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Judge Seidlin


About Me

Saturday Night Live nailed it!

My Interests

Melodrama; I wanna be a t.v. star. I am to judges as Michael is to The Office! Wanna see my baby pictures? img src="http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j265/gator142/crybaby .jpg"

I'd like to meet:

My ruling:I have two lifelines left....I'd like to phone a friend Regis!She's on ice baby!I support all my Longuyland peeps!


Songs that make me weep: Shannon by Henry Gross (profile song) an ode to his dog which he accidently killed by throwing a tennis ball in the ocean and the dog drown; Fire and Rain by James Taylor, about his girlfriend who was killed in a plane crash and the song he wrote when he was in the looney bin recovering from that tragedy; what songs make you weep?The infamous UNC "pit break up"2nd angle:I was going to wait for the "grassy knoll" footage...but my ruling is: This is bullshit and it is staged!


12 ANGRY MEN; Absence of Malice, Taxi Driver; People ask me what movie scene makes you weep the most. Okay.....easy one. You know that scene in Field of Dreams where Kevin Costner meets a young version of his dad and says "Hey dad.....wanna have a catch?".......turns me into a blubbering fool every time. What waters your eye sockets?


Judge Judy, People's Court, Court T.V.; Entertainment Tonight


Law for Dummies; Idiots Guide to being a Judge


Judge Wapner; Judge Judy; Judge Ito; Travis Bickle