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Luigi Tenco

Io sono uno

About Me

Luigi Tenco was born in Cassine (province of Alessandria), the son of Teresa Zoccola and Giuseppe Tenco. He never knew his father, who died in unclear circumstances. It has been rumoured that Luigi Tenco was the fruit of an extra-marital relationship of his mother. Tenco spent his childhood in Cassine and Ricaldone until 1948, when he moved to Liguria, first to Nervi and then to Genoa, where his mother had a wine shop. During high school, Tenco founded the Jerry Roll Morton Boys Jazz band, in which Tenco played the clarinet and another singer, later to become famous, Bruno Lauzi, the banjo. Gino Paoli, also a future famous Italian singer-songwriter, was a member of the later Tenco band, I Diavoli del Rock ("The Rock Devils").
Tenco made his debut in the world of Italian professional music with the band I cavalieri ("The Knights"), which included Giampiero Reverberi and Enzo Jannacci amongst others. During this period he used the pseudonym Gigi Mai. In 1961 Tenco released his first single, under his real name, entitled Quando ("When").
In 1962 Tenco began a short-lived cinematic experience, with Luciano Salce's movie La cuccagna. He also collaborated on the soundtrack of the film. During this period he also formed a strong friendship with the Genoese anarchist poet Riccardo Mannerini. In 1963, however, his friendship with Gino Paoli broke up, due to a troubled relationship with the actress Stefania Sandrelli.
Tenco's first LP was released in 1962, Ballate e canzoni. One of the songs, "Cara maestra" ("Dear Teacher"), was censored by the then thriving Italian media censorship. The censors struck again in the following year, against his songs "Io sì" ("I Do") and "Una brava ragazza" ("A Nice Girl").
In 1966, suffering through a period of compulsory military service, he released Un giorno dopo l'altro ("A Day After Another") for RCA. In Rome during the same year, he met and befriended the Italo-French singer Dalida. The two were eventually to become lovers. In 1967 he took part in the Italian Song Festival in Sanremo. It was rumoured that he participated against his will. The song he presented was "Ciao Amore Ciao" ("Hello Love, Hello"), which he had to sing together with Dalida. Tenco allegedly committed suicide on January 27, after learning that his song had been eliminated from the final competition. Tenco was found in his hotel room with a bullet wound in his left temple and a note announcing that his gesture was against the jury and public's choices during the competition. Only days earlier Tenco's wedding to Dalida had been announced. It was she who discovered his body.
Tenco was buried in Ricaldone. In 1974 the Tenco Award was instituted, and has been held every year since in Sanremo. Many of the most renowned Italian singer-songwriters from the 1970s declared explicitly the influence of Tenco on their work. Francesco De Gregori's album Bufalo Bill of 1976 contained a song, "Festival", about Tenco's suicide; it points out the hypocrisy with which the music establishment tried to minimize the dramatic event, in order to let the show go on.
The French television channel TV5 recently carried a full-length dramatization of the love affair of Tenco and Dalida. Tenco was played by Alessandro Gassman while Dalida was played by Sabrina Ferilli.
The Italian judicial system later began re-examinining Luigi Tenco's suicide. It was pointed out that the bullet hole was on the left temple, while the singer was right-handed. It had also been revealed that no autopsy had been done on the singer's corpse, and no calligraphic analysis on the suicide note with which he explained his final gesture. On 15 February 2006, Italian police exhumed Tenco's body for further investigation. The next day, results from the new autopsy and ballistics analysis were reported. According to Italian experts, what had been thought to be the entry hole on the left temple was actually the exit site. The bullet trajectory was said to be compatible with suicide.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/13/2007
Band Website:,
Band Members: Luigi Tenco (March 21, 1938 – January 27, 1967)

Sounds Like:


33 giri

1961 - Tutte le canzoni di Sanremo, Ricordi (come Dick Ventuno)
1962 - Luigi Tenco, Ricordi
1965 - Luigi Tenco, Jolly
1966 - Tenco, Rca

45 giri

1959 - Mai - Giurami tu - Mi Chiedi Solo Amore - Senza Parole / Too Close To Me, Ricordi
1959 - Mai - Giurami tu, Ricordi
1959 - Mi Chiedi Solo Amore - Senza Parole / Too Close To Me, Ricordi
1959 - Amore - Non So ancora, Ricordi (come Gigi Mai)
1959 - Vorrei Sapere perché - Ieri, Ricordi (come Gigi Mai)
1959 - Amore - Non So ancora - Vorrei Sapere perché - Ieri, Ricordi
1960 - Tell me that you Love Me / Parlami d'amore Mariù - Love is here to stay, Ricordi (pseudonimo di Gordon Cliff)
1960 - Quando - Sempre la stessa Storia, Ricordi (come Dick Ventuno)
1961 - Io - I miei Giorni Perduti, Ricordi
1961 - Quando - Triste Sera, Ricordi
1961 - Una Vita Inutile - Ti Ricorderai, Ricordi
1961 - Ti Ricorderai - Quando, Ricordi
1961 - Ti Ricorderai - Se Qualcuno ti dirà, Ricordi
1961 - Quando - Se qualcuno ti dirà - Ti Ricorderai - I miei Giorni Perduti, Ricordi
1961 - Senza parole / Too Close to me - In qualche parte del mondo, Ricordi
1962 - Come le altre / Toi - La mia Geisha, Ricordi
1962 - In qualche Parte del mondo, Ricordi
1962 - Quello Che Conta - Tra Tanta Gente - La Ballata dell'Eroe, Ricordi
1962 - Angela - Mi sono innamorato di Te, Ricordi
1962 - Quando - Il mio Regno, Ricordi
1963 - Io sì - Una brava Ragazza, Ricordi
1964 - Ragazzo Mio - No, Non è vero, Jolly
1964 - Ho capito che ti Amo - Io lo so già, Jolly
1965 - Non Sono io - Tu non Hai Capito Niente, Jolly
1966 - Un Giorno dopo l'altro - Se Sapessi come Fai, Rca
1966 - Lontano, Lontano - Ognuno è Libero, Rca

Pubblicazioni postume

33 giri

1967 - Ti Ricorderai di me, Ricordi
1967 - Se stasera Sono qui, Ricordi
1969 - Pensaci un pò, Ricordi
1972 - Luigi Tenco canta Tenco, De André, Jannacci, Bob Dylan, Joker
1977 - Agli Amici Cantautori, Saar

45 giri

1967 - Ciao Amore, ciao - E se ci Diranno, Rca
1967 - Quando - Mi Sono Innamorato di te, Ricordi
1967 - Ti ricorderai - Angela, Ricordi
1967 - Guarda se io - Vedrai, Vedrai, Rca
1967 - Io Vorrei Essere là - Io Sono uno, Rca
1967 - Se Stasera sono qui - Cara Maestra, Ricordi
1968 - Pensaci un po' - Il tempo dei Limoni, Ricordi
1970 - Vedrai, Vedrai - Ah, l'amore l'amore, Jolly
1984 - Più m'innamoro di Te - Serenella - Più m'innamoro di te, Cgd

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Major

My Blog


Quest'oggi apre l'Isola in collina, manifestazione dedicata alla memoria di Luigi Tenco, cantautore nato sulle nostre colline. Ricaldone, come ogni anni, dedica alla sua figura e ai temi delle sue can...
Posted by Luigi Tenco on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 05:39:00 PST


Santa Margherita Ligure (GE), 12 lug. - (Adnkronos/Adnkronos Cultura) - Comincia domani l'edizione 2007 del ''Premio Bindi'', concorso riservato ai giovani cantautori italiani e intitolato alla memori...
Posted by Luigi Tenco on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 02:54:00 PST

"Come mi vedono gli altri" - PARMA RENDE OMAGGIO A LUIGI TENCO

Parma rende omaggio a Luigi TencoE' "Come mi vedono gli altri" il titolo della giornata-omaggio che Parma tributerà alla memoria del grande cantautore scomparso Luigi Tenco: la manifestazione, program...
Posted by Luigi Tenco on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 07:58:00 PST

FILM SU TENCO. Il regista: 'Ha fatto voltare pagina alla musica italiana'

Inizieranno in autunno le riprese del film sulla vita di Luigi Tenco. A dirigere il lungometraggio sarà Lucio Pellegrini, mentre ad interpretare il cantautore morto suicida nel 1967 potrebbe essere Ri...
Posted by Luigi Tenco on Mon, 14 May 2007 03:50:00 PST

Genova per noi che stiamo in fondo alla campagna...

21 apr 2007 - Auditorium Comunale Ponteranica Ponteranica - Bergamo ITALY Sandra Boninelli & Sandrabanda with Pas Scarpato (malaavia)in "Genova per noi che stiamo in fondo alla campagna..." - Omaggio ...
Posted by Luigi Tenco on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 12:36:00 PST


"Se siete di Sanremo o giù di lì vi rimando ad un appuntamento dedicato proprio al nostro Luigi e che fa parte di un contenitore di appuntamenti chiamato "SanremoOff". L'ingresso è gratuito e libero a...
Posted by Luigi Tenco on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 08:25:00 PST

UNO SPIRITO LIBERO: amo' il jazz e fu processato dai beat

La sua fissa erano le canzoni a sfondo sociale. Brani come "Cara maestra" e "Io si'" che gli costarono l'allontanamento dalla Rai. «E' stato il primo in Italia ad affrontare questi temi - dice il suo ...
Posted by Luigi Tenco on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 06:37:00 PST


Il 27 gennaio alle 2 e un quarto del mattino, l'Hotel Savoia di Sanremo conobbe uno dei più tristi fatti di cronaca nella storia del Festival: il cantante piemontese, escluso assieme a Dalida, si era ...
Posted by Luigi Tenco on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 04:08:00 PST


Il cantautore mori' a Sanremo con un colpo di pistola alla testaE' il 27 gennaio 1967. All'Hotel Savoy di Sanremo, in pieno Festival, Luigi Tenco muore con un colpo di pistola alla testa. Suicidio opp...
Posted by Luigi Tenco on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 04:19:00 PST


Da Arcana un libro che demolisce i luoghi comuni sul cantautore. Luigi era uno spirito libero, entusiasta, persino un inventore...Mentre intorno a noi si allestisce l'ennesimo festival di Sanremo, nel...
Posted by Luigi Tenco on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 04:14:00 PST