HELLO!Black-Bright enables its readers to identify with the challenges they face in life. It empathises with and supports the young during their growth to maturity with stimulating articles; it motivates the disenfranchises by offering new ways to look at situations; it embraces the talented and allows them to share their experiences and drive.I am Myrna Loy, the Founder of this DIFFERENT publication, and I created Black-Bright because I care about our development and growth. I am trying to remove obstacles by showing ways around them. I am trying to stimulate learning by offering a different way of looking at things.I was born in West London of Jamaican parents. I spent 10 years working for the United Nations (New York) and one year in Angola (Africa) working on a peacekeeping mission. I now live in Luton (East of England) close to my family.BLACK-BRIGHT offers information to empower, enlighten, benefit and uplift so its readers can make informed choices/decisions. BLACK-BRIGHT is helping to raise young people to think for themselves by promoting self-awareness and ethical development; character education; knowledge of financial literacy, world and black history.BLACK-BRIGHT won the Black Business Initiative Award for Business Innovation (Culture & Heritage); The Mayor's Citizenship Award (Community focus), and the African-Caribbean Achiever's Award.BLACK-BRIGHT is truly a caring publication!EDITIONS ARE LIMITED. RESERVE YOUR COPY IN ADVANCE.PURCHASE ONLINE COPIES by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the end of this profile. Hard copies of previous issues, which are not time bound, are also available.TYPE "The Other Side of Tourism by Myrna Loy" in your search engine to find out more about this cleverly written book that will have you captivated and laughing at the same time. You can get it from your local library or purchase it by pressing the BUY NOW button below.WANT TO VOLUNTEER TO WRITE FOR BLACK-BRIGHT? Email a sample of your work to [email protected]
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