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It's not my job to judge you.....I'm only required to understand you! Those that lack accountability

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"Music is the artistic emotion created within the sole that expresses ones true self to find ones true mate. It may be appreciated by one. It may be appreciated by many. As it carries it cries across the lands and oceans to the sole of the mate it longs to cherish.” By Matrisse

I'd like to meet:

"What is an Artist? One that arouses emotions in others. I'm the artist that creates images of fantasies." In the words of the infamous Dr. Hannibal Lecter; “Nothing happened to me….I HAPPENED !” I understood the intent and meaning of the Satanic Bible before I ever cast my eyes over it. Life to me has been a constant battle between nurture vs, nature. It is clear to me that people are born differently and most of the time far from equal. The formula that was used to create what is me in this moment (healthy body, healthy mind + perfection + intelligence + shy and emotional + endorphin addict = creature of fantasy.)The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzche wrote of me when he predicted the birth of the “uberman” or the “superman”. This man would be born with superior looks, a superior brain, and would rise to power and greatness in any given situation. This man would be dominant and controlling and command respect from those around him leaving him to create his own set of standards and rules, while the lowly, pathetic, and most weak minded members of the ever obedient sheep that make up the rest of society will obey him and worship him.Nietzche mentioned me yet again when he wrote “Beyond Good and Evil”. He mentions a person that breaks every rule in the book to obtain greatness and will have their misdoings forgiven by the masses as they worship and idolize him for his achievements. On my path to power and greatness I shall unleash my well protected powers within to commit anything I deem necessary to rise to glory including crushing those that would oppose me.Anton LaVey (a simple man who met with fame and power through understanding peoples vulnerabilities and how to capitalize on them) wrote of me when he wrote “The Satanic Witch” and wrote to me when he said his only regret in life was being nice. I make men bend, bow, quiver, cry, and jump in my very presence as I’m challenging, missgevious, and stunning by nature. My only regret to this moment in life was being nice to the mundane that lacked the inelegance to win the internal battle between logic and emotion.I’m a creature of: Logic and understanding Wisdom and opportunity Pleasure and indulgence My daily routine does not include any action that is done solely because it is expected of me or because I am conforming to anyone. My actions are all executed to obtain all that I feel is pleasurable to me at that moment. When I see any object of my desire (human or material) I simply go get it through using the means I have learned.I believed at a very young age when you are with child your body belongs to that of the infant. To carry a life inside you is a privilege not a right and when you are given a privilege it should be acknowledged and respected. To ingest something into the body that it doesn’t require to function at a superior level is a drug. When one is privileged with child it is her responsibility to insure that all substances that enter her body are to benefit the infant, not satisfy her. In the first year of life the infant is connected to the privileged by the breast as the breast was given to the privileged for this reason and this reason alone. I am EVIL. Pure and simple, I languish in the pleasure of the seven deadly sins with no remorse, and total satisfaction.Greed…Pride…envy…gluttony…anger…lustâ €¦sloth……..equals a contented Mistress!What do you see when you look in the mirror? Can you see beyond the emotion that restricts your actions and your passions? Can you see the human animal inside you in need of training? Can you truly see anything that you are proud to be? Can you see a creature that is proud of itself and an example of the rest of the populace of this planet? Of course not. We both know you can’t. I however….I see all that and more!I speak the language of men. I understand men’s wants and desires, no matter how deeply shrouded and disguised as they may be. I can take you to heights of pleasure that only exist berried in your imagination when you look at me! Once again look at me! Stare at me! What are your most private fantasies when you stare at me? Write your thoughts down so I may see or whisper in my ear so I may here. Keep your mind at ease as the information of your most private desires that you cherish so closely within are not to be judged or dismissed only understood by something rare like me. “It isn’t my job to judge or preach it is only my job to understand and please.” I was placed here to help fill the missing void that periodically consumes you with the gifts the gods have so carefully bestoughed upon me.Do you have the courage to speak to me? Do you think you are man enough to step up to me? Is there enough fortitude in your soul to handle what lives deep in side me? Perhaps you are only like the rest of the cattle of our so called society, that understand that they are only one of many and have no chance to do anything other than eat, sleep, and convert oxygen into carbon dioxide. Perhaps you like the rest will feel that viewing me was a privilege and that in itself is enough.Praise me, idolize me, pamper me and above all Worship me! I am the true desire of all men’s fantasies (and most women’s for that matter), and I can make all your dreams come true. You MUST submit to me and obey me lest you be cast away back to the common mud patch in the field of life.Yours is not to question why, yours is but to do or die! I am hot, and I know it. I can have whatever I desire and as much of whatever I crave. YOU on the other hand are not in my situation. You never will be. If you were meant to be my rival you would have been born like me, and the very fact that you are reading this proves your fascination with me and you’re wanting of me.My name is Matrisse! The one and only! A legend of current time, and I am only available to the select few, and only I decide who those few will be. Nobody negotiates with me, or pushes me, or intimidates me! No amount of begging or pleading can gain you even a glimpse from my eyes, as I LOATHE those that beg for anything. I do however enjoy begging from my slaves that I have chosen as then it is something accepted to be bestowed upon me.Matriesse

My Blog

Fairy Tales

You will learn as did I,   Crying only keeps you young, Trust is earned as time goes by, Sex is an addiction, Emotion is a fault, Caring is a weakness, Knowledge is power, You and only y...
Posted by Matrisse on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 08:14:00 PST


Remember, Emotion is emotion and logic is logic. It is very hard to see the logic when felling the emotion. In the battle between the two, emotion will always win over logic. It is for us the ind...
Posted by Matrisse on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 08:04:00 PST