Reverend Chuck0 profile picture

Reverend Chuck0

Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb... - Batman

About Me

Writer, artist, librarian, webmaster, raconteur, pirate, organizer, critic, public intellectual.

My Interests

books, soccer, home repair, sculpture, cinema, annoying uptight anarchists, activism, cooking, gardening, cop-bashing, books, publishing, science fiction, Crimethinc, IWW, infoshops, guerilla media, indymedia, fetish balls, Civilization, anti-civilization, Kansas City, Creative Minds, eating right-wingers for breakfast, situationism, anarchism, pesto, Thai food, Sol Azteca, lipstick anarchists, New York City, Washington, San Francisco, book fairs, zines, alternative media, cats, protesting, tenant organizing, networking, Kansas City Royals, hockey

I'd like to meet:



Random mashups of downtempo trip hop and Myspace profile music selections, The Herbaliser, Yo La Tengo, Drunken Immortals, Sonic Youth, Sonic Spectrum, KJHK, KKFI, Deep Thinkers, The Embarrassment, Lonesome Hound Dogs, Near Death Experience, Massive Attack, Boards of Canada, Chumbawamba, F-Kripz, This Bike is a Pipe Bomb, Kristen Hersh, Bjork, MC Solaar, reggaeton, David Rovics, Utah Phillips, Ani DiFranco, Public Enemy, Mortal Micronotz, Artists Against Apartheid, Johnny Cash, Rage Against the Machine, Dead Kennedys, Fugazi, Bikini Kill, Casio vs. Japan, Entartete Kunst, Steve Roach, Joy Division, New Order, Def Lepard, Rush, Led Zeppelin, Neil Young, Husker Du, Queen, Beastie Boys, Cracker, Deltron 3030, Jawbox, Homage to Catalonia, Del Cielo, Q and Not U, John Cage, Throwing Muses, Frank Black, Seven Seconds, Scratch Acid, Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, PJ Harvey, George Gershwin, Philip Glass


The Big Lebowski, Victor/Victoria, Cinema Paradisio, The Matrix, Office Space, Do the Right Thing, The Accused, Night on Earth, Manhattan, Dr. Strangelove, Touch of Evil, Annie Hall, Yojimbo, Ed Wood, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Existenz, Legend of the Drunken Master, The Manchurian Candidate, Fahrenheit 451, THX 1138, Planet of the Apes (whole series), The Great Escape, Back to the Future, The Incredibles, Lemony Snicket, Darkstar, Crowd Bites Wolf, Koyaanisqatsi, Anarchy Carpet, Bambi Meets Godzilla, They Live!, Matewan, Paint Your Wagon, Mad Max, Boy and His Dog, Legally Blonde, The Wrong Man, Lord of the Rings, GalaxyQuest, The Fifth Element, Starship Troopers, Edward Scissorhands, Radio Days, Ran, Purple Rose of Cairo, The Killing Fields, Broadway Danny Rose, Dune, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, World According to Garp, La Cage aux folles, Logan’s Run, Chinatown, Young Frankenstein, American Graffiti, Sleeper, The Way We Were, Doctor Zhivago, It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World, Lawrence of Arabia, Rebel Without a Cause, Salt of the Earth, The Great Dictator, The Wizard of Oz, Zardoz, Sweet and Lowdown, The Curse of the Jade Scorpion, Zelig, The Thin Red Line, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Truman Show


The Daily Show, Colbert Report, Battlestar Galactica (the new series), Babylon 5, Farscape, Star Trek, Futurama, Iron Chef, Top Chef, What Not to Wear, How Do I Look?, Project Runway, Modern Marvels, NCAA football and basketball, NHL, NBA, MLB, CNN, Ellen, Jimmy Neutron, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Mythbusters


Bakunin: the Creative Passion, Thud!, City of Quartz, Seeing Like a State, Fahrenheit 451, Parable of the Sower, Homage to Catalonia, Hope in the Dark, Noam Chomsky, People's History of the United States, It's a Wonderful Life; Against History, Against Leviathan; Days of War, Nights of Love; Anarchy in the Age of Dinosaurs


Jamie Loughner, Noam Chomsky, Freddie Baer, Julie Herrada, Jenna Freedman, Jessamyn West, Tom Wheeler, Richard Singer, Fake Makhno, Starhawk, bell hooks, MLK, Jr., Malcolm X, Johnny Cash, the Guerilla Girls

My Blog

The lack of comments here shows the poverty of my social life

My sisters' profiles get far more comments than me. I guess being a writer and webmaster and full time activist means no social life.Oh well, I was never the life of the party...Ugh...
Posted by Reverend Chuck0 on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 11:07:00 PST

Why I'm not adding your band as a "friend"

Myspace is rather liberal in how it defines "friends", but it really stretches logic for people to add bands as "friends" when they've never heard the band and/or the band is simply whoring around for...
Posted by Reverend Chuck0 on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 05:36:00 PST

Another Blog is Possible

Please visit my real blog, Another Blog is Possible:Another Blog is Possible
Posted by Reverend Chuck0 on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 09:54:00 PST