ever made! People have been sending me movies to write reviews on as well. Please if you send me one I promise to watch it, if you promise it doesn't suck.


I like: Boston legal, House and Greys Anatomy. They make me watch: Blues clues, Backyardagins, Oobi and Play with me seseme....AHHHHHHH!!!


Dan Brown, James Patterson, Angelu, Poe, Shakespear...I'll read anything...almost. I will write a review on any book you send me. I will even post it on Amazon...just please make sure your movie or play or script doesn't suck!


There are so many out there saving our lives, and we don't even know all of their names....I pick my handsome son DJ, who was the first to call me mom and lead me to the light.

My Blog

Trouble is in trouble!

Blog is up kids: ...
Posted by autumn on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 02:11:00 PST

Another Celebutard DUI and a new puppy for Paris to eat! NSFW!!!

Huge blog today, I guess I am making up for lost time: ...
Posted by autumn on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 06:03:00 PST

Sunday horoscopes have computer issuses too!
Posted by autumn on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 09:04:00 PST

Evil Knievel dies at 69! Now I am off to look into my crystal ball for your Sunday Horoscopes....TTFN!!!!!...
Posted by autumn on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 03:30:00 PST baby is back!

Oh the time it takes to write a blog on my computer is 1/16th of the time it was taking me.  I promise to never drop my laptop again!  The blog should kick off your weekend nicely: http://au...
Posted by autumn on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 04:23:00 PST

Britney pregnant & a Grey’s Anatomy star makes out with her brother...a lot!

My computer will finally be back in my hands tonight so your updates will be regular again.  Today's blog catches you all up: ????,,,TTFN!!!!...
Posted by autumn on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 04:53:00 PST

Celebutard Gossip breaks through the broken computer...3 dead celebutards???

Yup I have a lot to catch you up on...enjoy: My computer should be back by Thursday...but sadly all my data will NOT ever be coming back....TTFN!!!...
Posted by autumn on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 03:54:00 PST

Turkey Day ccelebutard gossip! NSFW or MOM!
Posted by autumn on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 10:34:00 PST

Tuesday of doom! Linda Hogan is NOT the mom of the year BTW!!!

So my new baby (laptop) had a little drop and is now at the doctors for the next ten days.  SO I will be grumpy until it gets back because I am using my old Vista invested one...errr!  I did...
Posted by autumn on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 03:41:00 PST

Monday celbutards of the Day are Tomkat! AND AMA pictures too!

I'm filling in on air at KUIC tonight so I am off in a hurry, enjoy Monday's gossip: Take care...TTFN!!!!...
Posted by autumn on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 03:11:00 PST