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Kristin Greene

My life as a Professional Makeup is gooooood!

About Me

I love my life! I love what I do. I am fortunate enough to pick a career in which I meet great people and use creativity every single day. I specialize in bridal and special event makeup, television, film, theater and fashion show makeup. My last venture I was able to add to my skills doing some zombie makeup... I learned all about latex and how to make blood and wounds. That was fun! I also love to do sign language and would like to continue to go to school to learn more when time allows.

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My Interests

MAKEUP! Horror special effects... YOGA, THE RED SOX, American Sign Language, Theater, Film and Television, my beautiful daughter and wonderful hubby...and of course a nice cold beer doesn't hurt on a hot day!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in makeup, special effects, film and television... American Sign Language... yoga and fitness... THE RED SOX... fans of THE SECRET... Anyone really, I love to meet new people, it makes life more exciting!


Like just about all music, especially broadway tunes, I love the theater but I also like 80's music (who doesn't??) classic rock, pop music, some country...Loving Amy Winehouse right now!


I love the movie "Pay it Forward" I think the world would be even better if we did a little more of this... Love, Love, Love THE SECRET, movie... what a fantastic message. BUT... I also love a good horror flick! I am always wondering "how did they DO that???" Can't forget Fever Pitch, since I am a HUGE RED SOX FAN! Have to add DREAM GIRLS!


LOST, LOST and more LOST! Love "The Office" Most of the reality shows... especially Survivor and Amazing Race. My daughter and i are huge American Idol fans. I am not ashamed to say that we went to see the Tour last summer (ok a little ashamed :)


DaVinci Code, Devil wears Prada, Preacher's Daughter...The Secret, The Nanny Diaries, I have a ton too just waiting to be read... if there was only more time.....


My family... especially my Mom who overcame a lot in her life...

My Blog

Anna’s wedding!

Today was Anna,  she was running a little late from the salon so I did her Mom's makeup while we waited.   Her Mom and Aunt were so cute.   They tried to teach me portugese an...
Posted by Kristin Greene on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 02:09:00 PST

News tonight

....was all about the Johnston bus situation.   The bus didn't even show up to my daughter's stop this morning (I was taking her anyway).... won't be taking the bus in the morning at all, I ...
Posted by Kristin Greene on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 06:09:00 PST

How hard can it be????????

.... to learn a bus route.   OK I ask everyone.... if you were a bus driver, would you or would you not PRACTICE before you actually started????  Seems pretty logical to me.  ...
Posted by Kristin Greene on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 08:52:00 PST

Beach Day

well...  Sam is FINALLY done with her summer homework... nothing like waiting to the last second :)  I hate summer homework, should be outlawed... kids should have fun in the summer, not do ...
Posted by Kristin Greene on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 08:59:00 PST

Ni Ro Pe!!!!

Nick-Ron-Pete (the Cardi Brothers) if you don't live in RI....:)   They are awesome!   They paid for a WHOLE page add to support the Rocky Point Movie!    Went into ...
Posted by Kristin Greene on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 01:44:00 PST

Hope today is better than yesterday!

I still feel horrible about the wedding yesterday.   The great thing about owning your business is that you are your own boss and responsible for everything...the bad thing is that you are y...
Posted by Kristin Greene on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 04:14:00 PST

My nightmare happened...

I was getting ready to do a wedding today.... Jessica LaGrandeur and her assistant and I were all chatting, waiting for the bride when I got a phone call.    "Where are you?"  my b...
Posted by Kristin Greene on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 12:50:00 PST

Cah’t seem to wake up this am....

Keep pouring the coffee down my throat :) thank goodness for caffeine.   I have a long day ahead.    Heading to today!   Leslie!   Then I hav...
Posted by Kristin Greene on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 04:52:00 PST

Busy week so far!

Today was busy, up early to meet the crew for the Rocky Point Movie and we headed over to do Buddy Cianci's shoot.... but turns out he is "au natural" now and does not want makeup anymore...  so ...
Posted by Kristin Greene on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 06:46:00 PST

Just had to say

I have just reached over 5000 readers!   Crazy!  Thanks to everyone that takes a bit of interest in my crazy life!!!!   :)...
Posted by Kristin Greene on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 09:11:00 PST