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Judge Judy

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About Me

My Father was a dentist for the United States military.I am the first of two chldren.Even as a child, I seemed destined to pursue a legal career. Never without an opinion or point of view, everything was a debate to me. I also grew up dreaming of a career as a mayor or a senator.I Graduated from Madison James High School in Brooklyn at age 17- in just 3 1/2 years, and was accepted at Washington University. I Graduated from New York Law School in 1965, first in my class.I was married to Ronald Levy from 1964 to 1976.I attended American University in Washington D.C., and graduated in 1963,. I continued my education at American University’s Washington College of Law, where I was the only woman in a class of 126 students. I finished my law degree in New York.I was a Former cosmetics firm lawyer. Dissatisfied with the role of a corporate lawyer-they wanted me to fill orders, instead of practicing law, I left within two years to raise my two children, Jamie and Adam. In 1972, a friend of mine from law school told me about a job opening in the New York courts.I took the job and found myself in the role of prosecutor for the family court system. I prosecuted juvenile crime, domestic violence, and child abuse cases.I was quickly recognized as a sharp, no-nonsense attorney. My professional success, though, was being achieved at a high private price. In 1976, I left my first husband after 12 years of marriage. I struggled to be present for my children, even while handling my heavy workload of emotionally draining cases in the family courts...I met attorney Jerry Sheindlin. I proposed to my second husband Jerry Three months after my divorce. Within a year,we were married. In 1982, My growing reputation for assertiveness in court inspired Mayor Ed Koch to appoint me to a seat as a judge in the criminal courts six months later. As a judge, I continued to blend sympathy for the underdog with withering contempt for the arrogant or devious. Four years later, I was promoted to the position of supervising judge in the Manhattan division of the family court.In My Career, I have heard over 20,000 cases. In 1990, my father Murray Blum died, at age 70; his death took a remarkable toll on my marriage to Jerry. We divorced—with shocking suddenness. A year later,with the tug of terrible loneliness, and after feeling the tug of family ties— from my two children and his three... we now had two grandchildren- Jerry and I got remarried. After remarrying, I settled firmly into a renewed mission to dispense justice firmly and fairly. Jerry and I performed the marriage ceremonies of all 4 of our married children (one son is still bachelor).Children: Gregory, Jamie Hartwright, Jonathan, Adam Levy and Nicole. We have five children and eleven grandchildren . After 25 years of working as a prosecutor dealing with juvenile delinquents, I've retired and began my show, "Judge Judy," which debuted in 1996. They wanted to call it the "Hot Seat" Which I 'hotly' contested.I wasn't crazy About Judge Judy, either.The show was slow to start, but became a success. Before I had my own show, I was the feature subject of an article in the Los Angeles Times that led to a report widely seen on 60 Minutes (1968).In addition to my academic degrees, I hold an honorary Doctorate of Law degree from Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania.Jerry, my husband, was the judge on the "People's Court", once run by Judge Joseph Wapner and later Ed Koch. From 1998 until 2001. Ironically, Judge Joseph Wapner has stated that I am "rude and give the public an inaccurate view of U.S. courtrooms. He's also stated I've not portrayed a judge as he views a judge should act. He's also said I'm discourteous, and abrasive... I'm not slightly insulting. I'm insulting in capital letters." Wapner went on to call me "a disgrace to the profession". BALONEY! GET OVER IT!My $100 million, four-year contract, signed in 2004, makes me one of the highest-paid women in television.Ranked 13th by Forbes.com's list of The richest 20 Women in Entertainment. (Forbes.com).Where other court shows have ended or failed, my show is the only one to last over ten years and still going strong. In October 2005,I Announced on Larry King Live that I've renewed my contract for Judge Judy through 2012! As a result my popularity has grown, as well as my large fan base, where I have 'achieved' celebrity status... I recently recieved my star on the Hollywood walk of fame February 14, 2006. I can be harsh, brutally honest, loud, and opinionated...I have no tolerance for stupidity, whiners, arrogance or ignorance!I am not a respecter of persons. I cannot stand a liar or a smartie pants! I'm trying to emphasize that I'm not interested in hearing about a litigant's personal problems brought on by bad choices. I hate that innocent children are the ones that have to suffer. I hear thousands of cases a year. If I have helped at least 10, then I have done my job.
Profile courtesy of MySpace Layouts

My Interests

My Husband, My Family. Grandchildren, Traveling, Bargain Shopping, Ice Skating, Working Out Daily, Boating, Snorkeling.

I'd like to meet:

PLEASE READ: This Is JUDITH BLUM SCHEINDLIN'S Tribute FAN Page. IT IS FOR HER FANS AND FRIENDS ON MYSPACE! ...She Is Undoubtedbly Greatful For All Of Her Fans: Happy, Responsible, Smart, Hardworking, Honest, Clean Living Human Beings With A Sense Of Morals, Dignity, Common Sense, Judgement, And Purpose...Positive, Respectful, Decent, Caring People Who Are Making A Difference In Their Lives As Well As In The Lives Of Others! Please Don't Ask To Be IM'ed, If It Is Her Page/Or Her, (You'd Know If You... READ THE TOTAL PROFILE!) Promoting Your Own Agenda...(That Is What YOUR Myspace page is for)- Or To Request A Reply Or Post, Legal Or Otherwise. No Multiple Postings...HTML Is Disabled. Innapropriate Profiles Will Not Be Approved. (She'd Regard Them As Idiotic Garbage.) All Profiles Are Initially Reviewed Before Being Accepted. Posts That Contain Profanity Or Filth Will Not Be Tolerated/Accepted. Vulgar Bulletins Will Also Not Be Tolerated And Will Be A Profile Removal. Indecent Names And Headlines-Automatic Reject! It Doesn't Represent The Integrity, Persona, Morals, Class, Sensibility, Mindset And Respect Of Judge Judy. Be Respectful- Don't Be An Idiot! Act Like A Mensch, Not A Messhuginah! Visit Her Site At:WWW.JUDGEJUDY.COMAny Correspondance Should Be Sent Here:The Phone Number For Judge Judy is 1-888-800-JUDY (5839). Call It If You "Want Justice" Or If You Want Tickets To See A Taping Of The Show. The Postal Address For Judge Judy. Judge Judy P.O. Box 949 Hollywood, CA. 90078Now Out On DVD Release: Judge Judy: Justice Served: Released September 2007!


I Don't Know Too Much About What's Out There Now. Very Little Talent...Some Talent- But VERY Little! What I Do Know Is I'm Not Too Crazy About Most Of It! Classical Is Wonderful And Absolutley Timeless.


Classic Movies, Movies In Black And White...The Majority Of Movies Today Are Idiotic and Stupid...Vile. Smutty. Absolutley Mindless ! They Don't Make Movies Like They Used To...


There's Too Much Garbage On The Boob Tube! Ridiculous! I Could Give A Rat's Behind! I Enjoy Classic Television. Though These Days I Don't Have Too Much Time To Relax...


"Don't Pee on My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining," released in September 1996, "Beauty Fades, Dumb Is Forever," released in January 1999, "Win or Lose By How You Choose," a children's book released in February 2000, and "Keep it Simple, Stupid" released in July 2000.


Although There Were Very Few Powerful Female Role Models For A Young Girl Growing Up In The 1940s And '50s, My Young Ambitions Were Fueled By My Adoring, Supportive Father, My Hero, Murray Blum, And My Loving Mother Ethel.