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mish the martini man

hey let's laugh today

About Me

just the usual crap about myselfIn conclusion i do a great godfather impersonation.when not working,working out,netsurfing,in pursuit of a fine martini or trying to avoid seeing chocalate babka wherever I may roam,i am practicing my spelling or trying to communicate well with others.
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Martini head image copyright by The Mark Kaplan Studio www. preoccupations. net

My Interests

good movies, interesting people, single malt scotch but not in that order specificaly
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I'd like to meet:

the people i used to know, the people i do know, and some poeple i dont know.emotional availability is allaways nice from a girl.But thats what they tell you to say.At this point we dont have to be the same person as long as we want each other when we are not there.I think thats a good measure of compatability for me to find ina woman, right?and some other stuff ..
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classick rock, funk,blues, live jazz


i have a terrible taste in movies.i will never be a movie reviewer




the count of monte christo, by Alexander Dumas


joe elliot, dollop coffee, the people who live on sherwood ridge lane in pomona,ny (you know who you are),the security guards at waveland bowl, and anybody who can admit that they paid over $50 to see whietsnake at any point in time

My Blog

an update on myself

hey people I know that I had written that I had posted my last blog 2 months ago. I was a little stressed out by some things and i appreciate all the support over the past 2 months. However I do miss...
Posted by mish the martini man on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 04:03:00 PST

delusional and horny deep observations on life...please join in on the fun

Some psychotic, disturbing and horny deep observationsThis girl I was out with last week told me that she was into Japanese S&M Techniques. So I made her whip me with sushi.If the government were rea...
Posted by mish the martini man on Thu, 22 May 2008 08:06:00 PST

the naked shmucks at my gym

IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE, FEEL FREE TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY BLOG AND SEND ME A FRIEND REQUEST.DON'T BE A STRANGER   My fucked up gym There are people who are shmucks. But they are dangerous because ...
Posted by mish the martini man on Mon, 19 May 2008 07:54:00 PST

How to do nothing at work

Every day when you go to work, you interact with different types of people. Some of these people are hard-core assholes with idiotic behavior or hard core idiots who behave like assholes. I believe th...
Posted by mish the martini man on Tue, 13 May 2008 04:31:00 PST

Screw Jack Bauer. A critical review of "24"

It Occurs to me that this season of TV has been devoid of the hit show "24". Is this good for the world or is this bad. Or better yet who gives a shit? OK, Ok we get it. Jack Baur saves the world o...
Posted by mish the martini man on Fri, 09 May 2008 09:55:00 PST

Cockblocking-The Inside Story

Cockblocking: how it affects us all.I have racked my bran on how to best serve the world and what evils I can stop. Then it hit me. The world would be a better place without all these people who prac...
Posted by mish the martini man on Mon, 05 May 2008 06:59:00 PST

Back in the "good old days"?

"When I was your age" -_Weird Al Yankovic "back in the good old days"I remember a chat I had with my grandfather when I was 11 years old. It still makes not a lot of sense to me. I spilled O...
Posted by mish the martini man on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 04:08:00 PST

Darfur and Sudan: A history of the genocide part 1

Sudan and Darfur. A history of the Genocide part oneI realize I usually post things that are meant to be funny. But this is not meant to be funny. This is letting everyone know that right now a lot o...
Posted by mish the martini man on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:40:00 PST

20 commandments for dating strippers and sluts

co-written with MIKEYhttp://blog.myspace.com/mikeythecomic"Such a woman, you got styleYou make every man feel like a child.""photograph" Def Leppard 1983The 20 commandments of trying to date stripper...
Posted by mish the martini man on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 06:57:00 PST

Random paranoid and psychotic thoughts for every day life

Random paranoid and psychotic thoughts- a best of blogI always sleep with the lights on because when the lights are switched off I become real irritated and I begin to think of how the bulb company is...
Posted by mish the martini man on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 07:06:00 PST