How to participate:
For Musicians - Click on one (or a few) of the genres to the left and post a comment saying "check out my band" or whatever. I'm only starting out with a few genres. Let me know if you want a new category added - I'll name it whatever you want as long as it isn't patently offensive.
*General FYI* To bands looking for a producer, I highly recommend John Custer .
For Film Makers - Click on any of the genres to the left. The musicians that have posted a comment might be interested in working with you. Check out their site and contact them to pitch your ideas. If you don't find what you want, I can email you the excel file of all the bands in my friends section who I categorized for my own reference. There is also a "Film Makers" section to the left where you can post a comment to promote yourslves.
For Everyone - If you end up collaborating in any useful way as a result of this effort, let me know and I'll post your movie trailer or link to other finished works or whatever if you want.
Any bands passing through Kansas City and looking for a place to stop and play, please message me and I will put you in contact with my venue.
I don't send out add requests to bands. Please add me, it's the easiest way for me to keep track of you and make sure you don't get left out. Thank you :)
Help support Aegis the movie!
Public Service Announcement:
Take it or leave it but you should at least be aware of the last sentence of this clause in the MySpace Terms and Conditions:
6 Proprietary Rights in Content on
1. does not claim any ownership rights in the text, files, images, photos, video, sounds, musical works, works of authorship, or any other materials (collectively, "Content") that you post to the MySpace Services. After posting your Content to the MySpace Services, you continue to retain all ownership rights in such Content, and you continue to have the right to use your Content in any way you choose. By displaying or publishing ("posting") any Content on or through the MySpace Services, you hereby grant to a limited license to use, modify, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce, and distribute such Content solely on and through the MySpace Services.
At some point I will find out what "MySpace Services" means. Until then, you might want to research it yourselves.
Visit Custer's MySpace
Open Doors Goals:
The goal here is to generate mutually beneficial relationships between film makers who can't afford to buy music and musicians who want to promote themselves and it doesn't cost anyone anything. It's pretty simple, the musicians authorize the film makers to use a song in a film and in return the band gets their song out there and they get their name in the credits. This is just a meeting place. No one is allowed to do anything with your music until you specifically tell them they can.
In Memory
Weep not for Young Jeremiah.
For he is indeed alive.
I remember when he wasn't though.
Help support independent film.
Copy and paste.
1. Since I made the page, I get to go first :P Please check out My Project (it's a film that needs music). As always, thank you a ton for your support :)
2. The Werewolf Hunters of the Midwest .
3. Help Stop Media Consolidation
4. I won't be posting a bunch of requests for free film work but producing a video for this band could be a great addition to the resume of any film maker who appreciates old school punk. White Flag (yes, THE White Flag) needs someone to make free music videos for them... "Do you make interpretive films or music videos? Do you do animation? Weird stuff? Do you do them FOR FREE? Do Kenneth Anger, Art Clokey, Fantastic Planet, Land of the Lost, Lidsville, Metropolis, Russ Meyers, Head, Os Mutantes, The Residents, Philip K. Dick, and Star Rock all make sense to you? Want to make a music video for our forthcoming Japanese DVD?" Visit White Flag's MySpace and message them if you're interested.
5. Spyder Monkey Films is currently in the market for a composer to score their film "Echo". The type of music we are looking for should reflect enviromental sounds of the two locations, as well as blend with the ambient rhythm of a heartbeat, which is the underlying theme of the planned sound design. See their myspace...
Open Doors Inc Info:
You can click here if you're interested in reading about my non-profit corp. There's a brief explaination of the intent and origin of Open Doors Inc as well as my Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation.
I am not responsible for anything bad in your life. Please be careful and considerate in your dealings with each other. For your protection, I have two very nice licenses posted, they are specifically geared toward film/band collaboration but you can alter them to be used for other things as well. NON-EXCLUSIVE USE PERFORMANCE LICENSE AGREEMENT . The author agreement is almost identical to the performance agreement but has a couple of lines that specifically reference the writer of the songs. NON-EXCLUSIVE USE AUTHOR LICENSE AGREEMENT . For your convenience, they are color coded fill in the blank forms :)