Hello, my name is Coyote. Eye don't know my heritage or geneology, so Eye assumed the origins of my proudly adopted last name, which comes mainly from Scotland and Ireland. Eye am a lover of several different things. Eye absorb culture and history and tweak and create a montage of pieces that fit in my life. And Eye also try to live by a chivalriac, yet realistic code. Eye then create my values and rules based on that. Eye prefer the samurai code.
I would like to believe in happy endings. If this is the first time you've met me on MySpace's surreallistic community of a weird mixture of people, WELCOME, MY FRIEND .
I see the skies, to go slate-grey with bird spatterings from white, unite to clouds, those in the forms to be spread out and some in the fair blind admiration of the daily light. I watch the wind blow violently against the remaining pieces of nature transplanting them in a city of concrete, steel and stucco. It is Fincher meeting Lynch in my life and landscape. If you are to add me as „a friend “, beware. I watch with a careful eye.
Look, I'm just looking to find intelligent and fun people who don't mind being themselves. Want to be judged ? Go on American Idol. Want to have a deep and introspective conversation or have a fun and somewhat quirky debate ? I'm the guy. I'm not a bar/"meatmarket" type of guy. Sorry. Been there, done that. Friends can attest that I've been " under the table " numerous times. But, I got tired of that and live as close to StraightEdge and normal as I can possibly get. Which for me, says a hell of a lot [cue laughter] .
You're probably noting upon passing, " Who is Coyote ? " ... Well, I am a history buff, an amateur artist(e) & writer of both poetry and prose, a long-standing romantic, but balanced with realism, a New Millinea Ronin & above all, a lover of all incarnations of various points of pop kulture and foreign tales.
Future AmbitionsI finished the first draft of my first novel. I am feeling conquerous and awesome from it! I am happy and even though it's soon going through a wise and through editing, I am still proud that I finished something I put effort into.
And write poetry both for fun and for slam/open microphone. And write songs and sketch again. And work in graphic arts again. College, maybe.
So feel free to drop a line and speak your mind. You might be pleasantly surprised how sharp and witty and fascinating you are [at least I assume so!] I like life now somewhat ... music, movies [old and new], good reading, good food, friends, dancing and just trying new things! My resolution for the rest of my life is to say, " What the hell ? I have nothing to lose by just LIVING THE BEST AND FULLEST THAT HAS BEEN HANDED TO ME [smile]! " Why wish for otherwise, right ? And I think, even if life seems stressful and gritty, down and dirty, sometimes, it all takes the RIGHT attitude and the OPTOMISTIC SIDES that life us out and keep us going.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4Greed: Low
Gluttony: Medium
Wrath: Low
Sloth: Medium
Envy: Very Low
Lust: Very Low
Pride: Medium
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